A 19% stretch? The weight of CCB seems only 9% increase according to your GLOW figure.
Quote from: cmj9808 on 10/16/2015 05:05 amA 19% stretch? The weight of CCB seems only 9% increase according to your GLOW figure.Propellant load increases 19%, thus the tank stretch. Some dry mass reduction is provided by use of the "Merlins". Also, GLOW includes the Centaur, which does not change. - Ed Kyle
Which Merlin 1D did you used? The first version or the Full Thrust?
Wouldn't 5 full thrust Merlin's do the same?
Thanks, I asked that question somewhere else, and got shot down. A stretched Atlas using Merlin engines is doable. It seems it would be a much cheaper solution that totally getting rid of Atlas V. ...
Thanks, I asked that question somewhere else, and got shot down. A stretched Atlas using Merlin engines is doable.
How about replacing the RD-180 with 2 RD-181. Never mind that it is not doable politically. But theoretically how close in performance to the Atlas V 401?@spacenutOP ask for alternate with Atlas V 401 performance to GTO. Presume with as little new development as possible with the existing tooling & GSE.
The Merlin seems to be a very good engine. I think they have only had one fail, but they had engine out and the satellite made orbit.
Quote from: spacenut on 10/16/2015 02:28 pmThe Merlin seems to be a very good engine. I think they have only had one fail, but they had engine out and the satellite made orbit. small point about the Merlin under "failure". Note that SpaceX has redefined this before congress. The loss of CRS-7 is the loss of 10 Merlins. From :Mr. Jeff Thornburg Senior Director of Propulsion Engineering, Space Exploration Technologies Corporationhttp://docs.house.gov/meetings/AS/AS29/20150626/103668/HHRG-114-AS29-Wstate-ThornburgJ-20150626.pdf
Assuming a return to GG RP-1 engines for the Atlas what does the old stage and a half trick do for the rocket? A Merlin type engine would be more efficient both is mass and ISP than the old RS-58. Would the performance increase be worth the hassle of going that route?
The only problem, of course, is that SpaceX would never sell a Merlin to a competitor.
Did they state somewhere common bulkhead on Vulcan?