Author Topic: Lego Ideas SpaceX Starship  (Read 18559 times)

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Lego Ideas SpaceX Starship
« on: 02/11/2022 03:28 pm »
The Lego Group has a system by which anyone can submit an idea that, if it gets 10,000 votes, can become an official set. Recently, I posted a 1:150 scale model of a SpaceX Starship. I feel pretty confident in it, but like anything, I'm sure it can be improved. Thus, I figured there was no better place to turn for help than the space community.
I would appreciate feedback on this; if we're getting a Starship Lego set, obviously it should be good, right?
If you would like to support it, the project itself can be found here:
(Note that you will need to create a free Lego account to support.)
Here are some renders of the Lego model:

Some recently updated landing legs:

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Re: Lego Ideas SpaceX Starship
« Reply #1 on: 02/12/2022 02:47 pm »
I would appreciate feedback on this; if we're getting a Starship Lego set, obviously it should be good, right?

It would be nice with a LEGO Starship but I wouldn't want it before the Starship design is stable, which may be soon.

Also, there is no way around that the shape is rather boring. I am looking at the LEGO Saturn V, Moon Lander and Space Shuttle models in my living room as we speak, and shape-wise they have much more interest than Starship. 

Offline dougkeenan

Re: Lego Ideas SpaceX Starship
« Reply #2 on: 02/12/2022 04:08 pm »
So quickly throw in Stage 0.  How hard can it be? ;)

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Re: Lego Ideas SpaceX Starship
« Reply #3 on: 02/14/2022 02:05 pm »
I actually did start work on a Mechazilla tower. However, it was shaping up to be a total nightmare to build. It was over 3000 pieces, most of which went into 16 identical segments. If you want, I could show you what I had, but I feel like adding it to the set might bring things down a notch. (I agree that it would look cool when finished, though.)

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Re: Lego Ideas SpaceX Starship
« Reply #4 on: 02/14/2022 05:56 pm »
It would be nice with a LEGO Starship but I wouldn't want it before the Starship design is stable, which may be soon.
I would argue that the design is stable. At this point, we've seen an orbital-class prototype ace every test short of flight. The vehicle is now fully stacked and ready to go. While Elon did announce a few changes, they wouldn't be hard to implement. For example, the increased booster engine count (33) is something I'm already working on (update soon), the rumor that the forward flaps will be moved back wouldn't be too hard to implement, and a longer tank section would be almost laughably easy on a Lego model.
Also, there is no way around that the shape is rather boring. I am looking at the LEGO Saturn V, Moon Lander and Space Shuttle models in my living room as we speak, and shape-wise they have much more interest than Starship.
I would only partially agree with this. I feel that the Starship (upper stage) actually might be more interesting to look at and build than some other models, due to its heat shield, details, and complex engines/flaps/nose. I do agree that Super Heavy is a little bland (hence why I somewhat exaggerated the size of the aerocovers), but there may be a way to remedy this with a more detailed tank section. (raceways, etc.)

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Update! (Interior)
« Reply #5 on: 02/15/2022 12:09 am »
I recently finished a modification to the design - a full interior for Starship!
Crew Module (Based on unofficial concept art):
Bottom floor: living quarters (Those domes represent concepts I saw for small personal living spaces. On the real ship, they would be smaller (and more numerous), but at this scale, this is as small as you can get.
Middle floor: Cargo storage. You need supplies for a long interplanetary voyage.
Top floor: Observation/Recreation deck. An open space where the crew can relax and enjoy the view through Starship's massive nosecone window.
Above top floor: LOX header tank

Tank section:
Above fuel tanks: Crew Hatch (Pop tab lid)
Top: Main CH4 tank
In between: Common dome with integrated CH4 Header tank.
Bottom: Main LOX tank
Through the LOX tank: CH4 downcomer pipe.

Technically, the tanks should extend further down, but unfortunately that space is used up for structural reasons.
I didn't include a render of Super Heavy's interior because, as the internal structure is practically the same, it would basically just be a zoomed-out version of Starship's tanks (Minus the CH4 header tank, of course.)

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Re: Lego Ideas SpaceX Starship
« Reply #6 on: 03/15/2022 04:29 pm »
👏👏👏 this is amazing! no seriously it is amazing. I wish i could get it!
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Re: Lego Ideas SpaceX Starship
« Reply #7 on: 03/16/2022 04:00 am »
I wish i could get it!
That's the thing - if this gets 10,000 supporters, you may end up being able to buy it in stores! I'm not very active on social media, so any help spreading the word would be appreciated. Let's make it happen!

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Re: Lego Ideas SpaceX Starship
« Reply #8 on: 03/16/2022 03:59 pm »
I dont have a lego ideas account tho.  :P
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Re: Lego Ideas SpaceX Starship
« Reply #9 on: 03/16/2022 07:08 pm »
I wish i could get it!
That's the thing - if this gets 10,000 supporters, you may end up being able to buy it in stores! I'm not very active on social media, so any help spreading the word would be appreciated. Let's make it happen!
It won't happen, no matter how many supporters this idea gets. There is the non-trivial issue of licensing, which SpaceX is not interested in supporting.

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Re: Lego Ideas SpaceX Starship
« Reply #10 on: 03/16/2022 07:25 pm »
While I would love to see a Starship Lego set, I don't think this will be the one. Starship won't be made into a Lego set until after it's landed humans on Mars (or Moon w/ HLS possibly). All the existing space Lego models (at least the ones based on real-life) didn't come until after they accomplished their mission.

Starship hasn't reached enough mainstream significance for it to be sold as toys... yet.
Comparing SpaceX and SLS is like comparing paying people to plant fruit trees with merely digging holes and filling them.  - Robotbeat


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