Webb Team Begins Process of Extending Deployable Tower Assemblyhttps://blogs.nasa.gov/webb/2021/12/29/webb-team-begins-process-of-extending-deployable-tower-assembly/This is about a 2 meter extension.
There's a blog post as well:https://blogs.nasa.gov/webb/2021/12/29/webbs-deployable-tower-assembly-extends-in-space/"The DTA extended about 48 inches (1.22 meters), putting room between the upper section of the observatory, which houses the mirrors and scientific instruments, and the spacecraft bus, which holds the electronics and propulsion systems. This creates enough distance to allow the sensitive mirrors and instruments to cool down to the necessary temperatures to detect infrared light. This gap will also provide room for the sunshield membranes to fully unfold."
The NASA blog says that the DTA extended 1.22 meters during this effort today. Earlier descriptions indicated that the DTA should extend 2 meters. Is this a problem?