Having been involved with turning everything off, I'd guess it would take several months *minimum* to get the equipment on both ships up and running again.One problem I see is that everybody who knew the systems is gone. Contracts were canceled, people were let go, assets were removed, etc.I really wish them well. I'd go back in a heartbeat if I were offered a job there.
Yep, a lot of us couldn't find other employment within Boeing, so we separated from the company. Others have transferred, some out of state, and getting them back would be difficult, and others still are on "Long Term Loan". Some of the systems Boeing operated were ITAR, so having non US people operate them might be a real sticking point. Other systems were highly proprietary, so you'd need "Factory Authorized" people to operate them.Believe me, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth *by the management* as people were given their 60-day notices of impending layoff.Still, almost anything is possible, given the suitable application of cash.
apart from the "launching at sea" set of issues?