Author Topic: A belated happy 40th birthday to AMSAT-OSCAR 7  (Read 10302 times)

Offline bad_astra

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A belated happy 40th birthday to AMSAT-OSCAR 7
« on: 12/11/2014 04:44 pm »
I nearly forgot! Launched last month on the 16th of November, 40 years ago! Launched in 1974 on a Delta 2310, this old bird is still doing meaningful work.

After going offline in 1981, OSCAR 7 was presumed dead. 21 years later, it's beacon was heard once again, and since then, it has been semi-functional, though it's batteries are long dead, and it can only operate when receiving light on it's pv's.  From it was most recently heard this morning.
"Contact Light" -Buzz Aldrin

Tags: hamsat satellite oscar 

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