Author Topic: Information about Proton rocket  (Read 1016912 times)

Offline Stan Black

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Information about Proton rocket
« on: 06/22/2009 07:42 am »
Morning all,

Here is what I think I know about the Proton rocket.

Proton-K 336-02 for Mir and 337-01 for Kvant featured the RD-253 engines enhanced to 106½% thrust and the RD-0210/0211 to 101½%.

The RD-253 were enhanced to 102% as standard on Proton-K from serial 353-01, but the first to fly was 356-02 with Fobos-1 (65 flew and one serial number is unallocated).

Proton-K 386-01 introduced the next major change; a new engine was introduced, the RD-275 with 107% thrust of the RD-253.

For use in the Proton-M the RD-275 were enhanced to 102% with the goal of achieving 105% upgrade in the future (that is 112% above the original thrust levels of the RD-253). The RD-0210/0211 to 105%. Proton-K 395-02 for PAS-8 in November 4, 1998 tested these engines.

Another feature of Proton-M is they vent propellent from the expended 1st and 2nd stages to prevent contamination of the ground. At the time of the second Proton failure in 1999 three had already flown that year with this feature on their first stage. I assume such a change was introduced sequentially into the Protons so they would be 396-01 with Telstar-6, 396-02 with Nimiq-1 and 397-01 with Astra-1H.

I have the impression (but no hard facts) that Proton-K 395-01 for Zarja introduced the first stage venting as a standard feature, and also tested the enhanced engines.

The enhanced Proton-M RD-0210/0211 led to the Phase II engines in Proton-K; with no change in thrust.

Proton-Ms 535-01 and 535-02 featured additional telemetry instrumentation; this was removed from 535-03 onwards. From 535-05 mass was further reduced by using isogrid design and high-strength aluminium alloys. (Both 535-04 and 535-05 remain unflown; assume storage life is the same as a Proton-K of five years).




Novosti Kosmonavtiki

ILS website and Proton mission planner’s guide

« Last Edit: 25 November 2011 10:45:33 AM by anik »
« Last Edit: 08/03/2014 06:35 am by Stan Black »

Offline Nicolas PILLET

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Re: Information about Proton rocket
« Reply #1 on: 06/22/2009 04:24 pm »
Some informations from the last week's issue of Air&Cosmos (n°2177) :

Ekspress AM44/Ekspress MD-1 launcher was the first of "phase III" serie.

"Phase IV" will be presented to public during Euroconsult conference in september.
Nicolas PILLET
Kosmonavtika : The French site on Russian Space

Offline Skyrocket

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Re: Information about Proton rocket
« Reply #2 on: 06/22/2009 04:47 pm »
Some informations from the last week's issue of Air&Cosmos (n°2177) :

Ekspress AM44/Ekspress MD-1 launcher was the first of "phase III" serie.

"Phase IV" will be presented to public during Euroconsult conference in september.

Is there a description, what the difference is between Phase I, II and III Protons?

Offline William Graham

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Re: Information about Proton rocket
« Reply #3 on: 06/22/2009 04:54 pm »
So is Proton-M Enhanced phase II?
« Last Edit: 06/22/2009 04:55 pm by GW_Simulations »

Offline Nicolas PILLET

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Re: Information about Proton rocket
« Reply #4 on: 06/22/2009 04:59 pm »
Is there a description, what the difference is between Phase I, II and III Protons?

No. I am writing an email to Christian Lardier (the author of the article) for more informations.
Nicolas PILLET
Kosmonavtika : The French site on Russian Space

Offline Stan Black

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Re: Information about Proton rocket
« Reply #5 on: 06/25/2009 06:17 pm »
Factory serial numbers of early Protons

1966Н10722701227-0111F91 2PKosmos-146
 Н10722801228-0111F91 3PKosmos-154
1967Я10722901229-0111F91 4L 
 Я10723001230-0111F91 5L 
 Я10723101231-0111F91 6LZond-4
 Я10723201232-0111F91 7L 
 Я10723301233-0111F91 8L
М-69 522
1968В10723401234-0111F91 9LZond-5
 В10723501235-0111F91 12LZond-6
 В10723701237-0111F91 13L 
 В10723801238-01E-8-5 402 
 В10723901239-01E-8 201 
 В10724001240-01М-69 521 
1969Ю10724101241-01E-8-5 404Kosmos-305
 Ю10724201242-01E-8-5 401 
 Ю10724301243-0111F91 11LZond-7
 Ю10724401244-01E-8-5 403Kosmos-300
  246-0182EV LVE 
 Ю10724701247-01E-8-5 405 
  248-01E-8-5 406Luna-16
  249-01М-71 172Mars-3
  250-0111F91 14LZond-8
  251-01E-8 203Luna-17
  253-01М-71 170Kosmos-419
 4922425401254-0117К 12101Salyut
  255-01М-71 171Маrs-2
 4922425601256-01E-8-5 407Luna-18
 5112425701257-01E-8LS 202Luna-19

23301 was first used for a failed attempt to launch a Zond in 1968 before failing again in 1969 to launch to Mars.
« Last Edit: 09/05/2010 06:08 pm by Stan Black »

Offline Stan Black

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Re: Information about Proton rocket
« Reply #6 on: 06/30/2009 03:45 pm »
Factory serial numbers for a couple of other Proton-Ks

4922122122 386-02 Ekspress-A

4921539601 396-01 Telstar-6
« Last Edit: 11/14/2009 02:39 pm by Stan Black »

Offline Stan Black

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Re: Information about Proton rocket
« Reply #7 on: 11/14/2009 10:53 am »
PlatformPeriod of initial launch complex operationOverhaul periodRenewed launch complex operationLaunches before overhaulLaunches after overhaul to 31st August 2000 [2]Launches after
overhaul to 2001 [3]
Total launches as of 1st January 2000 [1]Total to
31st August 2000 [2]
Total launches to 2001 [3]
241965-1978 or 1979?1978-1999April 1999 to date3545
391980 to dateNo major overhaul    788282
401977-19911991 - now dismantled 66  666666
 Above is in error because Uragan flew from PU24 in October 2000.
« Last Edit: 07/17/2011 07:00 am by Stan Black »

Offline Stan Black

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Re: Information about Proton rocket
« Reply #8 on: 11/14/2009 04:25 pm »
Just looking at revision 7 of the Proton Launch System Mission Planner’s Guide from ILS

Proton-M now use RD-276 as standard; with 112% thrust compared to RD-253.
Upgraded Briz-M use 11D458M settling & attitude control thrusters.

Both launch complexes (24 and 39) for Proton-M are available for commercial customers; so why don't they alternate to share the load?

Can't find mention of launches to inclination of 48 degrees?

Offline Stan Black

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Re: Information about Proton rocket
« Reply #9 on: 03/17/2010 06:43 pm »
My attempt at a list of Proton launches...

Need to correct a few errors:-

28th February 2009
41016 / 107L Globus-1 18L

Launch sites for Venera-9 & Venera-10 and use of D-1

GLONASS in 2004 from LC81/23

Luna 22 was E-8LS 206

to be updated…

8P882K.pdf (1117.55 kB - downloaded 511 times.)
« Last Edit: 07/11/2015 08:54 am by Stan Black »

Offline VR2

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Re: Information about Proton rocket
« Reply #10 on: 04/06/2010 11:13 am »
Overview of Proton rockets in 2009 and 2010
342  Proton-M Briz-M  93501 99501  11.02.09  Ekspress-AM44 + Ekspress-MD1
343 *Proton-K DM-2    41016 107L   28.02.09  Raduga-1 8 (Globus 18L)
344  Proton-M Briz-M  93504 99504  03.04.09  Eutelsat W2A
345  Proton-M Briz-M  93505 99505  16.05.09  PhotoStar 2
346  Proton-M Briz-M  93506 99506  30.06.09  Sirius FM5
347  Proton-M Briz-M  93507 99507  11.08.09  AsiaSat 5
348  Proton-M Briz-M  93508 99508  17.09.09  Nimiq 5
349  Proton-M Briz-M  93509 99509  24.11.09  Eutelsat W7
350 *Proton-M DM-2    53538 115L   14.12.09  Kosmos 2456-8 (Glonass)
351  Proton-M Briz-M  93510 99510  29.12.09  DirecTV 12
352 *Proton-M Briz-M  535xx 88527  28.01.10  Raduga-1M 2
353 *Proton-M Briz-M  535xx 99511  12.02.10  Intelsat 16
354 *Proton-M DM-2    53540 116L   01.03.10  Kosmos 2459-61 (Glonass)
355  Proton-M Briz-M  93514 99514  20.03.10  Echostar 14

* - corrected by Novosti kosmonavtiki (paper version) and

Offline Stan Black

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Re: Information about Proton rocket
« Reply #11 on: 04/23/2010 06:07 pm »
A compilation of Proton rocket issues...

Date Of
У1072110124.03.19662nd stage engine failure. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
2nd stage engine failure at 122·85 seconds. Possible cause: destruction of engine chambers or discharge fuel lines of the second stage caused by external impact of the 1st stage. [ESA Document]
Н1072270110.03.1967208 reworks/223 discrepancies. [Encyclopedia Astronautica]
Н1072280108.04.196770 reworks/194 discrepancies. [Encyclopedia Astronautica]
Я1072290128.09.1967Assembly completed in 71 days. 138 reworks/120 discrepancies. [Encyclopedia Astronautica]
Ignition failure of engine 11Д43 number У233011 of side module G-1. Flight termination at 97·4 seconds. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
Failure of engine number 1 to ignite at lift-off due to a low fuel flow in the pre-burner. Cause: ingestion of a rubber plug into the fuel pump high-pressure cavity. At 97·4 seconds the vehicle safety controller generated the 1st stage engine ECOC and initiated the payload escape system of the 7K-L1 spacecraft. The vehicle fell down 20-30 km off the launch pad. [ESA Document]
Я1072300122.11.1967Failure of 2nd stage 4th engine 8Д412K to reach norminal thrust due to the engine nozzle failure at 125·5 seconds. Vehicle destruction at 129·9 by command. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
A malfunction of 1st stage tank draining system was observed since the moment of lift-off. It did not result in an accident. A slower shift to pre-nominal thrust was registered for engines No. 2 & 3 of the 2nd stage. The cause was improper selection of the engine start sequence. Engine No. 4 of the 2nd stage failed to accelerate to nominal thrust due to nozzle destruction at 125·5 seconds. The reason of the failure was a drastic pressure drop down stream of the nozzle at ignition of propellants beyond the nozzle section during engine ignition. At 130sec the LV safety controller initiated the 2nd stage ECOC and initiated the payload escape system of the 7K-L1 spacecraft. The vehicle fell down 110 km south-west of the town of Jezkazgan. [ESA Document]
В1072370120.01.1969Spontaneous shutdown of 2nd stage 4th engine 8Д411К at 313·66 seconds. Spontaneous shutdown of 3rd stage engine 8Д48 of the 8Д49 main block due to a failed pre-burner supply line at 500·03 seconds. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
Uncontrolled cut-off of the 2nd stage 4th engine at 313·66 seconds. Cause: significant rotor imbalance and beating of the MTU bearings, to result in the MTU gas seal backlash being taken up and followed by MTU fire. The flight continued on three intact engines. At 338 seconds those engines were cut-off in accordance with the nominal flight sequence. An emergency main engine cut off of the 3rd stage occurred at 500·03 seconds due to a failure of the pre-burner fuel supply line. The vernier engine of the 3rd stage was cut-off at 595 seconds in accordance with the nominal flight sequence. [ESA Document]
В1072400127.03.1969Spontaneous shutdown of the 3rd stage engine 8Д48 of the 8Д49 main block. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
At 438·66 seconds the 3rd stage MECO occurred due to MTU bearings imbalance and beating. [ESA Document]
Я1072330102.04.1969Failure of engine 11Д43 number Я233021 of the 1st stage side module G-2 at 0·02 seconds. The vehicle crashed in the vicinity of the launch pad. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
Post lift-off failure of the 1st stage block number 2 engine at 0·02-0·03 seconds. Cause: lack of the hydraulic lock plug in the drain port of the oxidiser pump cover, ingress of the oxidiser gas to the drain port cavity and inflammation of the MTU pump shaft. At 30 seconds the vehicle fell down and exploded 1·5 km off the launch pad. [ESA Document]
Ю1072450128.11.1969Failure of 3rd stage engine 8Д48 at 556·5 seconds. Explosion in the area of the fuel tank lower bulkhead at 556·6 seconds. The 3rd stage and the payload compartment L1E disintegrated during re-entry to fall down 200 km north of Harbin (China). [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
Failure of the 3rd stage main engine due to insufficient vibration resistance of the engine fuel line. The vehicle and the 7K-L1E spacecraft fell down in China 200 km north of Harbin. [ESA Document]
Ю1072470106.02.1970Shutdown of the 2nd stage engine at 127 seconds by a false command from SBN. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
The false command was induced by erroneous reading of an engine No. 2 sensor. The vehicle fell down 80 km south-west of the town of Dzhezkazgan. [ESA Document]
After 128·3 seconds of flight, 1st stage engine cutoff due to false alarm from the LV safety system activated by the engine pressure gauge. Manufacturing defect. Additional check of gauges introduced at point of installation. [Proton Mission Planner’s Guide]
2600129.07.1972Vehicle disintegration at 180 seconds. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
Emergency cut-off of the 2nd stage engines at 181·9 seconds by the vehicle safety controller due to vehicle instability caused by abnormal operation of the auto-stabiliser. The vehicle fell down 536km off the launch pad. [ESA Document]
After 181·9 seconds of flight, 2nd stage automated stabilisation system failure due to a relay short circuit in the "pitch" and "yawing" channels caused by elastic deformation of the device housing (which operates in vacuum). Design defect. Design of instruments upgraded and additional testing undertaken. [Proton Mission Planner’s Guide]
2830103.04.1973Third stage exploded.
2930105.08.19771st stage engine failure at 53·68 seconds. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
Emergency MECO of the 1st stage engines at 53·68 seconds by the vehicle safety controller. The cause was a failure of block number 4 engine actuator due to a jammed slide valve. [ESA Document]
After 40·13 seconds of flight, spontaneous deflection of 1st stage engine, loss of stability and engine cutoff at 53·68 seconds into the flight safety system command. Steering failure due to spool-and-sleeve pair manufacturing defect (faulty liner), which caused penetration of hard particles under liner rim and resulted in spool-and-sleeve seizure. [Proton Mission Planner’s Guide]
2940227.05.1978Launch termination at 119·51 seconds by SBN because of the vehicle attitude instability caused by an abnormal skew of the 1st stage engine 11Д43 of side module G-2. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
The flight was terminated at 119·51 seconds by the safety controller due to the vehicle’s abnormal pitching and rolling caused by unauthorised gimballing of block number 2 engine. The vehicle fell down 600 km off the launch pad. [ESA Document]
After 87 seconds of flight, loss of stability commenced due to error of 1st stage second combustion chamber steering gear. High temperature impact on cables due to heptyl leak into second block engine compartment. Leak likely developed at heptyl feed coupling to gas generator. Coupling upgraded. [Proton Mission Planner’s Guide]
2970217.08.19782nd stage engine failure. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
Failure of the 2nd stage engine at 242 seconds. The vehicle fell down 136 km south-east of Karaganda. [ESA Document]
Flight terminated after 259·1 seconds due to loss of LV stability. Automatic stabilisation system electric circuit failure in rear compartment of 2nd stage caused by hot gases leaking from second engine gas inlet due to faulty sealing of pressure gauge. gauge attaching point upgraded. [Proton Mission Planner’s Guide]
2980117.10.1978Disintegration of the 2nd stage engine 8Д411K. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
Failure of a 2nd stage engine at 236 seconds due to ingress of foreign particles (aluminium or steel), which caused in flammation of MTU components. The vehicle fell down 86 km south-east of Karaganda. [ESA Document]
After 235·62 seconds of flight, 2nd stage engine shutoff and loss of stability caused by a turbine part igniting in turbo pump gas tract followed by gas inlet destruction and hot air ejection into 2nd rear section. Engine design upgraded. [Proton Mission Planner’s Guide]
3000220.04.1979Engines ignited then shutdown. [Encyclopedia Astronautica]
3070223.07.1982Failure of the 1st stage engine at 8 seconds. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
Actuator failure in one of the 1st stage side blocks at 8 seconds. The vehicle fell down 55 km off the launch pad. [ESA Document]
At 45·15 seconds into the flight, major malfunctioning of 1st stage engine fifth chamber. Flight terminated by LV safety system command. Failure caused by steering motor malfunctioning: first stage of hydraulic booster got out of balance coupled with booster dynamic excitation at resonance frequencies. Hydraulic booster design redefined. [Proton Mission Planner’s Guide]
3140124.12.1982Failure of the 2nd stage engine at 230 seconds. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
Failure of the 2nd stage engine at 230 seconds. [ESA Document]
2nd stage engine failure caused by high-frequency vibrations. Engine design upgraded. [Proton Mission Planner’s Guide]
3380129.11.1986Failure of the 2nd stage engine caused by high-frequency vibrations. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
Failure of the 2nd stage engine caused by high-frequency vibrations. [ESA Document]
Control system failure due to brief relay contact separation caused by engine vibration. Upgrading included introduction of self-latching action capability for program power distributor shaft. [Proton Mission Planner’s Guide]
3410218.01.1988Failure of 3rd stage engine at 540 seconds. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
Failure of 3rd stage engine at 540 seconds. [ESA Document]
3rd stage engine failure caused by destruction of fuel line leading to mixer. Unique manufacturing defect. Inventory rechecked. [Proton Mission Planner’s Guide]
3450209.08.1990Vehicle failure. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
Emergency cut-off of the 3rd stage engine at 349 seconds due to the premature oxidiser depletion. The vehicle fell down in the Pacific in the area 25·7N and 161E. [ESA Document]
3rd stage engine shutoff due to termination of oxidiser supply. Fuel line clogged by a piece of textile (wiping rag). Remedial program introduced to prevent wiping rags from being left inside engine and LV. [Proton Mission Planner’s Guide]
3640227.05.1993A violation of the fuel storage life requirement resulted in an enhanced concentration of copper in the fuel to change the fuel heat expansion properties. This entailed an erroneous prediction of the 2nd stage fuel volume (the stage was not fully tanked). As a result, the payload failed to reach LEO. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
Vehicle failure due to degraded fuel quality. A violation of the fuel storage life requirement resulted in an enhanced concentration of copper in the fuel to change the fuel heat expansion properties. This entailed an erroneous prediction of the 2nd stage fuel volume (the stage was not fully tanked). [ESA Document]
2nd and 3rd stage engine failures. Multiple engine combustion chamber burn-through caused by propellant contaminants. Remedial program introduced to modify propellant specifications and testing procedures. All launch site propellant storage, transfer, and handling equipment purged and cleaned. [Proton Mission Planner’s Guide]
27 мая 1993 г. у Протона № 36402 в полёте преждевременно остановился двигатель второй ступени, а затем при работе двигателя третьей ступени произошла аналогичная ситуация с ДУ-3. КА «Горизонт» не был выведен на нужную орбиту. Причиной этого оказалась некондиционность заправленного горючего - излишек содержания меди, что ухудшило охлаждающую способность гептила и привело к прогоранию охлаждаемых гептилом огневых стенок камер сгорания ДУ-2,-3 и, следовательно, к преждевременному расходованию горючего. Несколько лет после этого предприятие РНЦ ПХ пыталось создать штатные установки для проверки параметра фактической охлаждающей способности гептила перед заправкой по определённому критерию, но нехватка финансирования заставила найти другой способ. [Электронная Газета Гкнпц Им.М.В.Хруничева]
3780114.12.1995Of three redundant control channels in Proton vehicle control system, the first one failed at launch on 14th December 1995 and the second one in flight. Only the third channel helped the launch to succeed. The next Proton launch with Gorizont comsat in December was delayed to investigate the near-accident. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
3890105.07.19992nd stage engine failure at 277 seconds [ESA Document]
2nd stage engine failure due to foreign particles in gas turbine pump. Implemented inspection of internal cavities of second and third stage engines, improved work processes and changed filter design in the ground portion of the fuelling system. [Proton Mission Planner’s Guide]
27.10.19992nd stage engine failure at 222 seconds. [ESA Document]
2nd stage engine failure due to foreign particles in gas turbine pump. Installed additional filters in the on-board portion of the fuelling system. Developed and implemented new design of the turbo pump unit with increased combustion resistance. [Proton Mission Planner’s Guide]
At 221.96 seconds, off-the-nominal behaviour was recorded of the 8D411K engine ser. no. 5358161741 installed in Stabilisation Plane I of Stage II. This manifested itself in the unsealing of the engine’s exhaust duct followed by spontaneous shutdown of the remaining engines.
The most likely cause of the failure of the Proton LV ser. no. 38602 on October 27, 1999 is the presence of metallic or mineral particulate matter inside the engine resulting in the ignition of the turbopump's engine assembly in Stage II engine #1 (P/N 8D411K, ser. no. 5358161741). The most likely cause for the particulate matter to find its way into the engine is poor workmanship at the Voronezh Mechanical Plant in 1992/93. [*]
4040215.02.2000Oxidiser tank weld failure during pressure test. [Novosti Kosmonavtiki]
4101029.03.2005Разработка и реализация мероприятий в связи с аномальным поведением параметров рулевого блока РД-0214 двигателя РД-0213 №1208860552 III ступени РН «Протон-К» №410-10 30марта 2005 г. (самопроизвольные изменения режима рулевого блока из-за снижения расхода окислителя, поступающего из стабилизатора в оба  газогенератора рулевого блока)
Работы ведутся в соответствии с рекомендациями МВК по повышению динамической стабильности и защищенности стабилизатора  при попадании частиц. [KBKhA 2005 Annual Report]
5351329.12.2005Разработка и реализация мероприятий а связи с имевшимся случаем самопроизвольного, скачкообразного снижения до 51% режима работы двигателя РД-0211 №5355365421 при пуске РН «Протон-М» №535-13. [KBKhA 2005 Annual Report]
5352205.09.2007LV stage 1/stage 2 stage separation failure. Burn-through of the LV stage 1/stage 2 separation pyrobolt actuation cable. Corrective action is to over-wrap the pyrobolt wiring harness by two layers of asbestos tape with 50% overlap. This increases the heat resistance to well over 400°C, the harness melting point. Additionally the ring and harness are jointly over-wrapped with two layers of tape with 50% overlap impregnated with glue, and the harness was re-routed away from the exhaust gas. [Proton Mission Planner’s Guide] *
« Last Edit: 07/08/2011 06:32 pm by Stan Black »

Offline Nicolas PILLET

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Re: Information about Proton rocket
« Reply #12 on: 07/15/2010 01:34 pm »
I've put all the Proton serial numbers that I know in this list :

Any help would be appreciated to fill in the blancks ! :-)
Nicolas PILLET
Kosmonavtika : The French site on Russian Space

Offline Stan Black

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Re: Information about Proton rocket
« Reply #13 on: 07/15/2010 03:58 pm »
I've put all the Proton serial numbers that I know in this list :

Any help would be appreciated to fill in the blancks ! :-)

My out of date list (maybe I will update)

Also Briz-M 88529 for Garpun?

DM serials

93515/99515 Echostar-15

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Re: Information about Proton rocket
« Reply #14 on: 07/31/2010 12:31 pm »
« Last Edit: 08/01/2010 08:03 am by Stan Black »

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Re: Information about Proton rocket
« Reply #15 on: 08/07/2010 09:51 am »
A. Medvedev, A. Kuzin, E. Motorny, Khrunichev Spase Center, Russia 
B. Katorgin, Energomash NPO, Russia

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Re: Information about Proton rocket
« Reply #16 on: 08/07/2010 10:10 pm »
 The above attached document indicated that Proton-M 1st stage featured RD-275 engines with thrust enhanced by 2%. The RD-275 had already been used on the Proton-K and provided 7% more thrust than the earlier RD-253 engines. Now I could find no other reference to this additional 2%; and all indications were that at moment of liftoff thrust was at 107% (compared to the RD-253).
 What could explain this is the new 935 series of Proton-M. They feature RD-276 engines operating at 112% compared to the RD-253. However they actually lift off at 107%, only after six seconds after liftoff do they go to 112%.

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Re: Information about Proton rocket
« Reply #18 on: 08/15/2010 02:07 pm »
 I have been looking through Novosti Kosmonavtiki again and the following about Proton-K serial 38701 has always struck me as surprising. I've included my own rough translation (I'll admit to relying on Babelfish and other on-line translators; but I am satisfied that I can recognise most of the words).

 Есть неопределенность с пуском КА «Радуга-1» во второй половине 1998 года. Пока этот старт запланирован на конец сентября. В зависимости от даты старта будет выбрана ракета-носитель. Дело в том, что на первой ступени РН серии 38701 стоит один двигатель с «подмоченной» репутацией. Условия его использования – температура топлива, а следовательно, и окружающей среды не должны превышать +10°С. В связи с этим РН получила разрешение на запуск только в период с ноября по март. Если же «Радугу-1» решат пускать в другие сроки (в том числе и в конце сентября), то будет использована РН серии 38801.

 There is uncertainty around the start of satellite “Raduga-1” in the second-half of 1998. So far this start is planned at the end of September. The carrier rocket will be selected depending on the start date. The fact is that on the first stage of rocket number 38701 stands one engine with a “tarnished” reputation. The conditions for its use, the temperature of the fuel and also consequently the environment must not exceed +10°C. In connection with this, the rocket obtained permission for a start in the period from November to March. However if they decide to launch “Raduga-1” outside that period (including at the end September), they will use rocket number 38801 instead.
« Last Edit: 05/20/2015 03:00 pm by Stan Black »

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Re: Information about Proton rocket
« Reply #19 on: 08/17/2010 07:26 am »
Is this evidence that Proton-K 395-01 for Zarja used enhanced 14D14 engines?

 Вчера с космодрома Байконур выведен на орбиту первый блок международной космической станции "Заря", при этом использовался ракетоноситель "Протон"; коллектив создателей двигателя 14Д14, возглавляемый Владимиром Сатюковым, представлен к премии правительства РФ 98 г. за достижения в области науки и техники; в результате модернизации двигателя 14Д14 его тяга возросла на 5 тон, блок "Заря" - первый сегмент международной космической станции; полная сборка будет завершена в 2004 г., в ближайших проектах "Протону" предстоит выводить на орбиту по 3…4 спутника; в перспективе у АО "Протон" участие в строительстве (производство двигателя первой ступени) универсальной ракеты нового поколения "Ангара" 1(21.11.98), 3(27.11.98).
« Last Edit: 02/15/2015 05:31 am by Stan Black »


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