Author Topic: Marketplace for Spacecraft Collision Risk  (Read 7311 times)

Hey everyone,

We're a small startup based in New Zealand reaching out to all Data Scientists and Space Debris Analysts
who are interested in participating in a proof-of-concept Data Science Tournament. The goal of the tournament is to determine spacecraft collision risk. There will be prizes for winners of the competition. And if you don't win,
that's okay too because everyone participating in the tournament will get something special.

Why are we doing this? We're trying a way to tackle the space debris problem and the ongoing crowding of orbits.

Who can participate? Anyone really. You can be a student interested in data science, a data science professional, a citizen scientist, a space debris analyst, a company, an agency, etc. There are no gates here except the curiosity of learning to do it.

Do you need to know orbital mechanics? Nope. All descriptive information will be provided prior & during the tournament.

What's the purpose of the tournament? Long term, to create reliable collision risk scores & thresholds for possible collision events by crowd sourcing the data science as a way to tackle the blind men and the elephant problem in this domain.

Where can you signup?

Please share this with your friends and colleagues who may be interested in participating in one of the most important data science tournaments for humanity.

If you're interested in what we're trying work on, you're welcome to check out at the links below:
- Watchtower:
- My LinkedIn:

Offline deltaV

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Re: Marketplace for Spacecraft Collision Risk
« Reply #1 on: 11/20/2022 10:18 pm »
Where can you signup?

If I try to sign up I get an error "Hey :) This typeform is now closed".

Re: Marketplace for Spacecraft Collision Risk
« Reply #2 on: 11/21/2022 01:54 am »
Hey @deltaV,

The form is still open. Have you tried another browser or clearing your cache?


Re: Marketplace for Spacecraft Collision Risk
« Reply #3 on: 11/21/2022 02:01 am »
Hey @deltaV,

Sorry, it seems we've reached our max signups quicker than we thought, for the typeform tier we have so will change it to a google forms as soon as possible and add that new link to the post.


Re: Marketplace for Spacecraft Collision Risk
« Reply #4 on: 11/21/2022 02:29 am »
We've updated the link inside the landing page/webpage. You should be able to sign up now with the same link in this post.

Offline ahullmelt

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Re: Marketplace for Spacecraft Collision Risk
« Reply #5 on: 11/22/2022 06:33 am »
Where can you signup?

If I try to sign up I get an error "Hey :) This typeform is now closed".
I also get the error, is there any way to fix it?

Re: Marketplace for Spacecraft Collision Risk
« Reply #6 on: 11/22/2022 09:35 pm »
Hey @ahullmelt

This has been fixed. We're using google forms to take signups.
You should see that now.

Please try it on a different browser if chrome doesn't work.



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