>>It is entirely plausible the less than a third of Earth normal gravity found on Mars will prevent the zero G medical issues which affect some people--and which are generally minor for people who exercise vigorously even in zero G. If Mars gravity causes no issues, there is no reason to modify people at all.>
Quote from: tdperk on 05/10/2017 02:05 pm>>It is entirely plausible the less than a third of Earth normal gravity found on Mars will prevent the zero G medical issues which affect some people--and which are generally minor for people who exercise vigorously even in zero G. If Mars gravity causes no issues, there is no reason to modify people at all.>With you until that sentence. Modifications to enhance DNA repair etc. could improve human radiation tolerance.Carry on....
No need to modify DNA. Nature has ways of dong that already. I wish I could stick around to see the ways in which humanity will evolve in the space age, but humanity evolving naturally is predicated on my not sticking around.