Author Topic: Need a little help with Russian: Globus Raduga-1 18L in 2009  (Read 4316 times)

Offline Stan Black

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Mentions Globus 18L, two Rokots, Sterkhs...

СОРОК ЛЕТ 4-му Первого января исполняется 40 лет цеху № 4, он был создан для сборки и ис-пытаний космических аппаратов. Сотни и сотни спутников собраны в цехе: для нави-гационно-связной системы «Парус», геоде-зического комплекса «Сфера», навигаци-онной системы «Цикада», международной спутниковой системы для спасения «КОС-СПАС-САРСАТ», навигационной системы «ГЛОНАСС». Успешно выдержал 4-й испы-тание на прочность в кризисные годы. С воз-обновлением гособоронзаказа основой его продукцией стали КА «Ураган», «Парус», «Глобус» и др. Принимал цех участие в изго-товлении разработанных в КБ «Полета» ма-лых КА «Можаец-5» и «Университетский».Неплохо потрудились работники 4-го и в юбилейный год. Особенно напряженным выдался 3-й квартал, когда был собран и пе-редан заказчику КА «Стерх» 10Л, восста-новлены 5 изделий оборонного назначения. В октябре силами бригад, составленных из работников 4-го на базе 7-го цеха РКЗ собра-ны и сданы заказчику два промежуточных и два приборных отсека для РН «Рокот». 19 декабря сдан, 22-го отгружен потреби-телю КА «Глобус» (18Л), заканчивается до-водка КА «Стерх» № 11 и № 12. В декабре переданы заказчику НПО «Энергомаш» два пневмоблока для двигателей РД-171.Сердечно поздравляем 4-й со слав-ным юбилеем!!!
« Last Edit: 03/27/2016 07:14 am by Stan Black »

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Re: Need a little help with Russian
« Reply #1 on: 01/17/2009 03:00 pm »
Here's a Babel Fish translation.

"FORTY YEARS to the 4th of first January are fulfilled 40 years to the shop of № 4, it was created for the assembling and the tests of automatic spacecraft. Hundred and hundreds of satellites are assembled in the shop: for the [navi]-[gatsionno]- connected system “sail”, the geodetic complex “sphere”, the navigation system “cicada”, the international satellite system for the rescuing “SCYTHE-SAVE- SARSAT”, the navigation system “GLONASS”. Was successfully maintained the 4th strength test in the crisis years. With the renewal of [gosoboronzakaza] by basis by its production became KA “the hurricane”, “sail”, “Globus” and other assumed shop participation in the production of developed in KB “of the flight” small KA “[Mozhaets]-5” and “university”. Took some pains themselves rather well the workers of the 4th, also, in the anniversary year. The 3rd quarter, when it was assembled and transmitted to the customer KA “Of [sterkh]” of 10[L], was issued by that by especially stressed, were restored 5 articles of defense designation. In October by the forces of brigades, comprised of the workers of the 4th on the base 7th shop [RKZ] are assembled and returned to the customer two intermediate and two instrument compartments for [RN] “roar”. On December 19 is returned, the 22nd dispatched to user KA “Globus” (18[L]), concludes the finishing KA “Of [sterkh]” of № 11 and № 12. Are in December transmitted to the customer [NPO] “of the energys-Masha” two pneumo-blocks for the engines rd -171.[Serdechno] we congratulate the 4th on glorious anniversary!!!"

 - Ed Kyle

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Re: Need a little help with Russian
« Reply #2 on: 01/18/2009 01:48 pm »
Well, they reporting what is done in 2008:

SC Sterkh 10L - delivered to customer in 3rd quarter of 2008.
SCs Sterkh 11,12 - mostly finished.
SC Globus (18L) - 19 dec. finished, 22 dec. shipped to the customer.
Assembled and delivered to the customer two intermediate and two instrument blocks for LV Rockot.
Two pneumo-blocks for the engines RD171 delivered for customer NPO Energomash
And five unnamed "defense destination items of equipment" were restored in 3rd quarter of 2008. Maybe "long stored" SCs, who knows...
« Last Edit: 01/18/2009 02:09 pm by pm1823 »

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Re: Need a little help with Russian
« Reply #3 on: 01/29/2009 11:19 pm »
Here's a Babel Fish translation.

"FORTY YEARS to the 4th of first January are fulfilled 40 years to the shop of № 4, it was created for the assembling and the tests of automatic spacecraft. Hundred and hundreds of satellites are assembled in the shop: for the [navi]-[gatsionno]- connected system “sail”, the geodetic complex “sphere”, the navigation system “cicada”, the international satellite system for the rescuing “SCYTHE-SAVE- SARSAT”, the navigation system “GLONASS”. Was successfully maintained the 4th strength test in the crisis years. With the renewal of [gosoboronzakaza] by basis by its production became KA “the hurricane”, “sail”, “Globus” and other assumed shop participation in the production of developed in KB “of the flight” small KA “[Mozhaets]-5” and “university”. Took some pains themselves rather well the workers of the 4th, also, in the anniversary year. The 3rd quarter, when it was assembled and transmitted to the customer KA “Of [sterkh]” of 10[L], was issued by that by especially stressed, were restored 5 articles of defense designation. In October by the forces of brigades, comprised of the workers of the 4th on the base 7th shop [RKZ] are assembled and returned to the customer two intermediate and two instrument compartments for [RN] “roar”. On December 19 is returned, the 22nd dispatched to user KA “Globus” (18[L]), concludes the finishing KA “Of [sterkh]” of № 11 and № 12. Are in December transmitted to the customer [NPO] “of the energys-Masha” two pneumo-blocks for the engines rd -171.[Serdechno] we congratulate the 4th on glorious anniversary!!!"

 - Ed Kyle

Ed, my version is below:
FORTY YEARS to the 4th [workshop].
1st of January is a 40th birthday of workshop N4. Workshop had been created for assembly and testing of spacecrafts. Hundreds of satellites had been assembled in a workshop for following space programs:
- navigation system "PARUS";
- spacial system "Sphera";
- navigation system “Cicada”;
- international satellite-based search and rescue "COSPAS-SARSAT";
- navigation system "GLOSNASS";
The 4th workshop successfully survived during crisis period. After renewal of government-funded military contracts (Russian Department of Defence) spacecrafts such as «Uragan», «Parus», «Globus» etc. became the main output of the workshop.
Workshop also participated in manufacturing of small spacecrafts "Mozhaets-5" and "Universitetskiy" (designed by Design Bureau "Polet").   
Workshop staff shows rather good performance in the anniversary year, 3rd quarter of the year was the most challenging - during that time spacecraft «Sterh» 10L was manufactured  and forwarded to the customer as well as 5 items of military purpose had been restored.
In October teams from 4th workshop assisted staff in 7th workshop assembled and forwarded to the customer 2 inter-stage and 2 instrumental (avionics) section of the LV "Rokot".

On 19th of December passed certification and 22th of December shipped to the customer spacecraft «Globus» (18L), Currently is wrapping up final tuning of spacecraft "Sterh» № 11 и № 12.
In December customer NPO Energomash received 2 pneumo-assemblies for engines РD-171.

From the bottom of our hearts we would like to congratulate 4th workshop with glorious anniversary! 

"Selene, the Moon. Selenginsk, an old town in Siberia: moon-rocket  town" Vladimir Nabokov

Offline Stan Black

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