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SpaceX General Section / Re: Starlink: Collision risks
« Last post by aameise9 on 12/02/2024 01:55 pm »
SpaceX now nominally uses an even more conservative maneuver threshold two
orders of magnitude more sensitive than the industry standard. Specifically, SpaceX satellites will
maneuver when the probability of collision is greater than 1e-6 (1 in 1,000,000 chance of collision),
as opposed to the industry standard of 1e-4 (1 in 10,000 chance of collision).

Of course, this lower threshold only compensates for SpaceX having O(100) times more satellites in operation than other players.

If they had kept to the  industry standard of 1e-4, the combined risk would have risen to 1e-2.
SpaceX General Section / Re: Starlink : General Discussion - Thread 3
« Last post by catdlr on 12/02/2024 01:52 pm »
Cross-post of ISS observation of Starlinks clusters:

Cross-post of ISS observation of Starlinks clusters:

SpaceX General Section / Re: Starlink : Satellite Spotting
« Last post by catdlr on 12/02/2024 01:41 pm »
Cross-post of ISS observation of Starlinks clusters:

SpaceX General Section / Re: Starlink: Collision risks
« Last post by catdlr on 12/02/2024 01:38 pm »
Cross-post of ISS observation of Starlinks clusters:

NASA LIVE: 9:45 a.m. | Coverage of Roscosmos Spacewalk 63 at the International Space Station. Spacewalk is scheduled to begin at 10:10 a.m. and is scheduled to last approx. 6 hours and 40 minutes.

Signet Warhorse III + JRTI + B1080 returned to PC on Nov 27 @ 7:18am ET

Signet Warhorse III + JRTI departed PC on Nov 27 @ 5:26pm ET

Signet Warhorse III + JRTI + B1083 returned to PC on Dec 2 @ 7:10am ET
SpaceX Starship Program / Re: Larger Starships
« Last post by ZachF on 12/02/2024 12:37 pm »
Size comparison between Saturn V, Starship, Starship V3, and a theoretical 200x18m Super-Starship.

Super Starship,

~35,000t GTOW
~1,000t to LEO

Eat your heart out Sea Dragon! 🤓

Tanker version could basically fully fuel V3 Starship in 2 launches, and probably enough to go to mars in one launch, and a depot version could fill several. This would probably be the main reason to build such a monster.
NOTAM zone is exactly the same one as this so I think it’s the long delayed Ceres-1 launch instead?
I agreed you, the Gushenxing-1 is also possible.

Quote from: Jeff Greason
2025: A Moment Of Opportunity In Space

Since 1969 ... <wall of text>... opportunity.

Naive article, ignores a lot of inconvenient reality that's already been mentioned upthread, won't waste everyone's time by needlessly reiterating.
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