Author Topic: L2 Gift Membership Process  (Read 45099 times)

Offline Chris Bergin

L2 Gift Membership Process
« on: 12/17/2017 10:49 pm »
This tends to be a question around Christmas time, usually from current L2 members looking to gift friends or relatives with a subscription to L2. This just came up again, so I'm setting up this process thread for anyone interested in it! :)

If the friend is already a member of the forum here, you can skip Step A and only pass on the username they are using.

Step A:

For the recipient, PM me:;sa=send;u=3

 1) A username they will use. Please note, we have thousands of members here, so unless you know it's pretty unique, check it's not taken here:;sort=real_name;start=0
 2) A password (which you'll send them so they can log in)
 3) Their e-mail address (optional - and they can always install it after they've logged in themselves).

 I'll then set up the account manually via admin.

 Step B:

 4) Complete the checkout via the usual way: (Step 2, as the above will have completed Step 1)

 I'll upgrade the account. I'll message you back confirming. Then all you have to do is pass on the Username and Password to the person noting the gift and the person will log in to the forum, see the "Welcome to L2 overview" in his PMs - that I'll have already sent - and the person will be straight into L2!

Their term won't begin until they log in, so if it's a Christmas present, you can do it in advance and not lose any days.

Bottom line...if you're not sure, just mail me at [email protected] and I'll get it all arranged for you :)
« Last Edit: 12/17/2017 10:57 pm by Chris Bergin »
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Offline Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Gift Membership Process
« Reply #1 on: 12/04/2019 03:29 pm »
This applies more so this time of year with L2 membership Christmas stocking fillers :)

(It's happened a fair few times over the years and worked out nicely).
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