Author Topic: Total space tools  (Read 12547 times)

Offline OneSpeed

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Total space tools
« on: 07/07/2019 03:42 am »
This might not be the best place for it, but I'd like to start a topic for tools that might help people make their own estimates for orbital mechanics in general. To kick it off, here is a simple Windows C# app (requires the .NET Framework 4) for the rocket equation, and another slightly more complex one for the vis-viva equation.

The rocket equation example is for a 1335t Starship in LEO, with a 185t final mass, and an Isp of 356. It calculates that the available ΔV is about 6,900 m/s.

The vis-viva program calculates the orbital velocity for a range of gravitational parents (Earth, Mars, the Sun etc.) and a defined apogee, perigee, and altitude. It can also calculate the ΔV required to circularise the orbit, as well as the cost of a plane change at that altitude, and finally the ΔV required for a burn that combines both. The example here is for a Starlink launch out of Boca Chica, to a 180 x 440 km orbit at 33° inclination, and then a combined plane change of 20° and circularisation to 440 x 440 kms. The total ΔV requirement calculated is 2,634 m/s.
« Last Edit: 07/07/2019 04:13 am by OneSpeed »

Offline Nydoc

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Re: Total space tools
« Reply #1 on: 08/09/2019 01:35 am »
I have a few browser-based space calculators bookmarked. Some are rather elementary but here they are.

NASA tools:
Trajectory Browser -
RocketModeler III Version 1.2h -

ESA tools:
Orbit Reconstruction, Simulation and Analysis (ORSA) -

Other tools:
Delta-V Calculator -
Kepler's 3rd Law Calculator -
Escape Velocity and Surface Gravity Calculator -
Lagrange Point Finder -
Kinetic Energy Calculator -
Centrifugal Force Calculator -
Centripetal Acceleration Calculator -
Launch Vehicle Performance Calculator -
Gravity Simulator (simulates solar system orbital mechanics) -
Introductory physics - how to calculate specific impulse -


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