Author Topic: Jeff Greason and avoiding a dark age in space flight  (Read 11863 times)

Offline jimgagnon

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I hadn't seen this Jeff Greason talk at Ted (TEDxSanJoseCA):

If you like Greason, you'll like this a lot. If you don't, you won't.

Offline docmordrid

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Re: Jeff Greason and avoiding a dark age in space flight
« Reply #1 on: 07/25/2011 07:52 pm »
Jeff Greason has to be one of the best space polucy speakers around, and while you may agree or disagree with the paths he favors he does a helluva job making his case. Personally, I think he makes a lot of sense.
« Last Edit: 07/25/2011 07:53 pm by docmordrid »

Offline majormajor42

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Re: Jeff Greason and avoiding a dark age in space flight
« Reply #2 on: 07/26/2011 01:25 am »
I don't know too much about XCOR so that was pretty educational. The other two, somewhat well known, speeches I've watched of his were strictly space policy speeches. I liked hearing him talk about his own company for part of this speech. Suddenly, to me at least, suborbital is a little more exciting.
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