Author Topic: ISS RS hi-res photos  (Read 13783 times)

Offline Suzy

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ISS RS hi-res photos
« on: 04/21/2022 08:51 pm »
Via a Roskosmos VK post:

Recently, the Soyuz MS-19 crew photographed the Russian segment in its final configuration and of the International Space Station itself. These are the latest photos of the ISS in good quality!

How did it happen?  On March 30, the ship undocked from the station, hovered at a distance of 70 m and began a roll turn.  Then the Soyuz flew over to the axis of the docking port of the Prichal module, then it moved even further - up to 230 m, and after that the ISS began flying around.
High resolution photos are available for download on our website.

I am geoblocked from RK and am unable to access the site  :( - can anyone who can access it download the photos? (They are quite large, 14 MB to 32 MB or so).
« Last Edit: 04/21/2022 08:59 pm by Suzy »

Offline LeeMer

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Re: ISS RS hi-res photos
« Reply #1 on: 04/22/2022 05:29 am »
I am geoblocked from RK and am unable to access the site  :( - can anyone who can access it download the photos? (They are quite large, 14 MB to 32 MB or so).

I uploaded all ten photos (240 MB) to server available outside Russia - (I reupload photos, new 30 download opportunities are available)
« Last Edit: 04/23/2022 05:43 am by LeeMer »


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