Author Topic: Elon Musk IAC Mars Speech - Sept. 27, 2016 - DISCUSSION THREAD  (Read 441697 times)

Online Chris Bergin

This is the main discussion thread for Elon's landmark speech at the IAC.

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Key Baseline NSF News Articles for SpaceX and Mars:

Initial Raptor Engine Overview

SLS vs BFR  (2014)

Red Dragon/Falcon Heavy 2018

Reuse tech relevance to Mars Missions article

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This is going to be a hugely historic event. These threads will be read by people for many years to come, so make sure your post is useful, civil and on topic. We have the live update thread for pure updates and the party thread for waving one's arms in the air like one does not care stuff, so this is going to be the most active of the IAC threads.
« Last Edit: 09/23/2016 02:26 pm by Chris Bergin »
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Offline ChrisC

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Here are a few important things that I think are worthy of inclusion in the first post of update thread:

Elon's presentation (on Sept 27th) is scheduled for 1:30 pm local time, 2:30pm Eastern time.

Livestream link for the entire IAC conference ("Starts Monday at 10am"):

SpaceX's own Youtube live link for the speech:

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Offline rocx

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Elon's presentation (on Sept 27th) is scheduled for 1:30 pm local time, 2:30pm Eastern time.

For those not living in Mexico or the US, that's 18:30 UTC, 15:30 in Rio de Janeiro, 19:30 in London 20:30 in Berlin, 22:30 in Moscow, 02:30 (on the 28th) in Beijing, and 04:30 in Sydney.
« Last Edit: 09/25/2016 07:14 pm by rocx »
Any day with a rocket landing is a fantastic day.

Offline sdsds

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I think this coverage in the (widely distributed publication) USA Today deserves mention:

“My sense from the space enthusiast community is that the speech is very highly anticipated,” said Scott Hubbard, a consulting professor at Stanford University and former “Mars czar” at NASA. “Supporters are looking for a private humans-to-Mars approach.”
« Last Edit: 09/26/2016 05:46 am by sdsds »
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Online Confusador

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Musk has been previewing some of his talk on twitter, currently being discussed over on the Raptor thread.

SpaceX propulsion just achieved first firing of the Raptor interplanetary transport engine

Production Raptor goal is specific impulse of 382 seconds and thrust of 3 MN (~310 metric tons) at 300 bar

Quote from: Jonathan A. Goff ‏@rocketrepreneur
@elonmusk Is that vacuum Isp for an upper-stage version? Because 380s vacuum Isp doesn't seem realistic for a booster version.

Quote from: Elon Musk ‏@elonmusk
@rocketrepreneur 382s is with a 150 area ratio vacuum (or Mars ambient pressure) nozzle. Will go over specs for both versions on Tues.

Quote from: @williamwinters
@elonmusk @rocketrepreneur based on your other specs, is that like a ~14 foot diameter nozzle?

Quote from: Elon Musk ‏@elonmusk
@williamwinters @rocketrepreneur pretty close

Quote from: David Ki Sun Yoon ‏@DavidKYoon
@elonmusk Sweet Jesus, that means you are pumping to 45-50 MPa... Surely this will be using multiple stage pumps?

Quote from: Elon Musk @elonmusk
@DavidKYoon yes

Chamber pressure is almost 3X Merlin, so engine is about the same size for a given area ratio

Offline Hotblack Desiato

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Here are a few important things that I think are worthy of inclusion in the first post of update thread:

Elon's presentation (on Sept 27th) is scheduled for 1:30 pm local time, 2:30pm Eastern time.

Livestream link for the entire IAC conference ("Starts Monday at 10am"):

SpaceX's own Youtube live link for the speech:

so it's 18:30 GMT?

(on  a more general thought: although this site is us-centered, there are many users from other parts of the world, and everyone is fluent at referencing to GMT / UT, it would be helpful for us.)

Offline Swoopert

Here are a few important things that I think are worthy of inclusion in the first post of update thread:

Elon's presentation (on Sept 27th) is scheduled for 1:30 pm local time, 2:30pm Eastern time.

so it's 18:30 GMT?

(on  a more general thought: although this site is us-centered, there are many users from other parts of the world, and everyone is fluent at referencing to GMT / UT, it would be helpful for us.)

Yes, 18:30 UTC.

(I try to avoid using GMT here (in the UK) because everyone outside forgets about our BST during the summer, and assumes that the UK is always on Greenwich Mean Time :))

Offline Crispy

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19:30 local time in the UK :)

Offline jsgirald

19:30 local time in the UK :)

Same as Portugal, 20:30 in most of central and western Europe.
"For every expert, there is an equal and opposite expert".

Offline Hotblack Desiato

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Okay, thank you for clarification.

Honestly, summer-time should be onto that heap of obsolete things. It makes things just so complicated without any actual benefit.

I hope, we never have summer time on Mars ;-)

Online Blizzzard

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Chris B, as Elon is talking later it'd be 'fun' if you post which of the live updates previously made you fall off your chair?!  :)

Online SimonFD

Chris B, as Elon is talking later it'd be 'fun' if you post which of the live updates previously made you fall off your chair?!  :)
I am hoping that we'll recognise this moment as it will be the one (or more) where we ALL fall off our chair/sofa/recliner/stool/perch.  8)
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so

Offline Jarnis

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Chris B, as Elon is talking later it'd be 'fun' if you post which of the live updates previously made you fall off your chair?!  :)
I am hoping that we'll recognise this moment as it will be the one (or more) where we ALL fall off our chair/sofa/recliner/stool/perch.  8)

Pre-webcast checklist addition:

[ ] Verify landing area around chair/sofa/stool is suitably padded to avoid injury

Offline mfck

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Dudes, there is a Party Thread for this...
« Last Edit: 09/27/2016 01:53 pm by mfck »

Online Chris Bergin

Chris B, as Elon is talking later it'd be 'fun' if you post which of the live updates previously made you fall off your chair?!  :)

Here's the fun thing. What I saw was last year and preliminary. If that was enough to make me fall off my sofa (it was a sofa, I remember falling off it as I was checking the e-mail on my phone and opening the attachment - then on my arse I fell) then goodness knows what today's going to be like, with an hour of Elon talking about it, likely showing videos and slides and stuff.

I'm going to be busy drafting an article as this happens, but I might do this face ";D" on key words, like if he says "tanker".
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Offline high road

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Okay, thank you for clarification.

Honestly, summer-time should be onto that heap of obsolete things. It makes things just so complicated without any actual benefit.

I hope, we never have summer time on Mars ;-)

Make that winter time. Summer time at least gives us working people a few extra weeks of coming home while there's still daylight outside.

I've been here long enough to be completely used to East Coast timezones.

Offline Helodriver

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Look for this guy asking overly technical questions today.

Offline russianhalo117

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Okay, thank you for clarification.

Honestly, summer-time should be onto that heap of obsolete things. It makes things just so complicated without any actual benefit.

I hope, we never have summer time on Mars ;-)

Make that winter time. Summer time at least gives us working people a few extra weeks of coming home while there's still daylight outside.

I've been here long enough to be completely used to East Coast timezones.
Well its completely pointless when you have family living by the poles. They should create Polar time for the the Arctic Circle.

Now lets get back on topic.

Offline Helodriver

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T minus 100 minutes. Lines are growing outside the hall.

Offline DanielW

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T minus 100 minutes. Lines are growing outside the hall.
I hope you are in it. Is there limited seating?


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