Author Topic: Vulcan SRB tests/info  (Read 10661 times)

Offline Bubbinski

Vulcan SRB tests/info
« on: 07/12/2016 12:54 am »
Discussion on the QM-2 test that I attended got me to thinking: I know that OA won the contract to build the Vulcan SRB's. How are the SRB's progressing, and when will they be ready for tests?

Also where will they be built and tested? (Promontory pretty please!). And what are the latest specs on them (thrust/burn time etc)?
I'll even excitedly look forward to "flags and footprints" and suborbital missions. Just fly...somewhere.

Offline russianhalo117

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Re: Vulcan SRB tests/info
« Reply #1 on: 07/12/2016 02:13 am »
Discussion on the QM-2 test that I attended got me to thinking: I know that OA won the contract to build the Vulcan SRB's. How are the SRB's progressing, and when will they be ready for tests?

Also where will they be built and tested? (Promontory pretty please!). And what are the latest specs on them (thrust/burn time etc)?
They will be manufactured in the same OA factory where all other GEM SRM versions are manufactured. Testing will be in Promontory, Utah. OA's predecessors ATK and Thiokol have also done occasional Flight Model SRM/Missile hotfire tests before at the Highland Industrial Park (former Shumaker Naval Ammunition Depot) outside Camden, Arkansas.
« Last Edit: 07/12/2016 02:40 am by russianhalo117 »

Tags: ULA Vulcan ATK 

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