Author Topic: MEESST, EU project on MHD magnetoshell reentry  (Read 12206 times)

Offline Asteroza

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MEESST, EU project on MHD magnetoshell reentry
« on: 06/10/2021 05:22 am »
Recent FISO telecon had a presentation on MEESST, an EU project working on raising magnetoshell aerobraking TRL a bit.

You might remember NSF regular Jon Goff promoting MSNW's MAC concept for magnetoshell aerobraking. Looks like the germans want to take the idea for a spin.

Apparently an EU startup called Neutron Star Systems, who are working on superconducting MPD thrusters, is taking the lead on the project, using modern HTS superconductor coils for a MAC system.

Seeing MAC being explored further is a good sign for vehicles contemplating aerobraking/aerocapture.
« Last Edit: 06/10/2021 10:38 pm by Asteroza »


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