But this situation potentially blurs lines. For example, why would Norway accept the unlimited liability under UN OST of a German vehicle going wrong, when all it provides is the concrete launch pad?
Edinburgh, 6 January 2022. – South-Korean Innospace and Norwegian Andøya Space signed a Memorandum of Understanding to launch into polar and sun-synchronous orbits from Norway, Andøya Space announced.
Andøya Space has responded to a journalist and say they expect construction to start at the end of the month. So the previous application process can't be a hindrance to starting. I believe pad A is unchanged from the first approved application, so maybe they can build that, and only need the new permit for pad B and C.Swedish article: https://www.nyteknik.se/premium/vem-vinner-rymdkampen-sverige-eller-norge-7028482 (Google translate)
Well, it is good to know there are places in this world where the relevant government agencies actually encourage and support the growth of a new space launch industry in their country.I wish that were true in Australia
Quote from: CameronD on 02/16/2022 10:59 pmWell, it is good to know there are places in this world where the relevant government agencies actually encourage and support the growth of a new space launch industry in their country.I wish that were true in Australia I know there is this site: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whalers_Way_Orbital_Launch_ComplexBut are you referring to the resistance from environmentalists?There is some resistance at Andøya as well. The local fisheries really don't like the maritime closures that would be required. Some general NIMBY from owners of affected properties, as well. Environmentalists probably would be more concerned if there hadn't been suborbital launches being performed since the 60s.
Andoyaspace.no: Coorperation agreement for Andoya Spaceport Phase 1 signed (Norwegan, use translate)Andoya Spaceport has entered a cooperation agreement with SEKK and LNS for the development and construction of the first launch zone at Andoya (Nordmela/ Børvågen) orbital launch site. The first phase also includes the first vehicle assembly building, support building and temporary launch control center. This work is planned for this year. The article contains images and a vimeo video with progress of groundwork at the launch site, and the quarry that AFAIK could be used to stow pyrotechnics in the future.There are follow-on phases that could lead to spaceport completion by 2025. With AFAIK three launch zones. I think they could be allowed to do 30 orbital launches annually from Andoya orbital spaceport.
2. First launch scheduled for second half of 2023. Source: https://andoyaspace.no/news-articles/well-under-way-to-the-first-test-launch-from-andoya-spaceportt/
2026 may be a bit pessimistic, though. Isar might be building stages right now, and start testing within weeks of the opening november 2nd. If so, 2024 is achievable.
The King in Council decided today that the responsibility for issuing permits to launch rockets from Norwegian soil is delegated to the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority.- With the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority as the national licensing authority, we get a competent and dedicated professional environment, which can make good assessments for launches from Norwegian soil. This is an important piece in the work to ensure that Norway will be a responsible, predictable and competitive provider of satellite launches, says Industry Minister Cecilie Myrseth.The launch of objects into space from Norwegian territory is subject to Act 13 June 1969 no. 38, which stipulates that permission from the Ministry of Trade and Fisheries is required for such launches. In practice, only Andøya Space's launches of research rockets from Andøya and Svalbard have so far been covered by this provision. Permission for this has been issued by the Ministry of Trade and Fisheries itself. Andøya Spaceport has entered into an agreement with Isar Aerospace, which this year plans to launch the first satellite from Norwegian soil into space. These are larger rockets, which require a more comprehensive permit regime than has been used for the smaller research rockets from Andøya and Svalbard. There is therefore a need for a dedicated authority that can assess applications and issue permits.Since 1 January 2023, the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority has been the national supervisory authority for space activities. This responsibility is now extended to also include issuing permits for launching rockets. The tasks covered by the authority's responsibility include supervision of and permission for launch suppliers, and supervision of and payload assessment of satellites. In addition to the responsibility of being the licensing authority for launches, the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority has also been given administrative responsibility for the Space Registry Convention of 12 November 1974. This is an international agreement which, among other things, obliges Norway to keep an overview of Norwegian-owned satellites, and to report these to the UN registry.
Nice, I missed that one. To sum up, there will be intermittent road closures past the launch site 12:00-20:00 in the period August 30th through September 13th. This is for operational test activities.I would think this is some sort of Isar Aerospace Spectrum stage testing. Hopefully there will be some information when things start happening.
Quote from: Yggdrasill on 08/28/2024 06:45 pmNice, I missed that one. To sum up, there will be intermittent road closures past the launch site 12:00-20:00 in the period August 30th through September 13th. This is for operational test activities.I would think this is some sort of Isar Aerospace Spectrum stage testing. Hopefully there will be some information when things start happening.It is for the launching of scientific rocket: “Bolt”. The launch is planned in the period of September 2nd -9th, between the hours of 10:00 and 16:30 local time.See here: https://andoyaspace.no/info-messages/student-rocket-august-3rd/
Norway and the United States have signed a Technology Safeguards Agreement (TSA) to facilitate the launch of U.S. satellites and launch vehicles from Andøya Spaceport. The agreement marks a significant milestone in strengthening bilateral cooperation in space technology and security.