Author Topic: Visiting Canadian Space Agency HQ  (Read 5017 times)

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Visiting Canadian Space Agency HQ
« on: 10/20/2020 03:02 pm »
Hello all,

I did a quick search but didn't come up with anything so I thought I would just ask here. I was wondering if any of you have ever been to the CSA headquarters in Saint-Hubert? I'm in QC, about 1 hour away and I've thought sometimes about stopping in to see what there is to see there. Any tips or events to look out for? I understand with C-19 it changes everything, but I was just curious if any of you have been there and what your experience was like.

Also, unrelated to this topic, I've heard about a potential launch site in NS but I couldn't find that it had been discussed here. Any links to a discussion here about that I might have missed?


Tags: CSA 

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