Author Topic: User manual for Japanese H3 launch vehicle  (Read 8825 times)

Offline Mondagun

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User manual for Japanese H3 launch vehicle
« on: 10/20/2023 05:38 pm »
Did Mitsubishi or JAXA already release a user manual for the H3 launch vehicle? My internet search has thus far not turned up any results.

Offline russianhalo117

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Re: User manual for Japanese H3 launch vehicle
« Reply #1 on: 10/20/2023 10:02 pm »
Did Mitsubishi or JAXA already release a user manual for the H3 launch vehicle? My internet search has thus far not turned up any results.
As far as I know it will be released after the test programme concludes.

Offline Mondagun

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Re: User manual for Japanese H3 launch vehicle
« Reply #2 on: 10/21/2023 07:16 pm »
Did Mitsubishi or JAXA already release a user manual for the H3 launch vehicle? My internet search has thus far not turned up any results.
As far as I know it will be released after the test programme concludes.
Thanks for the reply. This is a different approach than most launch providers who release a manual far in advance of operational service. Starship isn't operational yet, but SpaceX released a manual already in March 2020. Ariane 6 isn't operational yet either (it hasn't even flown a test flight yet), but Arianespace nevertheless released a manual all the way back in May 2016.

Perhaps the Japanese are simply more cautious in nature. I am reminded of JAXA's tradition of giving spacecraft a rather generic designation during development, and then assigning a poetic Japanese name to the spacecraft only after it has succesfully been launched.
« Last Edit: 10/22/2023 12:22 am by Mondagun »

Tags: h3 launch vehicle 

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