Author Topic: Why was Lockheed Martin's Atlas II replacement called Atlas V?  (Read 10656 times)

Offline Vahe231991

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It's well-known that the Atlas V first stage shares almost nothing in common with previous Atlas SLV variants, and that the short-lived Atlas III also utilized a new first stage, but why weren't the Atlas III and Atlas V given a new name (like say, Anteus) despite the fact that both the Atlas III and Atlas V both were designed to use a new first stage?
« Last Edit: 07/04/2022 03:49 am by Vahe231991 »

Offline Jim

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It's well-known that the Atlas V first srage shares almost nothing in common with previous Atlas SLV variants, and that the short-lived Atlas III also utilized a new first stage, but why weren't the Atlas III and Atlas V given a new name (like say, Anteus) despite the fact that both the Atlas III and Atlas V both were designed to use a new first stage?

It was an Atlas III replacement.

It was a follow on of Atlas III and Titan IV.

Atlas III did not have a new first stage, it had a new engine on a modified first stage
« Last Edit: 07/04/2022 01:38 am by Jim »

Offline Newton_V

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Atlas III did not have a new first stage, it had a new engine on a modified first stage
..and was actually called Atlas IIAR for a while.  (NROL-1 did initial integration on that vehicle)

Offline Damon Hill

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And there was no Atlas IV.  Apparently for marketing reasons (rivalry with Ariane V).  Anyone know different?

Offline Vahe231991

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And there was no Atlas IV.  Apparently for marketing reasons (rivalry with Ariane V).  Anyone know different?
Since the Atlas V has an all-new first stage, whereas the Atlas III had a modified first stage with a new engine, Lockheed Martin could have found it convenient to refer to the Atlas V as Anteus.

Offline russianhalo117

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And there was no Atlas IV.  Apparently for marketing reasons (rivalry with Ariane V).  Anyone know different?
Since the Atlas V has an all-new first stage, whereas the Atlas III had a modified first stage with a new engine, Lockheed Martin could have found it convenient to refer to the Atlas V as Anteus.
Atlas V CCB borrows some design heritage from the Titan-IV family et al and retained legacy Atlas design in the form of the CCB's Avionics Box, whereas the MLP holddowns and systems m connections on the boattail which came from AIIAR/IIIA/B. Atlas-IIAS, IIAR/IIIA/B Centaur merged with Titan Centaur to create Atlas V Centaur. Lockheed and Martin Maretta getting hitched created the consolidation for EELV as both originally had different plans just like Boeing and McDonell Douglas.

This long legacy NSF thread has some good resources along with Ed Kyle's never flown Atlas Variants and Titan Variants threads for insight into how AV came to be.
Can't locate the Atlas one ATM.

Offline Jim

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And there was no Atlas IV.  Apparently for marketing reasons (rivalry with Ariane V).  Anyone know different?

I stated it.  Atlas V is a follow on of Atlas III and Titan IV

Offline Jim

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And there was no Atlas IV.  Apparently for marketing reasons (rivalry with Ariane V).  Anyone know different?
Since the Atlas V has an all-new first stage, whereas the Atlas III had a modified first stage with a new engine, Lockheed Martin could have found it convenient to refer to the Atlas V as Antaeus.


Offline vapour_nudge

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On another note IIRC Atlas III was originally going to be called Atlas IIAR.

Offline russianhalo117

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On another note IIRC Atlas III was originally going to be called Atlas IIAR.

It was actually called that until rebranding occurred to create further separation and distinction from the Atlas-IIA series of configurations around first flight. Also when Single Engine Centaur was decided to be offered it played yet another card in the rebranding poker game.


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