Author Topic: CEO of RCC "Progress" (maker of Soyuz rockets) Removed by Court [corruption]  (Read 21140 times)

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Russian Article:  ICR Sweeps Up Trash in Progress's Way

CEO of the Maker of Soyuz Boosters Removed from Position (title edited for better sense in English)

17 February 2018 Kommersant

The CEO of RCC Progress (Samara, Russia company that builds the Soyuz Boosters for Russia) was removed from his position Friday by a court decision.  He is suspected in abuse of authority resulting in losses to the company of two million Euros. ...

Author:  Andrei Sazonov, Samara
Translator:  R. Mitchell
« Last Edit: 02/17/2018 11:37 pm by coypu76 »

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Offline coypu76

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Roscosmos has named Ravil Akhmetov Acting CEO of RCC Progress
« Reply #2 on: 02/21/2018 06:08 am »
A Roscosmos delegation to Samara-based RCC Progress headed by Roscosmos Director Igor Komarov has designated Ravil Akhmetov acting director of RCC Progress after General Director Alexander Kirilin was removed from the post by a court decision pending an investigation.

Akhmetov thanked Komarov for Roscosmos having chosen someone from inside the company (Akhmetov was deputy CEO and General Constructor of RCC Progress) and spoke to employees:  "...While I am acting CEO, there will be no shake-ups, and we will hold on the course set by Alexander Kirilin.  I am very grateful for ... Roscosmos's having chosen as acting leader someone from inside the company. Yes, we have before us a difficult and complex task: producing the Soyuz-5 booster, and based on it, an ultraheavy class booster, and we will succeed."

Roscosmos General Director Komarov dispelled rumors about merging Progress with another space company.


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