Author Topic: Joint Venturing Requirements  (Read 6462 times)

Offline jrevard

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Joint Venturing Requirements
« on: 05/29/2012 07:41 pm »
Does anyone know where I can find resources to formal requirements for businesses to join with NASA in space flight operations?

I am doing a presentation and need to know things like contractual agreements and interstructural operations (between NASA and private management architectures).

Please let me know if my question is unclear...


Offline Jim

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Re: Joint Venturing Requirements
« Reply #1 on: 05/29/2012 08:10 pm »
Does anyone know where I can find resources to formal requirements for businesses to join with NASA in space flight operations?

Businesses don't join NASA.  NASA employes contractors for flight operations support (like USA for ISS support).  Or when NASA contracts for a spacecraft or service, it is in the contract for what type of support the company shall provide toward flight operations.  Also, JPL, APL and GSFC have their own control centers for their spacecraft.  JPL* and APL would use their own people and GSFC would use a combination of civil servants and contractors much like JSC does.

*JPL has Lockheed Martin help operate Lockheed Martin built spacecraft.  LM supports missions from its control center in Denver.
This may be similar to what Orion will do. 

As for Spacex and OSC, they are responsible for operating their own vehicles.  It is in their contracts for ISS cargo via applicable documents, how they will interact with the ISS and Houston MCC

You would have to look at each contract to see what is spelled out. 
« Last Edit: 05/29/2012 08:24 pm by Jim »

Offline jrevard

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Re: Joint Venturing Requirements
« Reply #2 on: 05/29/2012 09:53 pm »
I see...thank you for the response.

Do you know of any broad scope requirements similar to what is outlined in COTS or maybe where to find these contracts??

Thanks again.


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