Author Topic: Junkers RT-8 spaceplane  (Read 8650 times)

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Junkers RT-8 spaceplane
« on: 02/10/2022 03:09 am »
I found these webpages about the Junkers RT-8 two-stage-to-orbit spaceplane project:

The RT-8 was designed by the very Eugen Sanger who had designed the Silbervogel suborbital bomber, and the designation RT-8 stood for "Raumtransporter-8", or "Space Transport 8". The initial proposal, the RT-08-01, utilized the launch mechanism of the Silbervogel, but the RT-08-02 envisaged after Sanger's death was a more conventional concept in which the spaceplane/booster would be launched vertically, with the spaceplane separating from the booster at altitude and reaching orbit. There was also a scheme to launch the RT-8 from a B-52 bomber, but this idea was never realized.

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Re: Junkers RT-8 spaceplane
« Reply #1 on: 11/17/2023 01:42 pm »

Junkers RT-8 (Saenger I) Rail Launched Space Plane

Junkers RT-8 (Saenger I)

RT-8 Sled Launch:
Launch System: Sled-launched two-stage space plane
Sled Propulsion: Steam rocket
Launch Distance: 3 kilometers
Stage Separation: At 30km altitude
First Stage:
Power: Three airbreathing LH2 engines
Power Output: 150 tons at sea level
Stage Length: 80 meters
Wing Span: 40 meters (shoulder-mounted delta wing)

Stage Separation and Second Stage:
Separation Altitude: 30km
Second Stage Propulsion: Single Lox/LH2 engine
Second Stage Options:
Manned: Capable of carrying two astronauts (HORUS - Hypersonic Orbital Upper Stage)
Cargo: Unmanned cargo ship (CARGUS) without wings for a return trip

Second Stage (HORUS/CARGUS):
Length: 31 meters
Wing Span (Orbiter): 12 meters (low-mounted delta wing)

This craft was an ambitious early space shuttle design with innovative sled-launch technology, multiple stages for different purposes (manned, unmanned, cargo), and hybrid propulsion systems. The two-stage design allowed for versatility in missions, either for reaching orbit or suborbital flights, demonstrating the adaptability of its components for various space missions.


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