Author Topic: Cleaner propellant...Bacteria to the power...  (Read 15249 times)

Offline Tywin

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Re: Cleaner propellant...Bacteria to the power...
« Reply #1 on: 07/04/2022 02:08 am »
This is actually kinda interesting. HMXHMX had once said if he was taking another go at SSTO's he might consider propane for a tripopellant rig due to density, and this research is regarding the fuel type POP-FAME (polycylcopropanated fatty acid methyl ester) which they are claim net heating values over 50MJ/L. The researchers seem to consider it a potential viable alternative to HTPB solid fuels for tactical missiles using very long chain molecules, while shorter ones may be diesel or jet fuel equivalent liquid fuels.

Unfortunately their primary biological production candidate bacteria is a bit of diva, so they also had to resort to using a tamer bacteria as well.

Sorta taking the next step beyond Syntin, on a wild tangent into the biological. If this means safer production of Syntin style fuels with out the toxic processes and explosive intermediaries, this would be an interesting alternative for systems that can tolerate the carbon (LOx cooled rockets for instance).

They also mentioned recent work preceeding this on catalytically cyclopropanated bioderived terpenes producing candidate rocket fuels


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