Author Topic: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates  (Read 388880 times)

Offline woods170

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ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« on: 03/28/2013 11:48 am »
NOTE: this thread is meant only for UPDATES regarding the development of Ariane 6.

As such, it is a companion to the ESA - Ariane 5 ME Updates -thread.

- Discussions about liquid- versus solids Ariane belong in the Ariane 6: solid vs. liquid -thread
- Discussions about manned vehicles or man-rated vehicles on Ariane 6 belong in the Ariane 6 and crewed ARV -thread.
- Discussions about the long road that led to the decision to develop Ariane 6 belong in the ESA begins work on Ariane 6 -thread.
- All personal opinions about this launcher do not belong on this thread. Best take them to one of the discussion threads linked above.

Thank you in advance for complying with the noted restrictions. All violations will be reported to the moderators.

End of note.

OK, to kick-off this thread, some recent eye-candy...

All images - credit: CNES/ill./DUCROS David, 2013
« Last Edit: 06/14/2013 06:49 am by woods170 »

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Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #1 on: 03/28/2013 01:29 pm »
Some older news. Copied accros from the Ariane 5 ME Updates thread:

The European Space Agency (ESA) has awarded Astrium, Europe’s leading space technology company, €108 million worth of prime contractor agreements covering the development of the Ariane 6 and Ariane 5 ME launchers. The contracts follow on from the decisions reached at the ESA Ministerial Council meeting in Naples on 20-21 November 2012.

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Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #2 on: 03/28/2013 01:35 pm »
Slightly less older development news.

Ariane 5 is hamstrung by the need to find 2 satellites ready to launch every 2 to 3 months and compatible with its lift performance,” notes Joseph Berenbach. “On the other hand, Ariane 6 will launch a single satellite at a time, so it will be much more flexible and responsive: customers will no longer have to wait to launch their spacecraft.

Images - credit: ESA/CNES/Arianespace
« Last Edit: 03/28/2013 05:36 pm by woods170 »

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Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #3 on: 03/28/2013 01:53 pm »
The Space Unconference 2013 (SpaceUp 2013), to be held at ESA headquarters in Paris, from May 24th - May 26th 2013, will host the Ariane 6 kick-off event.

CNES, the French space agency, invites the SpaceUp attendees to learn more about the future ESA launcher, Ariane 6. On Friday 24th May, engineers from the CNES Launchers Directorate and ESA’s Launchers Directorate will present their work, take part in interactive workshops and submit challenges to the participants.

Anyone from this forum attending?  :)

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Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #4 on: 03/28/2013 07:55 pm »
Some more older news, from a French source, but it contains the first views of the proposed launch zone for Ariane 6:

Translation mine:
On Wednesday, December 19, 2012, in the combined ESA/CNES facility, in the 12th arrondissement of Paris, Michel Eymard, CNES Director of Launchers presented a model of the future Ariane 6. (Note: see image below)Performed in 3D-printing, it represents the"PPH" configuration of the rocket, with three solid boosters on the lower stage (first stage), a similar solid booster above the lower stage, and a cryogenic upper stage.

The favorite configuration of CNES for the future Ariane was already known before the Ministerial Conference in Naples. However, the future launch area of the launcher was never previously revealed. Christian Canart, CNES project manager for the Guyana ground facilities, presented the future site plan and an artist impression.

"It's included in the $ 4 billion?" the concerned ESA minister Geneviève Fioraso immediately asked. The answer from CNES President Yannick d'Escatha was immediate: 'Yes, it's included'.

Like Vega, the small European launcher, Ariane 6 final assembly is performed directly on the pad. In contrast, Ariane 5 was assembled in a building, then received it's payload and fairing in another building, before being transferred to the launchpad.

The map below shows the area of the Guiana Space Centre, which would be dedicated to Ariane 6. In the BICI (Lower Composite Integration Facility), the solid boosters for the lower two stages are integrated, before being stored in the BSE. ZL means launch area. The cryogenic upper stage and payload-composite are assembled directly on the pad. Two launch areas (ZL1 and ZL2) may be considered for parallel launch processing.

Everything will be located north of the Ariane 5 launch area.

Production units for the solid booster propellants are extensions of existing units which are also located inside the Guiana Space Center.
« Last Edit: 03/28/2013 07:55 pm by woods170 »

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Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #5 on: 03/29/2013 02:29 am »
So, they'll have a mobile integration tower, that will also enclose a fixed service tower (for H2, auxiliary gases, etc.). They did stated that they would integrate the lower three solids on a separate building. So I'm assuming it will have some sort of mobile bed? Or will the service tower and bed be integrated like the Atlas V's MLP?
BTW, I still don't see how will they scale down performance. Unless they can do a PPH with a single solid at the base.

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Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #6 on: 03/29/2013 07:12 am »
So, they'll have a mobile integration tower, that will also enclose a fixed service tower (for H2, auxiliary gases, etc.). They did stated that they would integrate the lower three solids on a separate building. So I'm assuming it will have some sort of mobile bed? Or will the service tower and bed be integrated like the Atlas V's MLP?
BTW, I still don't see how will they scale down performance. Unless they can do a PPH with a single solid at the base.

Remember, this is an update thread. Not a discussion thread. I suggest you take your questions/remarks regarding integration and performance to one of the existing discussion threads. Or, create a new appropriate discussion thread.

Thank you.

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Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #7 on: 03/29/2013 12:31 pm »
So, they'll have a mobile integration tower, that will also enclose a fixed service tower (for H2, auxiliary gases, etc.). They did stated that they would integrate the lower three solids on a separate building. So I'm assuming it will have some sort of mobile bed? Or will the service tower and bed be integrated like the Atlas V's MLP?
BTW, I still don't see how will they scale down performance. Unless they can do a PPH with a single solid at the base.

Remember, this is an update thread. Not a discussion thread. I suggest you take your questions/remarks regarding integration and performance to one of the existing discussion threads. Or, create a new appropriate discussion thread.

Thank you.
I created Ariane 6 Discussion Thread for everyone.

Offline woods170

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Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #8 on: 04/23/2013 05:41 pm »
New image from CNES showing a notional Ariane 6 launchpad.

Image - credit: CNES/ill./CHERFI Mourad, 2013
« Last Edit: 06/14/2013 06:51 am by woods170 »

Offline baldusi

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Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #9 on: 04/23/2013 09:03 pm »
New image from CNES showing a notional Ariane 6 launchpad.

Image - credit: CNES/ill./CHERFI Mourad, 2013

Why the Russian style flame "trench"? Does it does away with most of pad refurbishment?

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Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #10 on: 04/24/2013 06:29 am »
Warning: this is an update thread. Please post your questions in the discussion thread

Thank you.
« Last Edit: 04/24/2013 06:29 am by woods170 »

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Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #11 on: 04/26/2013 03:32 pm »
Pic posted on ESA website.

I wonder why 2 strap-ons have little wings  ???
« Last Edit: 04/26/2013 04:58 pm by Oli »

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Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #12 on: 04/26/2013 04:40 pm »
Normally, when little "wings" are added, is usually to keep aerodynamic stability at separation. For a famous example, the Saturn V needed them to keep the first stage from deviating enough to guarantee the safe escape of the Apollo in case of an abort. Without those wing, if the avionics section failed, the rocket could tumble more than the time needed to eject the capsule in a safe attitude. I.e. before the rocket would break down by aerodynamic forces. Thus, I would speculate that those are there to keep the expended rockets from contacting their neighbors during separation.

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Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #13 on: 04/26/2013 08:05 pm »
The recent ESA update on Ariane 6 also includes a short term timeline of what is to happen in this year:

Ariane 6 elements

The Ariane 6 is a three-stages configuration (called PPH) powered by solid propulsion for the lower composite (first two stages) and with a cryogenic liquid oxygen and hydrogen for the upper stage.

For the lower composite, several options are being considered in terms of number, loading and arrangement of motors.

For the upper stage, Ariane 6, similarly to Ariane 5 ME Adapted, will use cryogenic propulsion for the upper stage based on the Vinci engine. It will be restartable and have direct deorbiting features.

Ariane 6 work logic

The preparatory work has begun, with a first phase of trade-offs between different PPH concepts that will lead to the selection of one Ariane 6 concept by the second quarter of 2013. Analysis will begin on the selected concept during the feasibility stage, planned for completion in mid-2013.

Some of the Ariane 6 concepts under investigation

This will be followed by the preliminary definition phase which aims to show the overarching objective of the Ariane 6 launch system can be met: reduced exploitation costs.

The complete development of the Ariane 6 launch system will be proposed at the 2014 Council at ministerial level.

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Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #14 on: 05/27/2013 06:05 am »
Little late update:

PARIS — The French space agency, CNES, expects to freeze the final design of the new-generation Ariane 6 launcher by July, a milestone that will trigger work on a new launch pad in French Guiana whose location has already been decided, according to CNES officials.

The rocket and the launch installation are being designed to operate Ariane 6 at least eight times per year, with a mission goal of 12 flights annually to keep production and operations costs within the targeted 70 million euros ($91 million) per launch.

At somewhere between eight and 12 flights per year, including three or four European government missions, Ariane 6 would no longer need the annual price supports that the current heavy-lift Ariane 5 still requires despite a decade-long run without a failure.

The 20-nation European Space Agency (ESA) pays about 100 million euros per year to the Arianespace commercial launch consortium to permit the Evry, France-based company to avoid financial losses.

The 70 million euro target for Ariane 6 is viewed as an all-in cost that would include about 14 million euros per launch in ground operations and also would include the sales and marketing charges incurred by Arianespace.

Offline Galactic Penguin SST

Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #15 on: 05/27/2013 06:34 am »
Little late update:

PARIS — The French space agency, CNES, expects to freeze the final design of the new-generation Ariane 6 launcher by July, a milestone that will trigger work on a new launch pad in French Guiana whose location has already been decided, according to CNES officials.

The rocket and the launch installation are being designed to operate Ariane 6 at least eight times per year, with a mission goal of 12 flights annually to keep production and operations costs within the targeted 70 million euros ($91 million) per launch.

At somewhere between eight and 12 flights per year, including three or four European government missions, Ariane 6 would no longer need the annual price supports that the current heavy-lift Ariane 5 still requires despite a decade-long run without a failure.

The 20-nation European Space Agency (ESA) pays about 100 million euros per year to the Arianespace commercial launch consortium to permit the Evry, France-based company to avoid financial losses.

The 70 million euro target for Ariane 6 is viewed as an all-in cost that would include about 14 million euros per launch in ground operations and also would include the sales and marketing charges incurred by Arianespace.

Taking advantage of work done years ago on what was then a quarry, CNES officials have selected a site to the north of the Ariane 5’s launch site for Ariane 6, an area called Roche Nicole. Quarry construction left a large pit, now filled with water, that will be used for the Ariane 6 flame trench.

CNES officials say that because of the quarry work, done to support launches of the now-retired Ariane 4 rocket, the flame trench is now the equivalent of 70 percent complete even though no work has begun on it.

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Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #16 on: 05/31/2013 06:39 am »

Europe Urged To Halt Work on ‘Dead End' Ariane 6 Design

Europe’s Air & Space Academy says the French and European space agencies are moving in the wrong direction on the future Ariane 6 rocket and should delay development in favor of a redesign that provides more growth potential.

The academy is urging the agencies to stop work on the Ariane 6 they approved in November with a view to beginning full development in 2014. The academy-favored rocket would use liquid propulsion instead of solid, and would face four more years of preparatory work before moving to full development in 2018.

In the meantime, the academy says, Europe should focus on an upgraded heavy-lift Ariane 5 that would fly for a decade before both it and the Europeanized version of Russia’s medium-lift Soyuz rocket are replaced by the all-liquid Ariane 6 in 2027. This rocket, called Ariane 5 ME, has been in design for several years. Continued work on it was approved, alongside Ariane 6, at the November meeting of European Space Agency (ESA) governments.

Discussing this news article should be done in the Ariane 6 DISCUSSION thread. Thank you.
« Last Edit: 05/31/2013 06:41 am by woods170 »

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Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #17 on: 06/10/2013 07:29 am »
Here is the ESA response to the recent call for a pause in Ariane 6 development:

Ignoring Call for Strategic Pause, ESA Intends To Stay the Course on Ariane 6

The European Space Agency (ESA) has no intention of changing course for its future Ariane 6 rocket despite pointed criticism of the selected design by former ESA and European industry launch-vehicle experts, ESA Launch Vehicle Director Antonio Fabrizi said June 7.

Fabrizi said the current design, using two solid-fueled stages topped by a cryogenic upper stage, received the specific endorsement of ESA’s governments last November and cannot simply be set aside. He said the vehicle’s final design — both a single-block first stage and a multiblock cluster are being discussed — will be settled by early July.

Discussing this news article should be done in the Ariane 6 DISCUSSION thread. Thank you.
« Last Edit: 06/10/2013 07:30 am by woods170 »

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Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #18 on: 06/14/2013 06:56 am »
More artist impressions.

Credit: CNES/DUCROS David, 2013

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Re: ESA - Ariane 6 Updates
« Reply #19 on: 06/28/2013 12:19 am »
Found a new version. Now with 5 boosters in the first stage instead of 3. In total there will be 6.

From this video:

« Last Edit: 06/28/2013 12:19 am by Oli »


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