Author Topic: MLM-U Nauka - Proton-M - Baikonur 200/39 - 21 July 2021 (14:58 UTC)  (Read 92054 times)

Offline zubenelgenubi

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MLM-U or Nauka

This is the launch campaign thread for MLM-U Nauka, the long-awaited Russian module to be added to the International Space Station.

Launch, as of this posting, is scheduled for April 20, 2021.

Updates and discussion of Nauka processing in preparation for launch, continues, and should continue, in the "Russian Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM) Updates/Discussions" thread in the ISS sub-forum, until Nauka and Proton are integrated for launch.

Launch vehicle news will go here.

Seeking correction or clarification: All hardware, including the Proton-M launch vehicle and the module, are now at Baikonur?

Was there confirmation that the short S/N for the Proton LV is 93571?

Other informative threads:
Information about Proton rocket
Plan of Russian space launches (part 2)
« Last Edit: 07/08/2021 05:02 am by zubenelgenubi »
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Nauka schedule launch on July 15, 2021
docking with ISS on July 23, 2021
SMS ;-). "Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas." - A. Einstein

Offline zubenelgenubi

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May 2021?
[Dmitry Rogozin reporting to Vladimir Putin]

Dmitry Rogozin: ...We are sending two modules to the ISS. They are already at our Baikonur, their electrical tests are nearing completion, and we plan to launch the largest module, the Science module, in May this year...
Just political show dates, not launch dates.

Or, spring 2021 (under review)?  (see attachment)
NASA SMSR schedule of 3 February has these changes:
[document's source: Email from Doug Morsches dated 11/30/2020]

Personally, I am skeptical of the launch date moving earlier.

MLM Nauka has two launch window:  late May and July.

« Last Edit: 02/26/2021 09:33 am by zubenelgenubi »
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Offline russianhalo117

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May 2021?
[Dmitry Rogozin reporting to Vladimir Putin]

Dmitry Rogozin: ...We are sending two modules to the ISS. They are already at our Baikonur, their electrical tests are nearing completion, and we plan to launch the largest module, the Science module, in May this year...
Just political show dates, not launch dates.

Or, spring 2021 (under review)?  (see attachment)
NASA SMSR schedule of 3 February has these changes:
[document's source: Email from Doug Morsches dated 11/30/2020]

Personally, I am skeptical of the launch date moving earlier.
that is a political date and industry doesn't side with it being achievable.

Offline owais.usmani

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On March 16, 2021, the Khrunichev Center (part of Roscosmos) sent off to the Baikonur Cosmodrome two Proton-M rockets, Briz-M booster and payload fairing for the Nauka module launch to the International Space Station and Luch-5kh relay satellite.

All the transport operations went nominally.

The rocket and space equipment is transported from the Khrunichev Center to Baikonur to implement Roscosmos launch programs in order to enhance functional capabilities of the Russian segment of the International Space Station, as well as development of the Luch multifunctional space relay system.

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The launch date of the MLM #Nauka will be determined in April, said Dmitry  @Rogozin today. This will be clear after the vacuum chamber test, which began on March 15. Rogozin personally doubts that the launch in May will be possible.

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It would have been even more funny, had they said "ESA and Roscosmos consider swapping JWST and Nauka launchers..."  :o  ;D

Offline SMS

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SMS ;-). "Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas." - A. Einstein

Offline Steven Pietrobon

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"The Science module has been moved to the vacuum chamber area. We are overloaded and from Monday - pumping."
« Last Edit: 04/19/2021 08:55 am by Steven Pietrobon »
Akin's Laws of Spacecraft Design #1:  Engineering is done with numbers.  Analysis without numbers is only an opinion.

Offline smoliarm

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Today's article with some details on final tests of Nauka:

If I understand it correctly, the launch now is NET Aug 03, 2021.

Offline eeergo

Today's article with some details on final tests of Nauka:

If I understand it correctly, the launch now is NET Aug 03, 2021.

Depends on when they're counting the "month" of vacuum/pneumatic testing to have begun - around now or with the preparations completed some time ago. I agree it sounds like a few-day/couple-of-weeks slip from mid-July is possible.

Offline russianhalo117

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Offline smoliarm

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Today's article with some details on final tests of Nauka:

If I understand it correctly, the launch now is NET Aug 03, 2021.

Depends on when they're counting the "month" of vacuum/pneumatic testing to have begun - around now or with the preparations completed some time ago. I agree it sounds like a few-day/couple-of-weeks slip from mid-July is possible.

Yes, you are right.
It turns out, this vacuum/pneumatic testing to have begun quite a while ago and now it is successfully finished:

So the launch date July 15 is in good standing :)

Offline Mammutti

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Quote from: Roscosmos
Baikonur launch complex reequipped for the Nauka module launch
May 13, 2021, 11:33 GMT
Since the end of April 2021 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome Site 200, the Yuzhny Space Center (TsENKI branch, part of Roscosmos) specialists have been reequipping the Proton-M carrier rocket launch complex.

Due to unique overall dimensions of nose fairing for the Nauka Multipurpose Laboratory Module, the launch complex needs to have its systems improved, including the ascent unit temperature control system and the servicing platform. Testing Center No. 2, Test Management and Control Center and other related organizations (the Titan special design bureau, VNIIKHOLODMASH) specialists take part in these activities.

By now, the design documentation has been developed and corrected, integrated tests program has been prepared. Launch complex additional equipment has been produced and delivered to the cosmodrome. Currently, the equipment is being assembled; startup and commissioning and launch complex integrated testing to follow.

In 1998 and 2000, the Baikonur Site No. 81 launch complex was reequipped during the launch preparation of Zarya and Zvezda modules of the Russian ISS segment.

Offline owais.usmani

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The Proton used to launch this, is it already in Baikonur?

Btw I sure do hope that they have checked and double checked that there is nothing installed upside down on the rocket.  :-\

Don't want this 2 decades long saga to end in a launch failure.

Offline owais.usmani

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At the Baikonur cosmodrome, planned activities are continuing to prepare for the launch of the Nauka laboratory module to the International Space Station. At site No. 200, a joint crew of specialists from the Yuzhny Space Center (a branch of the Center for the Operation of Ground Space Infrastructure Facilities, part of the Roscosmos State Corporation) took place, after which work began on preparing the units and systems of the launch complex for the upcoming launch.

In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, all events are held in strict compliance with all epidemiological standards. The launch of the Proton-M carrier rocket with the Nauka laboratory module is scheduled for July 2021 from the launcher No. 39 of the site No. 200 of the Baikonur cosmodrome.

The Nauka laboratory module is a research module of the Russian segment of the International Space Station, developed by the SP Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia. Korolev (equipment of on-board systems and scientific equipment) in cooperation with M.V. Khrunichev (general design and production, part of the State Corporation Roscosmos) in order to expand the functionality of the Russian segment of the ISS.

The "Science" module was created on the constructive and technological basis of the "Zarya" functional cargo block using the experience of designing a transport supply vehicle for manned scientific stations "Salyut" and modules for retrofitting the orbital complex "Mir". It will be located at the nadir port of the Zvezda service module and is intended for the implementation of the Russian program of scientific and applied research and experiments.

After the commissioning of the new module, the Russian segment will receive additional volumes for the arrangement of workplaces and storage of cargo, placement of equipment for the regeneration of water and oxygen, the conditions for the stay of cosmonauts will improve and become more comfortable, and the safety of the entire ISS crew will also increase.

Online Josh_from_Canada

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Does anyone know what the launch time will be?
Launches Seen: Atlas V OA-7, Falcon 9 Starlink 6-4, Falcon 9 CRS-28,

Offline zubenelgenubi

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Does anyone know what the launch time will be?
Related question: Will ISS need any re-boosts between now and then?  I see none listed here.  (Excluding a contingency collision avoidance maneuver.)
« Last Edit: 06/21/2021 04:58 am by zubenelgenubi »
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Tags: nauka Proton 

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