Author Topic: OFF EARTH - an animated ISS Poster  (Read 12316 times)

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OFF EARTH - an animated ISS Poster
« on: 08/13/2020 01:00 pm »
A friend of mine (Sebastian Werner) created this wonderful animation of the ISS (status of 2015) for a 4k screen. You can see some astronauts floating around in the moduls and even some spacewalk. Some awesome work! Hope some of you will enjoy his work. I think that ESA or NASA should exhibit his "ANIMATED POSTER" some day!

Being presented on a modern, high-resolution display, the animated poster approaches print quality. Illustrative pictures are extended by a representation of time and thus are able to explain complicated processes. For a better overview, the usually static composition has been retained.

To be able to show processes of different duration, the animation reacts to the viewer’s distance to the poster. With increasing viewer distance, the focus is being put on quick and large animations. When moving towards the poster, the action slows down. The focus is then laid on single elements to indicate detailed processes.
Showcased is a simplified version of the international space station. All used modules are inspired by the originals.

Tags: ISS animation Poster 

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