Author Topic: Space In Miniature 10: Saturn V  (Read 4693 times)

Offline John Duncan

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Space In Miniature 10: Saturn V
« on: 10/20/2024 05:24 pm »
I haven't seen a post here about my book so I'll add one.

I wrote a detail guide for the Saturn V for Michael Mackowski's Space in Miniature series.  This has been in process for several years and was printed and released this past August.

It is 64 pages of photos and drawing to help model builders.  It features excerpts from David Week's drawing set along with contractor illustrations from back in the day.  It is the culmination of years of me studying photos and original references.

Some of you may be familiar with my website,

The book is available direct from Mike at or Steve at CultTVman stocks them also.

Feedback is appreciated if you get to check one out.

Tags: Saturn V modeling 

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