This particular node doesn't appear to have any extra docking ports (which is the reason for adding the node). It only appears to have EVA hatches. So, unless Roscosmos plan to replace the hatches with docking ports, there would be no purpose in adding this particular node to the ISS, as the Russian Segment already has an airlock (MRM-2).
This "node module" seems to be he core module for the commercial space station planned by orbitaltechnologies.The images on this page picture the same module.
I should mention this tidbit from"The zenith (upward facing) docking port of the Node Module will likely be equipped with the so-called active hybrid docking port, which enables docking with a MLM module. Remaining five ports would be passive hybrids, enabling docking of Soyuz and Progress vehicles, as well as heavier modules and future spacecraft with modified docking systems. "This implies that MLM will be launched with a nadir hybrid docking port, which will preclude vehicles like Progress and Soyuz from docking with this port, unless modified. Docking of MLM to ISS with a nadir hybrid docking port would then reduce Russian segment docking ports (available to Soyuz or Progress) from 4 to 3, ending 6 person occupancy of ISS, without something different happening.
Maybe they plan to keep Pirs? It has a hybrid, right?
Yes, it has a Hybrid on Zenith.However, its Nadir is a passive Drogue - so that end would not be able to berth to ISS without occupying a Soyuz/Progress port.
Maybe I've should have been clearer. I meant put Pirs on MLM Nadir to keep it as a docking port for Soyuz/Progress.I'm sure they are not planning to go down to 3 docking ports on the RS and go down to a 3 person crew.
I understand the problem with keeping Pirs but do we really think they will go down to 3 RS docking ports? At the same time they probably wants a hybrid for the Node Module since it has a bigger diameter. What is most likely, that MLM will actually have a hybrid or drogue?
Multipurpose laboratory module will have the nadir passive combined docking unit (система стыковки пассивная комбинированная ССП-К).Node module will have the zenith active hybrid transformed docking unit (система стыковки активная гибридная трансформируемая ССА-ГТ), nadir passive combined docking unit and four lateral passive hybrid docking units (система стыковки пассивная гибридная ССПГ).
Quote from: anik on 12/18/2010 02:53 pmMultipurpose laboratory module will have the nadir passive combined docking unit (система стыковки пассивная комбинированная ССП-К).Node module will have the zenith active hybrid transformed docking unit (система стыковки активная гибридная трансформируемая ССА-ГТ), nadir passive combined docking unit and four lateral passive hybrid docking units (система стыковки пассивная гибридная ССПГ).So, basically, MLM Nadir and Node Nadir will be able to take Soyuzes & Progresses, and Hybrid vehicles.
Quote from: Space Pete on 12/18/2010 04:08 pmQuote from: anik on 12/18/2010 02:53 pmMultipurpose laboratory module will have the nadir passive combined docking unit (система стыковки пассивная комбинированная ССП-К).Node module will have the zenith active hybrid transformed docking unit (система стыковки активная гибридная трансформируемая ССА-ГТ), nadir passive combined docking unit and four lateral passive hybrid docking units (система стыковки пассивная гибридная ССПГ).So, basically, MLM Nadir and Node Nadir will be able to take Soyuzes & Progresses, and Hybrid vehicles.Well, we are left with conflicting reports about docking ports. To be clear, if the above reports are true, MLM and the Node module cannot connect, so something is wrong.