Author Topic: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards  (Read 122764 times)

Online Chris Bergin

L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« on: 09/17/2016 11:30 pm »
Updated L2 Overview, Q&A and Reviews Section

What is L2?

L2 is a huge depository of content acquired and created via source contribution. It is continually - and organically - growing by the day. It opened in 2006 out of an idea of supporting the site via donations when NSF accelerated from a niche site to a heavily used website resulting in a large increase in the cost of hosting. Rather than just crowdsourcing donations and tips, L2 access is the "thank you" for member contributions. We then evolved it into a structured subscription area.

L2 consists of a database of over 7,000 gigabytes of presentations, videos, photos, images/renders, notes and high level discussion (and more) - using user friendly (via familiarity) format used on the rest of the forum. It also drives the entire site's content, with our large amount of unique news articles built from L2 acquired content.

However, rather than me telling you how good it is, let's use this thread for testimonials from L2 members to allow them to tell you what they think of it. Also, there's the previous - old (2010 onwards) - L2 overview thread with reviews and details to help while this new thread grows.

What does L2 pay for?

L2 revenue pays for the site's hosting costs - which are considerable given we're a site that includes a bandwidth-heavy forum and we're a very busy site. The same paypal business account for L2 payments is directly used pay our hosting company (IBM Softlayer in Texas). We also use L2 revenue for helping reporters travel expenses when out on assignment and also for site improvements (more cowbell).

Your contribution to the site via your L2 membership directly pays for this entire site. We would not have a site without our L2 support over the years. So if you enjoy NSF and can afford it, this is how you can directly help the site.

How to Join L2

Click here for a payment process overview

Resubbing to L2

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We believe it is very important to provide assistance to the aerospace student community, to which end we have scholarship rounds (hugely successful the first time we did this) and we'll forever have a discounted option.
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« Last Edit: 01/15/2018 06:51 pm by Chris Bergin »
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Offline Mark Max Q

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #1 on: 09/21/2016 03:45 am »
I'll go first! Love NSF, love L2. Been a L2 member for years now and while I'd support this site regardless because I'd be lost without it, L2 is going to surprise new people who may join out of curiosity. It's huge, but also really interactive and there's some really cool space people in there who help explain things like ConOps or McGregor photos. And because it's a much smaller audience compared to the massive open site audience, it's a lot more condensed and clean to read. I can't praise it enough.

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #2 on: 09/21/2016 09:18 am »
Shortly after joining this site I joined L2 as well. Best thing I ever did! You will not find a greater treasure chest of "everything space" anywhere else on the internet.

Offline BrianNH

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #3 on: 09/21/2016 11:57 am »
I agree that I would be supporting this site regardless because I spend too much of my time here.   L2 is great in part because we get some some great insights from insiders like SpaceX_MS and in part because the quality of each post is kept to a high standard which means there are few posts to look through for updates.  There are also some great, detailed historic documents and photos constantly being added which give new insights into older programs and the problems that have be overcome to make all of this work.

Offline Peter NASA

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #4 on: 09/21/2016 02:33 pm »
Best thing about L2, apart from it being a wonderful resource, a way of supporting this wonderful site and how it's one of the last sensible and informative places on the internet for space flight? Jim is actually polite to people in there. Seeing that has to a catalyst for some people to take the plunge! ;)

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #5 on: 09/21/2016 05:19 pm »
Best thing about L2, apart from it being a wonderful resource, a way of supporting this wonderful site and how it's one of the last sensible and informative places on the internet for space flight? Jim is actually polite to people in there. Seeing that has to a catalyst for some people to take the plunge! ;)

Jim is polite to people everywhere... If they've done their homework. The percentage of people who have is higher in L2 than it is in the rest of NSF (which in turn is higher than a lot of other places)

Also, thank you for choosing Softlayer by IBM for the NSF hosting provider. :)  (the preceding was not an official IBM statement since you'd have to be daft to think I was an official IBM spokesperson)

Lifetime member with no regrets, ever.
« Last Edit: 09/21/2016 05:21 pm by Lar »
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Offline RocketStudent

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #6 on: 09/22/2016 01:16 am »
NSF was a massive help in my Aerospace Engineering studies. I was sponsored into L2 (thanks Martin!) and that gave me not just a tremendous resource, but also provided some networking with all the space industry in there. I've been accepted to work with Blue Origin early next year! :)

Thank you for this amazing site!

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #7 on: 09/22/2016 05:26 pm »
I find L2 invaluable as a sounding point and from a high quality of content evaluation standpoint. This site a credit to how media should operate. It is unique in both its news site and community combination and finding the balance must be a challenge, but one ably achieved. I post this in thanks and support of this site and if you are able to support it, I would recommend you do so.

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #8 on: 09/23/2016 03:22 pm »
I guess I'll take my turn now!

L2 is an invaluable resource to me as both an enthusiast and a student. It provides up to date info on just about all the goings on in the space world, as well as providing countless technical documents that I use in my studies. From the update threads to the discussion threads, they are all full of pages of factual information, and educated discussion between the most knowledgeable members of this site. I find the section to be particularly useful during failure investigations, as well as for info regarding flight scheduling far into the future.

Combined with the public forums, L2 provides a literal treasure trove of information. If you really enjoy the site, please join L2! Everything in that section is public side times 10! And you're supporting the site, paying for servers and site upgrades, which I think we can all agree is a worthy cause!
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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #9 on: 09/24/2016 05:27 pm »
I was on the site for a little over a year before making the jump to L2 at the student rate a year ago. It has been incredible and just resubbed for another year. L2 doesn't just provide incredible info but it really keeps the site running and Chris and the mods do a fantastic job.

Offline DannySpaceMan

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #10 on: 09/28/2016 03:25 pm »
My curiosity was peeked at joining L2 from the amazing news articles this site produces. I joined L2 to support the site's continued production of articles without mass advertising or news article subscriptions and thought anything cool in L2 would be a nice bonus. I've been in there a few days and not even scratched the surface. What an amazing amount of superb content! This is going to keep me occupied for a long long time!

Offline SteveSpace

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #11 on: 10/01/2016 03:28 pm »
L2 Rocks. That's all you need to know.

But seriously, I've been in there for a long time now and I doubt I'm more than 10 percent in from viewing the content.  8)

Offline AARON17

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #12 on: 10/02/2016 04:49 pm »
I'll add my review too, as I love this site and L2. As a student it's been such an amazing help to my education and I thank mheney as my initial sponsor and Chris for extending my membership. If I get a career in the industry I will have this site to thank.

Supporting this site is an obvious thing people should do, but L2 is more than a reward for being a supporter. Amazing and astonishing amount of content and its not some static collection it grows daily and becomes addictive!  8) Really would not know what I'd do without NSF.

Offline Daniel9

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #13 on: 12/08/2016 08:13 pm »
A question. Can I purchase a L2 subscription for my son?

I want it as a stocking filler for him on Christmas Day, so any way to purchase it now, and on Christmas Day for it to be activated and for me to provide him with login details so he has access?

Danny. Space fan and father to a potential Mars astronaut.

Online Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #14 on: 12/08/2016 08:25 pm »
A question. Can I purchase a L2 subscription for my son?

I want it as a stocking filler for him on Christmas Day, so any way to purchase it now, and on Christmas Day for it to be activated and for me to provide him with login details so he has access?

Danny. Space fan and father to a potential Mars astronaut.

Hey Danny -

 Short answer is yes!

 Long answer is while an automated subscription system is often used by sites, ours has a human touch (i.e. me) where L2 subscription notifications are received by me and I then upgrade the member into L2. It allows me to correctly allocate the subscription and also thank the person for supporting the site (opening the line of communication should any member have any questions).

 We've worked gift subscriptions over the years and it's pretty easy.

 1) Complete the L2 subscription process here:

 2) Add your requirements in the PM (as shown on the above link), noting it's a gift, when it's going to be active from (in this case I'd activate it before Christmas, so he's ready to go on Christmas Day - the first day of the term). And if you want me to set up an account for him (or if you're going to do it, to which I'd only need the username for me to upgrade).

 3) Your son's account will have the welcome and overview message PM ready for him to read from the moment he first logs in and that acts like the front day (welcome, rules and great first links to use, such as our L2 Hall Of Fame).

 Hope that helps!
« Last Edit: 12/08/2016 08:25 pm by Chris Bergin »
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Offline Daniel9

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #15 on: 12/08/2016 08:36 pm »
A question. Can I purchase a L2 subscription for my son?

I want it as a stocking filler for him on Christmas Day, so any way to purchase it now, and on Christmas Day for it to be activated and for me to provide him with login details so he has access?

Danny. Space fan and father to a potential Mars astronaut.

Hey Danny -

 Short answer is yes!

 Long answer is while an automated subscription system is often used by sites, ours has a human touch (i.e. me) where L2 subscription notifications are received by me and I then upgrade the member into L2. It allows me to correctly allocate the subscription and also thank the person for supporting the site (opening the line of communication should any member have any questions).

 We've worked gift subscriptions over the years and it's pretty easy.

 1) Complete the L2 subscription process here:

 2) Add your requirements in the PM (as shown on the above link), noting it's a gift, when it's going to be active from (in this case I'd activate it before Christmas, so he's ready to go on Christmas Day - the first day of the term). And if you want me to set up an account for him (or if you're going to do it, to which I'd only need the username for me to upgrade).

 3) Your son's account will have the welcome and overview message PM ready for him to read from the moment he first logs in and that acts like the front day (welcome, rules and great first links to use, such as our L2 Hall Of Fame).

 Hope that helps!

Awesome! Thanks Chris. That's perfect and very helpful!

Offline Daniel9

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #16 on: 01/07/2017 07:04 pm »
Just wanted to come back on site to say my son absolutely loves L2 and this site and I really appreciate how Chris and a moderator both helped my son find his way around. He was super excited and is spending a lot of his free time here and not on his Xbox.

Thank you for a great site and a great team.

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #17 on: 01/07/2017 07:24 pm »
In the current world, where fake news fools people into making uninformed and wrong decisions and assumptions about companies and people, I find the L2 section to be a wonderful place to find validated information.  Plus it's a good source of inside information that usually doesn't make it out to the public, and provides a way to understand better what does make it out to the public.

This may sound weird, but I think the L2 information provides sort of a calming effect for general public topics that generate intense interest, since even though what's in L2 has to stay in L2, many people know who the people are that have L2 access, and watch their comments for subtle indications of what's going on.  And since speculation is usually more extreme than the truth, I think this helps to keep discussions in the public forums more constructive.

As a lifetime aerospace geek, it has been a joy to be an L2 member.
« Last Edit: 01/08/2017 12:23 am by Coastal Ron »
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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #18 on: 02/11/2017 01:19 pm »
I just joined, very exciting after years of lurking. Sent PM to Chris. How long do I have to be impatient for? ;D

Online Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #19 on: 02/11/2017 01:20 pm »
38.2 seconds :) (I saw it come in and I have this thread on notification ;D)
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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #20 on: 02/11/2017 01:25 pm »
Thanks! Diving in....

.... OK I'm going to need to book time off work for this!

Offline Rangertech1

Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #21 on: 07/04/2017 03:26 am »
My turn,
L2 is BIG! Its senior members are remarkably adept and dedicated. The community at large is really talented at gathering intel and scoops from the prime movers in space flight. This includes the international space flight community as well. I can depend on well vetted information being accurate and, if needed, simplified. L2 is polite and tolerant of, “easy,” questions. At the same time, if you want to dive into an RD-180 turbo pump, you have also come to the right place. If you are not familiar with what’s going on in spaceflight but want to know, I know of no other, “better place.”
Your account is well managed, and the customer service is personal and nearly instantaneous. I signed up for two months to give it a try. I am more than impressed with both the breadth of content and the membership. I will be switching to an annual membership shortly.
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Offline Martin 78

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #22 on: 07/10/2017 07:22 pm »
My turn,
L2 is BIG! Its senior members are remarkably adept and dedicated. The community at large is really talented at gathering intel and scoops from the prime movers in space flight. This includes the international space flight community as well. I can depend on well vetted information being accurate and, if needed, simplified. L2 is polite and tolerant of, “easy,” questions. At the same time, if you want to dive into an RD-180 turbo pump, you have also come to the right place. If you are not familiar with what’s going on in spaceflight but want to know, I know of no other, “better place.”
Your account is well managed, and the customer service is personal and nearly instantaneous. I signed up for two months to give it a try. I am more than impressed with both the breadth of content and the membership. I will be switching to an annual membership shortly.

I can't agree more! :)
After about half a year on the treasure trove called L2 I have only barely scratched the surface of all the information.

And the early and in-depth information from the community and industry people is sometimes just jaw-dropping.

So if you need any excuse to support the site and make it even better, that should be it. Well, that, or NSF's excellent coverage at press conferences which are also at least in part paid from the same L2 support fee...

Offline Kansan52

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #23 on: 01/17/2018 11:02 pm »
I grew up during the Space Age with Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo and never learned as much about the Space industry in all the decades as what NSFC has provided in the past years. The main site is wonderful and L2 is amazing.

Plus, the people. Insights and viewpoints from around the world. The BTDTs (Been There, Done That) have enlarged my world. People like Jim have made me more thoughtful and less reactive.

I am more excited now than Sputnik, than Yuri, than the Mercury 7, the Twins, and the Moon. I feel hope for more to come past LEO and more to come with cooperation around the world.

L2 has grown my world and my hope for the world.

Thank You Chris for all the work to make this happen.

Offline RocketStudent

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #24 on: 06/08/2018 03:19 pm »
I'd like to say how much I've loved been in L2 for the past four years and for my student L2 scholarship sponsor Martin FL getting me in while I was studying. No longer a student, but still love L2 and happy to support the site. I would like the pay it forward and sponsor a student now I have disposable income and wonder if we could do a new round?
« Last Edit: 06/08/2018 03:20 pm by RocketStudent »

Online Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #25 on: 06/09/2018 02:51 pm »
I'd like to say how much I've loved been in L2 for the past four years and for my student L2 scholarship sponsor Martin FL getting me in while I was studying. No longer a student, but still love L2 and happy to support the site. I would like the pay it forward and sponsor a student now I have disposable income and wonder if we could do a new round?

That's awesome. I have been meaning to do a new round and I can't believe it's been that long since the last, so I'll get on it and see if it's viable. After all, it's relying on people's generosity again and that's something one can never take for granted.
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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #26 on: 05/05/2019 10:23 pm »
If you think the public areas of this forum are amazing, you owe it to yourself to give L2 a try.  Even if you're just a fan of one program or company, there's more than enough value in a subscription.  There is so much information that Chris has to employ an entire special team of highly-skilled server hamsters to keep things flowing smoothly.  If you don't do it for the amazing information, do it for the hamsters.  Otherwise...well, idle hands and all that...

A hamster mind is a terrible thing to waste.   ;D

Offline Tony Trout

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #27 on: 06/28/2020 04:17 pm »
I couldn't agree more with what everyone else has said, especially about the L2 "Lifetime" membership!  If it hadn't been for that, there's no way I could have joined!! 

I love everything about it EXCEPT for this one little thing......there needs to be a link for "New Posts Since Last Visit" because it's so difficult for me to keep up with the newer posts to the forum. 

Do you think that's something you could think about adding to the forum, Chris?? 

Tony Trout
"The Image Is One Thing & The Human Being Another...It's Very Hard To Live Up To An Image, I'll Put It That Way."  (Elvis Presley During A Press Conference Before The First Of Four Sold Out Performances At New York's Madison Square Garden - June 9 - 11, 1972)

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #28 on: 06/29/2020 02:50 am »
I couldn't agree more with what everyone else has said, especially about the L2 "Lifetime" membership!  If it hadn't been for that, there's no way I could have joined!! 

I love everything about it EXCEPT for this one little thing......there needs to be a link for "New Posts Since Last Visit" because it's so difficult for me to keep up with the newer posts to the forum. 

Do you think that's something you could think about adding to the forum, Chris?? 

Tony Trout

To do that have you tried the "Unread Topics" button.  You create a bookmaker with this address:;start=0
It's Tony De La Rosa, ...I don't create this stuff, I just report it.

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #29 on: 07/02/2020 12:51 pm »

As I said, I am old.

 :)   What is a "PM" ? 

Some kind of message to you, obviously, but I do not know how to send it.  Maybe this will do ?

Cheers,  Bill Wheaton

Online Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #30 on: 07/02/2020 01:17 pm »
I'll message you Bill :) - look in here very shortly:
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Offline horuken

Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #31 on: 08/03/2020 11:05 pm »
Yo, I just paid for a year subscription (been watching Mary feeds for months and live feeds so felt I had to contribute) and haven't gotten access to L2. Please help. Thanks

Offline horuken

Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #32 on: 08/03/2020 11:12 pm »
This is @tonylast2 btw

Online Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #33 on: 08/03/2020 11:28 pm »
All good, check your PMs (red messages at the top of the screen). You're in. Many thanks!
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Offline whatever11235

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #34 on: 10/27/2020 06:25 pm »
Hi. Not sure where to post this question. Looking to get L2, and reading trough instructions and can't really figure out how will you connect my payment with my NSF account (how do you know from payment information what account made it)? Thnx.

Online Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #35 on: 10/27/2020 08:36 pm »
Hi. Not sure where to post this question. Looking to get L2, and reading trough instructions and can't really figure out how will you connect my payment with my NSF account (how do you know from payment information what account made it)? Thnx.

This is the process! :)
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Offline whatever11235

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #36 on: 10/27/2020 10:07 pm »
Hi. Not sure where to post this question. Looking to get L2, and reading trough instructions and can't really figure out how will you connect my payment with my NSF account (how do you know from payment information what account made it)? Thnx.

This is the process! :)

Yes, I read that but I do not understand where in there are instructions to sign transaction with something like "This is whatever11235 payment to NSF L2"? I do not use paypal at all so plase bear with me.

Online Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #37 on: 10/27/2020 10:08 pm »
Hi. Not sure where to post this question. Looking to get L2, and reading trough instructions and can't really figure out how will you connect my payment with my NSF account (how do you know from payment information what account made it)? Thnx.

This is the process! :)

Yes, I read that but I do not understand where in there are instructions to sign transaction with something like "This is whatever11235 payment to NSF L2"? I do not use paypal at all so plase bear with me.

You make the payment, then send me a message here on the forum via private message (PM - top bar of the menu), saying "Hey, made a payment for X months of L2 with the e-mail address....." and then I check our account and see it and then upgrade you.
« Last Edit: 10/27/2020 10:10 pm by Chris Bergin »
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Offline whatever11235

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #38 on: 10/27/2020 10:27 pm »
Hi. Not sure where to post this question. Looking to get L2, and reading trough instructions and can't really figure out how will you connect my payment with my NSF account (how do you know from payment information what account made it)? Thnx.

This is the process! :)

Yes, I read that but I do not understand where in there are instructions to sign transaction with something like "This is whatever11235 payment to NSF L2"? I do not use paypal at all so plase bear with me.

You make the payment, then send me a message here on the forum via private message (PM - top bar of the menu), saying "Hey, made a payment for X months of L2 with the e-mail address....." and then I check our account and see it and then upgrade you.

Thanx, I understand. Well, new problem, no option to pay with debit or credit card (tried changing country, didn't help)

I really do not want to create paypal account. Is there anything I'm missing here? Is there any other payment option?

Online Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #39 on: 10/28/2020 12:02 am »
This is what it shows. Perhaps your country doesn't allow it?
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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #40 on: 10/28/2020 07:28 pm »
Hey, I paid for two months of L2 yesterday, sent the PM, still haven't gotten access.

Online Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #41 on: 10/28/2020 07:47 pm »
Hey, I paid for two months of L2 yesterday, sent the PM, still haven't gotten access.

Check your messages! :)
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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #42 on: 10/28/2020 07:59 pm »
Hey, I paid for two months of L2 yesterday, sent the PM, still haven't gotten access.

Check your messages! :)

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #43 on: 02/23/2021 04:48 pm »
Hi Chris, I have a question/proposal.

I fully understand that the amount charged for the annual subscription is consistent with what this space delivers even outside the L2 section. I can only imagine how fair this value is within section L2.

However, this value ends up being very heavy for members of other countries who have the same interest and often a good experience to share but is unable to pay the amount proposed per year simply because it becomes prohibitive after the exchange rate conversion.

For example, 100 US dollars weighs in an American's pocket as much as 100 Reais weighs in a Brazilian's pocket (my case). I could spend 100 reais annually to access the L2, without problems. However, that 100 US Dollars becomes 543 Reais if I sign the annual plan TODAY. (1 US Dollar = 5.43 Reais). And believe me, this weighs in the pocket of a Brazilian in the same way that 543 American Dollars weighs in the pocket of an American.

Is there a possibility to freeze the number, but not the value, for countries with a significant exchange rate difference? Example: In the USA I pay 100 American Dollars, but in Brazil, I pay 100 Reais. There would not be many countries, as the vast majority have an equivalent exchange rate with the value of the US Dollar, so I believe that it would not impact the revenue of the site (It is not my intention to propose something that affects the revenue of the site just so that the value becomes realistic for us. I'm sorry if it looks like that).

Thank you very much for your attention.
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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #44 on: 05/29/2021 06:11 pm »
What are the benefits of L2?
I love space very much. I like best NASA and SpaceX programs.

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #45 on: 09/08/2022 06:23 am »
I come from Discord, is this where I check for L2 access?

Online Chris Bergin

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #47 on: 11/23/2023 08:41 am »
The L2 signup store currently says 12 month subscriptions are "sold out". 3 and 6 months are still available.
I assume this is just a shopping site misconfiguration?

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #48 on: 11/23/2023 08:49 am »
The L2 signup store currently says 12 month subscriptions are "sold out". 3 and 6 months are still available.
I assume this is just a shopping site misconfiguration?

GO for a lifetime membership, it's still available.  You'll never regret it.  I got mine in 2008, for the same price.  It's a bargain now (no inflation).
« Last Edit: 11/23/2023 08:51 am by catdlr »
It's Tony De La Rosa, ...I don't create this stuff, I just report it.

Online Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #49 on: 11/23/2023 10:12 am »
The L2 signup store currently says 12 month subscriptions are "sold out". 3 and 6 months are still available.
I assume this is just a shopping site misconfiguration?

That's a mistake :D

I've asked the store team to sort it out. One moment!

And sorted now!
« Last Edit: 11/23/2023 10:19 am by Chris Bergin »
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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #50 on: 01/14/2024 11:42 pm »
100 US dollars weighs in an American's pocket as much as 100 Reais weighs in a Brazilian's pocket (my case). I could spend 100 reais annually to access the L2, without problems. However, that 100 US Dollars becomes 543 Reais if I sign the annual plan TODAY. (1 US Dollar = 5.43 Reais). And believe me, this weighs in the pocket of a Brazilian in the same way that 543 American Dollars weighs in the pocket of an American.

Is there a possibility to freeze the number, but not the value, for countries with a significant exchange rate difference? Example: In the USA I pay 100 American Dollars, but in Brazil, I pay 100 Reais.

Skyway's proposal may work for Brazil but wouldn't work for every country since currencies vary widely in how much 1 unit buys. Here are two better ways to accomplish the goal of Skyway's request of making L2 cheaper in poorer countries. The first option would be multiplying the price by GDP_per_capita(member's country) / GDP_per_capita(US), which roughly means that L2 would cost everyone the same fraction of the average income in their country. The second option would be using purchasing power parity (PPP) exchange rates, which roughly speaking means the number of hamburgers and haircuts one can buy for the price of L2 would be the same in all countries. Either option would reduce prices in poor countries relative to rich countries, the first option by up to ~100x and the second option by up to ~4x. These adjustments could raise prices in a few rich countries a bit so Chris would need to decide if he wants to cap the price at no more than the US price.

However I'm not sure there's a reliable way to determine what country someone is in so people don't lie about their country to get a cheaper price.

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Re: L2 Intro Page - September 2016 onwards
« Reply #51 on: 01/15/2024 01:34 am »
100 US dollars weighs in an American's pocket as much as 100 Reais weighs in a Brazilian's pocket (my case). I could spend 100 reais annually to access the L2, without problems. However, that 100 US Dollars becomes 543 Reais if I sign the annual plan TODAY. (1 US Dollar = 5.43 Reais). And believe me, this weighs in the pocket of a Brazilian in the same way that 543 American Dollars weighs in the pocket of an American.

Is there a possibility to freeze the number, but not the value, for countries with a significant exchange rate difference? Example: In the USA I pay 100 American Dollars, but in Brazil, I pay 100 Reais.

Skyway's proposal may work for Brazil but wouldn't work for every country since currencies vary widely in how much 1 unit buys. Here are two better ways to accomplish the goal of Skyway's request of making L2 cheaper in poorer countries. The first option would be multiplying the price by GDP_per_capita(member's country) / GDP_per_capita(US), which roughly means that L2 would cost everyone the same fraction of the average income in their country. The second option would be using purchasing power parity (PPP) exchange rates, which roughly speaking means the number of hamburgers and haircuts one can buy for the price of L2 would be the same in all countries. Either option would reduce prices in poor countries relative to rich countries, the first option by up to ~100x and the second option by up to ~4x. These adjustments could raise prices in a few rich countries a bit so Chris would need to decide if he wants to cap the price at no more than the US price.

However I'm not sure there's a reliable way to determine what country someone is in so people don't lie about their country to get a cheaper price.

The Economist publishes such an index:

From "The Rhetoric of Interstellar Flight", by Paul Gilster, March 10, 2011: We’ll build a future in space one dogged step at a time, and when asked how long humanity will struggle before reaching the stars, we’ll respond, “As long as it takes.”


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