Author Topic: ISS moon base  (Read 10931 times)

Offline Jim

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Re: ISS moon base
« Reply #20 on: 07/16/2008 08:36 pm »

1.  To me they are of equal importance to the pyramids, they should be preserved, and what better place than space to preserve them?

2.  If the push imparted to MIR had been towards a higher orbit rather than towards de-orbiting, how high up would it have gone? - Would it maybe have reached an orbit that would remain steady for a couple of hundred years?

1.  Space is not a good place to preserve hardware.  Look at HST and LDEF.  Hardware "decomposes" in space due to thermal effects, micrometeors, radiation, etc

2.   No, only a few years.  Any of your proposals involve large amounts of traditional propellants

Offline Spacenick

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Re: ISS moon base
« Reply #21 on: 07/17/2008 12:23 am »
Well I don't know much about hardware decomposition, but it seems that there are some pieces of hardware with only minor degradation, I guess it wou;d be even less for unused hardware which does nothing but drifting. I mean both the Voyager probes are still functioning and Hubble has some years on it's back as well.
I know there also was a case where a Salyut station that had been shut down completly due to some problem was restarted after it had cooled down to freezing point.
So I wonder how a Salyut type station would look like after being in orbit for some decade, would it even stay in orbit that long if lofted to say 1000-2000 km?

Offline hop

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Re: ISS moon base
« Reply #22 on: 07/17/2008 02:48 am »
Keep in mind that part of the decomposition will involve shedding debris, which will then pose a threat to working spacecraft. Might not be too bad if you boost it really far away, but certainly a major concern in the few thousand km range.

Better to sink it.

Offline amaturespacecase

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Re: ISS moon base
« Reply #23 on: 07/17/2008 07:52 pm »
NASA's FY 2009 budget request- Ok bend over!


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