Author Topic: Infrastructure.  (Read 14264 times)

Offline S. E. Freeman

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« on: 03/07/2022 05:54 am »
It disturbs me that there seems to be very little notice anywhere about what is going to be needed to become a  "Multi Planet Species"

Popular media, Social media, News outlets, all seem to focus on the end product.
Just jump in a rocket, spend a little time floating around in Zero G and land on another moon or planet, kick back and enjoy the view.

I am attempting to write a novel about living, working, and surviving in space. I am a lifelong "Blue Collar Worker" and I understand the nuts and bolts of what it take to make our lives possible here on Earth.

In space?
On another planet or moon?

That's a whole different ballgame.

My research led me here and to this post:
This is the only post I have been able to find concerning this topic.

Our first steps will be, and are, robotic and remotely controlled. But there is a limit to what can be done. Sooner or later you're going to need "Boots on the Ground".

In order to move in, grow, and expand we're going to need fix things. Fact of life. machines break down. Mechanics, technicians, handymen (and women). These people won't be PhD's and Engineers. They will be the next generation of "Blue Collars".

I welcome all thoughts and comments on this...

"A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
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Offline Jim

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Re: Infrastructure.
« Reply #1 on: 03/07/2022 12:56 pm »

In order to move in, grow, and expand we're going to need fix things. Fact of life. machines break down. Mechanics, technicians, handymen (and women). These people won't be PhD's and Engineers. They will be the next generation of "Blue Collars".

It is still it going to be a long time before that


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