Author Topic: Books by Daphne Burleson from McFarland and Co  (Read 15937 times)

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Books by Daphne Burleson from McFarland and Co
« on: 06/07/2023 08:56 pm »
I found two books by Daphne Burleson published by McFarland and Company in the early 2000s, titled Space Programs Outside the United States: All Exploration and Research Efforts, Country by Country and Spacecraft Launch Sites Worldwide.

The book Space Programs Outside the United States: All Exploration and Research Efforts, Country by Country (published 2005) covers space programs past and present outside the US, while the book Spacecraft Launch Sites Worldwide (published 2007) is a catalog of space launch sites around the world. One important thing about these books is that they include the Tonghae (aka Musudan-ri) launch site and the South African and North Korean space programs, because North Korea had carried out just one satellite launch before those books were published, although it has since diversified its portfolio of civilian and military satellite designs, and South Africa once had a space program in the 1980s and early 1990s that only got as far as a handful of suborbital launches by the time that the era of apartheid in South Africa came to an end.



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