Author Topic: SpaceX files modification with FCC to deliver Gigabit service via V3 satellites  (Read 2938 times)

Offline raptorx2

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paceX files SATMOD2024101100224

"SpaceX seeks to modify its existing authorization to change the orbital configuration and certain radio frequency characteristics of the authorized shells of the Gen2 system."

Starlink V3 specifications. Appears targeted to Starship launches.

"SpaceX now seeks to upgrade its Gen2 satellite system to improve the quality, coverage, and sustainability of the system and deliver gigabit-speed, low-latency broadband and ubiquitous mobile connectivity to all Americans and help close the digital divide for the billions of people around the world who still lack adequate broadband. To that end, SpaceX files two applications in parallel, i.e., a modification to the authorized part of the Gen2 system (the “Gen2 Upgrade Modification”) and an amendment to the pending part of the Gen2 application (the “Gen2 Upgrade Amendment”)."

Reload the link twice to see FCC Application and underlying documents.

Offline OceanCat

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SpaceX seeks to operate with a flexible set of technical parameters in the band, including
the ability to use any number of co-frequency beams transmitted to or from a particular location,
that is consistent with the modernized sharing criteria and considerations included in its
NGSO-NGSO and NGSO-GSO analyses in Annex A and Annex B, respectively

Currently SpaceX is allowed to use only 1 co-frequency beam. SpaceX proposed new rules that would allow it increase the number of beams in a separate filing three months ago. In the filing it cites a study submitted by Tonga and Ecuador to the ITU: "Studies have already shown that these limits constrain NGSO capacity in Ku-band by eight times more than necessary to protect GSO operations." In the filing that started this thread SpaceX is seeking a waiver to apply the proposed rules to the license modification. The GSO operators are going to fight this tooth and nail.

The filing attachments for the ease of access:

Offline raptorx2

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E Band user links?  Perhaps split band FDD with V/E Band (Space to Earth) and Ku Earth to Space for IFE above FL 15,000ft.?

Offline thespacecow

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Interesting nugget about launching from Boca Chica in the filing:

SpaceX requests authority to operate satellites in its 475 km shell at 32 degrees inclination to accommodate upcoming Starship launches of satellites for SpaceX’s Gen2 system from its Starbase launch facilities in Boca Chica, TX. If the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) does not allow for Starship launches at 32 degrees from Starbase, TX, SpaceX requests for authority to launch into the 28-degree inclination at 475 km altitude.

Offline raptorx2

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Modification/Amendments add W-Band frequencies.

Offline raptorx2

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