AstroRJY - 19/4/2007 5:57 PMand also the call both ways at about T+ 65-70 seconds is Go AT throttle up, never go "with".
rdale - 21/4/2007 8:48 AMEh, with all the things the media can (and will) screw up on, "with" vs "at" are probably pretty safe to ignore ;> I really don't see the difference between those words in this context.
AstroRJY - 23/4/2007 2:38 PMRight on. Remember after Challenger exploded, they journalists kept saying the last " command" radioed was "Mission Control telling Commander Scobnee to go to full power". It's just irritating.
psloss - 21/4/2007 6:00 AMI think the issue is that, yes, "the media" has no clue what the difference between "with" and "at" in this context; however, there's a pretty big difference between being at the bottom of the throttle bucket and being past the bucket altogether.The media probably also doesn't understand that the throttling is normally automatic and doesn't require an active command; if they had a case with an engine or engines with stuck throttles -- especially in the bucket -- I believe the communications would be different.
John2375 - 25/4/2007 8:42 PMThey're 2-engine MoronThey're single-engine press-to-ATOthese are all checkpoints along the ride uphill..
Chris Bergin - 7/9/2005 10:26 PMMany thanks to poster Stardust for the help with this transcript.Comm = CommentaryCollins = Lt. Col Eileen Collins (now a Col)Unknown = Either Houston or Pilot Jeff AshbyHouston = CAPCOM Scott "Scooter" Altman Comm: Zero. We have booster ignition and lift-off of Columbia, reaching new heights for women and X-ray astronomy.Collins: This is Columbia, we're in the roll, we've got a fuel cell (glitch) level one.Houston: Roger roll Columbia, we're looking at.Houston: Columbia, Houston, We'd like AC Bus sensors off, we're evaluating the fuel cell.Pilot: And that's config, scooter - is given.Pilot & H: Roger that Columbia. Looks like we had a transient on AC-1Comm: Columbia had now heading down-range altitude of 3.8 mile and as we hear, all systems errr ok - throttling down at 67 per cent.Houston: And Columbia, Houston, you are go with throttle up.Collins: Columbia, go with throttle up.Comm: All 3 engines are back at full throttle. Columbia is now 8 mile down range, altitude 14 mile.Comm: Flight control team monitoring the electrical systems on board - again all three seem to be healthy, as are the hydraulic systems. We're approaching 1 minute 50 seconds into the flight. Standing by for burn out separation of the solid rocket boosters on the Orbiter. Columbia now has burned more than 2 million lbs of fuel (he said fuel!!) and weighs half of what she did at launch.Comm: SRB separation is confirmed.Houston: Columbia - Houston. Performance nominal.Collins: Performance nominal.Comm:............ and that reports that the performance of the launch has been as expected, again the electrical system officer at mission control reports that all electrical systems in good shape. Columbia is now 50 mile away from Kennedy Space Center at an altitude of 40 mile. Now travelling at 3200 mph.Comm: Approaching 3 minutes into the flight, the next call will be shortly after 3 minutes, which will be a 2 engine call for the Transatlantic Abort Site at Benguerra in Morocco. Again all systems healthy, electrical systems, hydraulic systems and the 3 engines - are all at full throttle. There are no issues being tracked and all electrical systems are healthy aboard the Orbiter.Houston: Columbia - Houston two engine Ben.Collins: Two Engine BenComm: Columbia can reach Benguerra in the event of a single engine failure, all three engines are still at full throttle. No issues are being reported by the flight control team, all is quiet. It appears that the electrical issue of earlier, appears to have been a sensor. All systems are healthy. Columbia is now 116 miles away from the Kennedy Space Center, at an altitude of 58 miles. Travelling now at almost 4500 mph.
MKremer - 23/4/2007 2:29 PMActually, I think something like a "Throttle-up is go" announcement to the Shuttle would have overall been less confusing (or at least less misinterpreted).
AstroRJY - 12/5/2007 6:23 PMThanks. What vids are on L2? I've tried to register for it once or twice a while back but didn't complete it.
Radioheaded - 12/5/2007 6:40 PMQuoteAstroRJY - 12/5/2007 6:23 PMThanks. What vids are on L2? I've tried to register for it once or twice a while back but didn't complete it.Only the gem of the STS-115 re-entry from de-orbit burn to wheel stop... That alone is worth the price of "admission"
AstroRJY - 12/5/2007 8:58 PMI don't recall anything unusual happening during the STS-115 launch? But thanks I will check that out at some point soon. The re-entry video sounds interesting but I mainly am fascinated by launches from every single angle.
AstroRJY - 12/5/2007 9:58 PMI don't recall anything unusual happening during the STS-115 launch?