Author Topic: Arianespace launch schedule  (Read 1730171 times)

Offline Salo

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2920 on: 10/17/2024 01:01 pm »
Approved Missions timeline
Mission   Launch
Sentinel-1 C             Dec 2024
Biomass               Mar 2025
ALTIUS                 May 2025
HydroGNSS             May 2025
Sentinel-1 D             Jun 2025
Sentinel-4 A             Jun 2025
MTG-S1                Jun 2025
METOP-SG A1             Oct 2025
Sentinel-5 A             Oct 2025
Sentinel-6 B             Dec 2025
FLEX                    Mar 2026
Sentinel-3 C             Jun 2026
METOP-SG B1            Jul 2026
MTG-I2                 Sep 2026
Sentinel CO2M-B     Mar 2027
FORUM                 Aug 2027
Sentinel CO2M-A     Nov 2027
Sentinel-2 D             Sep 2028
Sentinel CRISTAL-A     Nov 2028
Sentinel-3 D         Dec 2028
Sentinel LSTM-A     Mar 2029
Sentinel ROSE-L A     Sep 2029
Sentinel CIMR-A     Oct 2029
Harmony               Dec 2029
Sentinel CHIME-A     Dec 2029
TRUTHS                Mar 2030
Sentinel LSTM-B     Mar 2031
Sentinel ROSE-L B     Sep 2031
Sentinel CHIME-B     Dec 2031
MAGIC/MCDO        Dec 2032
METOP-SG B2      Feb 2033
METOP-SG A2      Feb 2033
Sentinel-5 B          Feb 2033
MTG-I3                 Feb 2033
Sentinel CRISTAL-B     Nov 2033
Sentinel CIMR-B     Oct 2034
Sentinel-4 B         Dec 2035
MTG-S2                Dec 2035
MTG-I4                 Dec 2036
Sentinel-5 C        May 2039
METOP-SG A3       May 2039
METOP-SG B3      Feb 2040

Planned: Mission financing is available for pre-development (through Phase B).
These missions display estimated year of launch and EOL timeline    
Mission   Launch

Space Weather L1-A 2028
EPS-Sterna          2029
Sentinel CO2M-C     2029
S1NG-A                2032
MAGIC/NGGM        2032
S2NG-A                2033
S3NGT-A              2033
S3NGO-A             2034
S1NG-B                2034
S2NG-B                 2035
S3NGT-B               2035
S3NGO-B              2036
Sentinel-6 C         2040
« Last Edit: 10/17/2024 01:36 pm by Salo »

Offline Salo

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2921 on: 10/17/2024 01:35 pm »
№ – Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)

01 - July 9 - dummy payload, 3Cat 4, CuriumOne, CURIE A (ELaNa 48), CURIE B (ELaNa 48), GRBBeta, ISTSAT 1, Méditerranée (ROBUSTA-3A), Nyx Bikini, OOV-Cube, Replicator, SpaceCase SC-X01, hosted payload:  LiFi, PariSat, Peregrinus, SIDLOC, YPSat - Ariane 62 (VA262 / FM1 / 6001) [inaugural flight] - Kourou ELA-4 - 19:00:00  - partial success (APU restart anomaly, and remains in orbit with Nyx Bikini and SpaceCase SC-X01 still attached)
02 - September 5 - Sentinel-2C - Vega (VV24) - Kourou ELV - 01:50:15
03 - December 5 - Sentinel-1C - Vega C (VV25/VC03) - Kourou ELV - 21:20:33

Foreign launchers:
April 28 - Galileo-FOC FM25 (Patrick), Galileo-FOC FM27 [L12] - Falcon 9 - Kennedy LC-39A - 00:34
May 28 - EarthCARE [Earth Explorer 6] - Falcon 9 - Vandenberg SLC-4E - 22:20
August 16 - Transporter-11: AWS, Φsat-2 - Falcon 9 - Vandenberg SLC-4E  - 18:56:00.118
September 17 - Galileo-FOC FM26 (Julina), Galileo-FOC FM32 [L13] - Falcon 9 (B1067.22 JRTI) - Canaveral SLC-40 - 22:50:49
October 7 - Hera, Juventas, Milani (APEX - Asteroid Prospection Explorer) - Falcon 9-379 (B1061.23 X) - Canaveral SLC-40 - 14:52:11
December 5 - PROBA 3 Coronagraph, PROBA 3 Occulter - PSLV C59 XL - Sriharikota FLP - 10:34

Planned launches:
Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)


NET Q4 - Balkan-01 - Vega C - Kourou ELV  Falcon 9
TBD - PocketQubes - Vega C (VV25) - Kourou ELV
TBD - PocketQubes - Vega C (VV26) - Kourou ELV

Foreign launchers:
  Q4   NET December - LUXEOSys (NAOS) - Falcon 9 - Vandenberg SLC-4E (or NLT January 2025)

  December 2024     NET Mid-   February 25 - CSO 3 - Ariane 62 (VA263 / FM2) - Kourou ELA-4
NET Mid-March - BIOMASS [Earth Explorer 7], PocketQubes - Vega C (VV26/VC04) - Kourou ELV
NET Q2    H2   - ViaSat-3.2 (ViaSat-3 EMEA) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
June - CO3D 1, CO3D 2, CO3D 3, CO3D 4 - Vega C (VV27/VC05) - Kourou ELV
September - SMILE - Vega C (VV28/VC06) - Kourou ELV
NET Q3 - Space Rider flight 1 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
September-November - MetOp-SG A1 (EPS-SG-a, Sentinel-5A) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
H2 - Kuiper (x30+) - Ariane 64 [inaugural flight] - Kourou ELA-4
Q4 - Sentinel-1D - Vega C (VV29/VC07) - Kourou ELV
Q4 - IRIDE (x12) F1 - Vega C (VV30/VC08) - Kourou ELV
Late - LEO-PNT demonstrator - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV (TBD) (or 2026)
NET Late - first flight - Miura 5 - Kourou ELD
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM29, Galileo-FOC FM30 [L14] - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM28, Galileo-FOC FM31 [L15] - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2026)
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM33, Galileo-FOC FM34 [L16] - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2026)
TBD - EDRS-D (hosted payload) -  Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Syracuse-4C - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - KOMPSAT-6 (Arirang-6) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - SHALOM - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - CSG-3 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - SpaceBelt (x10) - Vega C - Kourou ELV

March - MicroCarb - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q1 - SSMS #9: SSO 580 km - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q1 - Hyperfield-1B - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q2 - SSMS #7: SSO 580 km - Vega C - Kourou ELV
May - HydroGNSS-1  (Earth Scout 2A), HydroGNSS-2  (Earth Scout 2B) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Midyear - YODA demonstrator (x2) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
Q3 - SSMS #13: SSO 650 km - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET H2 - HYPERFIELD NG (x4) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
December - PLATiNO-1 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Late - Japetus - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Late - EAGLE-1 - Vega C - Kourou ELV (or Early 2026)
Late - ERMIS-1, ERMIS-2 - TBD - Kourou
Late - ERMIS-3 - TBD - Kourou
  NET Q4 2024   TBD - SSMS #6: SSO 540 km - Vega C - Kourou ELV
  2024   TBD - SSMS #8: SSO 530 km - Vega C - Kourou ELV
  NET Q4 2024   TBD - SSMS #10: SSO 650 km, Alba Orbital Cluster 10 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
  2024   TBD - SSMS #11: LEO Equatorial - Vega C - Kourou ELV
  NET Q4 2024   TBD - SSMS #12: SSO, Alba Orbital Cluster 12 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
  2024   TBD - RACE 1, RACE 2 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
  2024   TBD - GOMX-5A, GOMX-5B - Vega C - Kourou ELV
  2024   TBD - ION-SVC: Astrocast (x10) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
  2024   TBD - SpeQtral-1 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
  2024   TBD - VMMO - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

Foreign launchers:
NET January 15 - Balkan-01 - Falcon 9 - Vandenberg SLC-4E
Q3 - MTG-S1 (Sentinel-4A) - Falcon 9 - Canaveral SLC-40 / Kennedy LC-39A
December  - Sentinel-6B (Jason-CS-B) - Falcon 9 - Vandenberg SLC-4E

March-April  - FLEX [Earth Explorer 8], ALTIUS - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET H1 - Space Rider flight 2 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
June-August - MetOp-SG B1 (EPS-SG-b) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
Q3 - Sentinel-3C - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q3 - MTG-I2 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
H2 - Intelsat-45 (IS-45) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
NET H2 - Space Rider flight 3 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET H2 - ClearSpace-1 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - CO2M-A (Sentinel-7A) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - PLATO - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - G2G (x2) [L17]  - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Intelsat-41 (IS-41), Intelsat-44 (IS-44) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Uhura-1 (Node-1) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Optus-11 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Lunar Rideshare Mission - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - CSG-4 - Vega C - Kourou ELV (or NET 2027)
TBD - KOMPSAT-7 (Arirang-7) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD  - IRIDE (x13) F2 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - IRIDE (x9) F3 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - TBD - Vega C / IOS-OSPM (inaugural flight) - Kourou ELV
TBD - TBD - Ariane 6 Evo - Kourou ELA-4

February - PLATiNO-2 (MAIA) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET Q1 - ELSA-m - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q2 - SSMS #14: SSO 550 km - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q3 - SSMS #15: SSO 680 km - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q3 - SSMS #16: SSO 550 km - Vega C - Kourou ELV
  Q4   H2 - MLS #1: Exotrail’s spacevan - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - CO2Image - Vega C - Kourou
TBD - CubeSpec - Vega C - Kourou
TBD - M-ARGO (Miniaturised – Asteroid Remote Geophysical Observer) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - TBD - Maia (inaugural flight) - Kourou former ELS (or 2027)

Q1 - CO2M-B (Sentinel-7B) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET H1 - Space Rider flight 4 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
August - FORUM [Earth Explorer 9] - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET H2 - Space Rider flight 5 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Late - Hellas Sat 5 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - G2G (x2) [L18] - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - EL3 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - CLTV - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - HRWS-X - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV (TBD)
TBD - SBG-TIR - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - TBD - Vega E+ (inaugural flight) - Kourou ELV

Q2 - SSMS #17: SSO 550 km - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - MLS #2: GTO - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - TANGO-Carbon, TANGO-Nitro - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - LUMIO - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

April - Ramses - TBD - Kourou
Midyear - ROSE-L-A (Sentinel-12A) - TBD - Kourou
September - Sentinel-2D - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - CRISTAL-A (Sentinel-9A) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Sentinel-3D - TBD - Kourou
TBD - RISE - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - SUSIE - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - SBG-VSWIR - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Genesis - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV (TBD)
TBD - ESA-LEO Cargo Return Service - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4

Q2 - SSMS #18: SSO 550 km - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q3 - MLS #3: GTO - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
Q4 - SSMS #19: LEO 5° 550 km - Vega C - Kourou ELV

Foreign launchers:
Q4 - ExoMars RSP (CM+EDLM ( Rosalind Franklin Rover)) - Falcon Heavy / Super Heavy/Starship - Kennedy LC-39A

January - Human Lunar Exploration (ascent module) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
Q2 - CO2M-C (Sentinel-7C) - TBD - Kourou
Q3 - CIMR-A (Sentinel-11A) - TBD - Kourou
Q3 - ARRAKIHS - Vega C - Kourou ELV (or early 2030’s)
NET Q4 - Aeolus FO - TBD - Kourou
December - PRISMA2GEN - Vega C - Kourou ELV
December - Harmony-1 (Earth Explorer 10A, Concordia), Harmony-2 (Earth Explorer 10B, Discordia) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - ARIEL, Comet Interceptor (fast mission) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - LSTM-A (Sentinel-8A) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - CHIME-A (Sentinel-10A) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - TanDEM-L - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV (TBD)
TBD - EPS-Sterna - TBD - Kourou

February - MERLIN - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q2 - SSMS #20: SSO 550 km - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q3 - MLS #4: GTO - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
Q4 - SSMS #21: LEO 5° 550 km - Vega C - Kourou ELV

March - TRUTHS - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - CRISTAL-B (Sentinel-9B) - Vega C/E - Kourou ELV
November - Sentinel-6C - Vega C/E - Kourou ELV
TBD - ROSE-L-B (Sentinel-12B) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - NEOMIR - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - ERO [Mars Sample Return] - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4

TBD - YODA - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

Q3 - CIMR-B (Sentinel-11B) - TBD - Kourou (or October 2034)
December - CHIME-B (Sentinel-10B) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - EnVision [M5 mission] - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Vigil-L5 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Argonaut - Ariane 64 Block 3 (TBD) - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Aeolus-2 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - SAOCOM-2 - Vega C - Kourou ELV

Q2 - MetOp-SG A2 (Sentinel-5B) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4 (or February 2033)
December - MAGIC/NGGM (x2) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Sentinel-1A NG - TBD - Kourou

Q1 - MTG-I3 - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
Q1 - MetOp-SG B2 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
Q3 - Sentinel-3 NG TOPO A - TBD - TBD
Q4 - Sentinel-6 NG B - TBD - TBD
TBD - Sentinel-2A NG - TBD - Kourou

Q3 - Sentinel-3 NG OPT A - TBD - TBD
TBD - EPS-Aeolus - TBD - Kourou
  NET 2033   TBD - Sentinel-1B NG - TBD - Kourou

H1 - MTG-S2 (Sentinel-4B) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or December)
Q3 - Sentinel-3 NG TOPO B - TBD - TBD
  NET 2034   TBD - Sentinel-2B NG - TBD - Kourou
TBD - LISA (x3) (eLISA, NGO) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

Q3 - Sentinel-3 NG OPT B - TBD - TBD
Q3 - MTG-I4 - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or December)
TBD - LSTM-B (Sentinel-8B) - TBD - Kourou

TBD - New ATHENA - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

Q2 - MetOp-SG A3 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
May - Sentinel-5C - TBD - Kourou

Q1 - MetOp-SG B3 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4

Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site
January 2025 - ISRU Demonstrator (In-Situ Resource Utilisation) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2025 - First flight - Zéphyr - Kourou ELD
NET 2025 - TBD - Vega C/VEnUS - Kourou ELV
NET 2025 - TBD - Vega C+ (inaugural flight) - Kourou ELV
NET 2025 - VD20 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET 2025 - VD20 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET 2025 - AWS constellation (x16) - TBD - Kourou
NET 2025 - Balkan (x120) [Endurosat] - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET 2025 - Dream Chaser United Nations space mission - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
2025-2030 - HYPERFIELD NG (x100) [Kuva Space] - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET 2026 - Kuiper (x30+) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2026 - inaugural flight - IFD 2 - Kourou
NET 2026 - IRIDE (x35) second batch - Vega C (multiple launches) - Kourou ELV
NET 2026 - Japetus (x20) [Prométhée] - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET 2026 - Eutelsat comsat - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2026 - Eutelsat comsat - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2026 - Eutelsat comsat - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
2026-2027 - LEO-PNT demonstrator (x5) - TBD - Kourou
2026-2027 - LEO-PNT demonstrator (x5) - TBD - Kourou
2026-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64 Block 2 - Kourou ELA-4
2026-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64 Block 2 - Kourou ELA-4
2026-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64 Block 2 - Kourou ELA-4
2026-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64 Block 2 - Kourou ELA-4
2026-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64 Block 2 - Kourou ELA-4
2026-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64 Block 2 - Kourou ELA-4
2026-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64 Block 2 - Kourou ELA-4
2026-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64 Block 2 - Kourou ELA-4
2026-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64 Block 2 - Kourou ELA-4
2026-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64 Block 2 - Kourou ELA-4
2026-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64 Block 2 - Kourou ELA-4
2026-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64 Block 2 - Kourou ELA-4
2026-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64 Block 2 - Kourou ELA-4
2026-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64 Block 2 - Kourou ELA-4
2026-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64 Block 2 - Kourou ELA-4
2026-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64 Block 2 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2027 - SR-E first flight - Vega E+ - Kourou ELV
NET 2028 - Sentinel-3A NG - TBD - Kourou
NET 2028 - G2G (x2) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2028 - G2G (x2) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2028 - G2G (x2) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2028 - G2G (x2) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2028 - G2G (xTBD) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4 (multiple launches)
2028-2029 - Celeste (military electromagnetic listening) - TBD - Kourou
Late 2020's - SATCOMBw 3A - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
Late 2020's - SATCOMBw 3B - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
  2027   230 - IRIS² constellation (290 sats) - multiple launches - Kourou
NET 2030 - EGIDE - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
2032-2033 - Cairt [Earth Explorer 11 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2032-2033 - Wivern [Earth Explorer 11 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
NET    2033   2035 - Sentinel-1C NG - TBD - Kourou
2036 - CryoRad [Earth Explorer 12 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2036 - ECO [Earth Explorer 12 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2036 - Hydroterra+ [Earth Explorer 12 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2036 - Keystone [Earth Explorer 12 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2030's - test flight - Ariane Next (Ariane 7) - Kourou
2030's - ESA crew spacecraft - TBD - Kourou
NLT 2040 - GAIA-2 - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Pléiades Neo Next constellation - TBD - Kourou
TBD - GOCE-FO - TBD - Kourou
TBD - TerraSAR-Fox - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Seosat-Ingenio-2 - TBD - Kourou
TBD - TBD - Spectrum (Isar) - Kourou ELD
TBD - TBD - Zephyr (Latitude) - Kourou ELD

NET 2024 - Nano-JASMINE - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET 2025 - PLATiNO-3 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET 2026 - PLATiNO-4 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET 2026 - ALINA lander, Audi lunar quattro rover - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2026 - GO-1 (GSO small satellites mission) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
2020s - VNREDSat-1b - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - NaSPUoN-0GPM2030 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - GESat constellation [Absolut Sensing] - TBD - Kourou
TBD - GEI-Sat constellation [Satlantis] - TBD - Kourou
TBD - constellr constellation - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Aerospacelab constellation - TBD - Kourou
TBD - OroraTech constellation - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Aistech constellation - TBD - Kourou


Orbital launches from Hammaguir - 4 (Diamant A - 4)
Orbital launches from CSG - 323 (Diamant B - 5, Europa II - 1, Diamant BP.4 - 3, Ariane 1 - 11, Ariane 2 - 6, Ariane 3 - 11, Ariane 4 - 116, Ariane 5 - 117, Ariane 6 - 1, Soyuz ST - 27, Vega/Vega С - 25/3)

Satellites from Hammaguir (launched / delivered to orbit) - 4 / 4
Satellites from CSG (launched / delivered to orbit) - 722 / 690

ALINA - Autonomous Landing and Navigation Module
ALTIUS - Atmospheric Limb Tracker for Investigation of the Upcoming Stratosphere
ARIEL - Atmospheric Remote‐sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large‐survey
ARRAKIHS - Analysis of Resolved Remnants of Accreted galaxies as a Key Instrument for Halo Surveys
ASAP-S - Arianespace System for Auxiliary Payloads for Soyuz rocket
ATHENA - Advanced Telescope for High-ENergy Astrophysics
AWS - Arctic Weather Satellite
BIOMASS - Biomass monitoring mission for Carbon Assessment
CHIME - Copernicus Hyperspectral Imaging Mission for the Environment
CIMR - Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer
CLTV - Cis-Lunar Transfer Vehicle
CM - Carrier Module (Exomars)
CO2M - Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitoring
Comsat-NG - Communication par Satellite de Nouvelle Génération
CRISTAL - Copernicus Polar Ice and Snow Topography Altimeter
CSG - COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation
CSO - Composante Spatiale Optique
CURIE - CubeSat Radio Interferometry Experiment
EL3 - European Large Logistic Lander
ERO - Earth Return Orbiter
FLEX - Fluorescence Explorer satellite
FORUM - Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring
G2G - Galileo Second Generation
GAIA-2 - Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics-2
GTO - Geostationary Transfer Orbit
GEO - Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit
GRACE-C - Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment-Continuity
HRWS-X - High Resolution Wide Swath SAR system for earth observation in X-Band
IFD 2 - In-Flight Demonstrator (two stage to orbit)
ION-SVC - In Orbit Now - Satellite Carrier Vehicle
IOS-OSPM - In Orbit Servicing Operating Support & Propulsion Module
IRIS² - Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnectivity and Security by Satellite
LISA - Laser Interferometer Space Antenna
LSTM - Land Surface Temperature Monitoring
LUMIO - LUnar Meteoroid Impacts Observer
MAGIC/NGGM - Mass-change And Geosciences International Constellation - Next Generation Gravity Mission
MERLIN - MEthane Remote sensing LIdar missioN
MLS - Multi Launch System
NAOS - National Advanced Optical System
NEOMIR - Near Earth Object Mission in the Infra-Red
NESS – Nanosat 3U for Surveillance of the civilian Spectrum
PLATO - PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars
PoC - Proof of Concept
PRETTY - Passive Reflectometry and Dosimetry
RACE - Rendezvous Autonomous Cubesats Experiment
ROSE-C - Radar Observing System for Europe - C-Band
ROSE-L - Radar Observing System for Europe - L-Band
RSP - Rover and Surface Platform (Exomars)
SMILE - Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer
SR-E - Space Rider-Evolution
SSO - Sun Synchronous Orbit
SSMS - Small Spacecraft Mission Service
SUSIE - Smart Upper Stage for Innovative Exploration
TANGO - Twin ANthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Observers
TRUTHS - Traceable Radiometry Underpinning Terrestrial- and Helio- Studies
VEnUS - VEGA Electric Nudge Upper Stage
VMMO - Volatile and Mineralogy Mapping Orbiter
YODA - Yeux en Orbite pour un Démonstrateur Agile

Changes on October 17
Changes on October 18
Changes on October 23
Changes on November 2
Changes on November 8
Changes on November 9
Changes on November 20
Changes on November 28
Changes on December 5
« Last Edit: 12/05/2024 08:44 pm by Salo »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2922 on: 10/17/2024 02:38 pm »
Full Name    Mass-change And Geosciences International Constellation - Next Generation Gravity Mission    Status    Planned
Mission Agencies    ESA, NASA
Launch Date    2032

The joint ESA/NASA Mass-change And Geosciences International Constellation (MAGIC) has the objective to extend time-series from previous gravity missions, including an improvement of accuracy and spatio-temporal resolution. The long-term monitoring of Earth’s gravity field carries information on mass change induced by water cycle, climate change and mass transport processes between atmosphere, cryosphere, oceans and solid Earth. MAGIC will be composed of two satellite pairs flying in different orbit planes. The NASA/DLR-led first pair (P1) is expected to be in a near-polar orbit around 500 km of altitude; while the second ESA-led pair (P2) is expected to be in an inclined orbit of 65°–70° at approximately 400 km altitude. The ESA-led pair P2 Next Generation Gravity Mission shall be launched after P1 in a staggered manner to form the MAGIC constellation.
« Last Edit: 10/17/2024 03:04 pm by Salo »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2923 on: 10/17/2024 03:26 pm »
Full Name    CO2Image    
Status    Considered
Mission Agencies    DLR
Launch Date    2026
Full Name    TanDEM-L    
Status    Considered
Mission Agencies    DLR, HRC
Launch Date    2028
Full Name    TerraSAR Follow-On X-band Mission    
Status    Considered
Mission Agencies    DLR
Launch Date    TBD

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2924 on: 10/18/2024 09:57 pm »

ESA's Ramses spacecraft will rendezvous with Apophis before it passes Earth and will accompany the asteroid during the flyby to observe how it is deformed and changed by our planet's gravity.

Patrick Michel, CNRS research director at the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur in Nice, comments: "There is still so much we need to learn about asteroids, but so far we have had to travel deep into the solar system to study them and conduct experiments ourselves to interact with their surface."

"For the first time, nature is bringing an asteroid to us and conducting the experiment itself. We only have to watch Apophis being stretched and squeezed by strong tidal forces, which could trigger landslides and other disturbances and reveal new material beneath the surface."

Ramses must launch in April 2028 to arrive at Apophis in February 2029, two months before the approach. To meet this deadline, ESA has requested permission to start preparatory work for the mission as soon as possible, using existing resources. This permission was granted by the Space Safety Programme Committee. The decision on whether to proceed with the full mission will be taken at the ESA Ministerial Council in November 2025.

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2925 on: 11/02/2024 04:26 am »
TAMPA, Fla. — The European Commission said Oct. 31 it is proceeding with delayed plans for a multi-orbit sovereign broadband constellation, after getting a best-and-final offer from a group led by a trio of domestic satellite operators.

A contract for designing and operating more than 290 satellites by 2030 to support government communications remains subject to final negotiations, which are slated to conclude before the end of this year.

Global services, which would also include capacity for the commercial market, were previously scheduled to begin by 2027, with satellite deployments planned for 2025.

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2926 on: 11/08/2024 10:26 am »
ViaSat-3 Asia-Pacific
Launch Time
NET 2nd Quarter, 2025
Ariane 64

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2927 on: 11/08/2024 05:03 pm »
Cross-post re: VA263:
Arianespace says the next Ariane 6 launch is now scheduled for no earlier than mid-February, and not this December as previously projected.

Ariane 6 first commercial flight scheduled for early 2025

Following the success of Ariane 6’s inaugural flight and a full analysis of the data collected, ArianeGroup and Arianespace announce that the European heavy-lift launcher will make its first commercial flight in the first quarter of 2025.
Arianespace will announce the flight date a few weeks before the launch.

After the success of Ariane 6’s inaugural flight on July 9, ArianeGroup, Arianespace and their partners are now preparing for the launcher’s second flight.

There are several stages in the lead-up to the second launch:

-Analysis of millions of data points collected during the inaugural flight is now complete. The data confirms the excellent behavior and performance of Ariane 6, and only a small number of deviations from forecasts, which have been fully understood and are being addressed. The flight software correction required to re-ignite the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) and de-orbit the upper stage has been completed.

-Launcher production: the main stage and upper stage for this flight are now integrated at ArianeGroup’s sites in Les Mureaux, France, and Bremen, Germany. They will soon be traveling to French Guiana on the innovative low-carbon ship, Canopée.

-Lastly, within the Ariane 6 launch complex (ELA 4) at Europe’s Spaceport, handover to Arianespace and ArianeGroup has been effected and work is underway to finalize preparations for the second flight and subsequent ones.

In light of these different factors, Ariane 6 is expected to make its next flight in the first quarter of 2025, from mid-February. Arianespace is working with customers to prepare the next launches for 2025, for which the scheduled dates are unchanged.

“Arianespace is getting set for the first commercial launch of Ariane 6, and the next ones that will take place in 2025. We again thank our customers, the French Space Agency and the French Ministry for the Armed Forces, for their trust. We are preparing this fresh start for Europe in space with enthusiasm,” said Stéphane Israël, CEO of Arianespace.

“After the successful inaugural flight on July 9, the teams from ArianeGroup and its partners retrieved and analyzed millions of data points. The careful analysis enabled us to make a number of adjustments in preparation for Ariane 6’s future missions and confirm the quality of development of Europe’s new heavy-lift launcher and its ability to carry out all missions to all orbits. The ramp-up has now started in both our own and our partners’ factories, and we are already working on the next launchers,” said Martin Sion, CEO of ArianeGroup.

Ariane 6 is a program managed and financed by the European Space Agency (ESA). As lead contractor and design authority for the launcher, ArianeGroup is responsible for development and production together with its industrial partners. As of this first commercial flight, Ariane 6 is being marketed and operated by Arianespace.
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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2928 on: 11/09/2024 07:55 pm »

The launch is now scheduled for Wednesday, 4 December 2024, 16:00 local time in Sriharikota.
10:30 UTC.
« Last Edit: 11/09/2024 07:57 pm by Salo »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2929 on: 11/10/2024 04:27 am »
Please delete:

Unclear   Rideshare:
NET 2024 - Nano-JASMINE - Vega C - Kourou ELV

The launch was cancelled in 2020s and the satellite is now displayed in Kakamigahara Air and Space Museum

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2930 on: 11/19/2024 01:39 pm »
Arianespace will launch Exotrail’s spacevan on board an Ariane 6, as an auxiliary passenger.
This spacevan is the geostationary version of Exotrail’s Orbital Transfer Vehicle (OTV), due to be placed in Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO) in the second half of 2026.

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2931 on: 11/21/2024 02:50 pm »
BREMEN, Germany — French launch vehicle startup Latitude has signed a multi-launch contract with Atmos Space Cargo, a company developing commercial reentry vehicles.

In a deal announced at Space Tech Expo Europe here Nov. 19, Atmos will buy a minimum of five launches a year of Latitude’s Zephyr rocket between 2028 and 2032. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Each launch will place a Phoenix spacecraft into very low Earth orbit, or VLEO. The spacecraft are designed to accommodate payloads for microgravity research in fields like pharmaceuticals and manufacturing, returning them to Earth.

“We’re proud to have earned the trust of a unique operator in the European space industry,” Adeline Pitrois, head of sales at Latitude, said in a statement. “This demonstrates also that Zephyr is particularly well adapted to the growing LEO and VLEO markets.”
Latitude raised $30 million in January to continue development of Zephyr, a rocket capable of placing up to 200 kilograms into low Earth orbit. The company has a goal of performing as many as 50 launches annually by 2029.

Aurélie Bressollette, who became chief executive of Latitude Nov. 5, said during a panel at Space Tech Expo Europe Nov. 19 that the company remains on schedule for a first launch by the end of 2025, with tests of an engine turbopump assembly planned for late this year followed by full-scale engine tests early next year. “We are completely on our way,” she said.

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2932 on: 11/27/2024 04:24 am »
Ariane 6 FM2 VA263  25 February
Vega C VV26               mid March
Slide file attached to original post.
Hat tip to others for this find (see "Information" > "Master Slide Deck")
(1/2) Due to the need to conduct further precautionary checks and activities on launcher preparation and finalization, the VV25 launch, originally scheduled for December 3, 2024, from Europe’s Spaceport, in Kourou, French Guiana, is postponed.
(2/2) The impact of these add checks is today estimated in the range of one day. The new launch date will be confirmed by Friday November 29.
The launcher and its passenger, the Copernicus Sentinel-1C satellite, are in stable and safe conditions.

« Last Edit: 11/27/2024 01:01 pm by zubenelgenubi »
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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2933 on: 11/28/2024 10:21 pm »
Arianespace @Arianespace

(1/2) New launch date for Copernicus Sentinel-1C

The additional checks & activities on Flight VV25 Vega C launcher are now completed, authorizing a new launch attempt by Arianespace on Dec. 4 at 6:20pm Kourou time (9:20pm UTC, 10:20pm CEST).

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2934 on: 11/28/2024 10:36 pm »
ESA Technology @ESA_Tech
🚨🚨🚨ESA's eclipse-making Proba-3 will lift off on an @ISRO PSLV-XL launcher from India on Wednesday, 4 December, at 11:38 CET (10:38 GMT, 16:08 local time). Here's how to watch the launch live

« Last Edit: 11/28/2024 10:39 pm by Salo »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2935 on: 12/05/2024 12:02 am »
Two launches are delayed to December 5.

As per the ESA's request, the launch of PSLV-C59/PROBA-3 has been rescheduled as follows:

Date: 05th December 2024
Time: 16:04
During Proba3’s pre-launch preparations at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in India, an anomaly in the redundant propulsion system of the Coronagraph Spacecraft occurred. This propulsion system is part of the attitude and orbit control subsystem of the satellite and used to maintain orientation and pointing in space.

The anomaly is currently under detailed investigation. The use of a software solution by the mission control team at @ESA’s ESEC centre at Redu, Belgium is being evaluated to allow a launch on Thursday 5 December at 11:34 CET (10:34 GMT, 16:04 local time). #Proba3

Scrubbed for today, now planned for tomorrow at the same time (21:20:33 UTC):

(1/2) Due to a mechanical issue preventing the withdrawal of the mobile gantry, the launch chronology has been stopped.
The earliest targeted launch date is planned for tomorrow Thursday 5 Dec. at 6:20 p.m. (Kourou time , 9:20 p.m. UTC).
(2/2) The launcher and its passenger the Copernicus Sentinel-1C satellite are in stable and safe conditions.

Balkan-1 rideshare aboard Transporter-12:
Balkan-1 is going to Space! [Sep 4]

We are excited to share that after months of hard work by EnduroSat’s development team, another major milestone in the Balkan Constellation project has been reached. This week, Balkan-1, the pilot mission for the Balkan Constellation, was successfully integrated. The spacecraft was placed into an ExoPod Nova deployer and will be deployed in orbit in early November.

The Balkan Constellation represents a significant step in EnduroSat’s mission to make space data universally accessible. Balkan-1 is a 16U NanoSat, equipped with a state-of-the-art multispectral camera. Its onboard deep neural network processing capabilities will enable new use cases in imagery analytics. The Balkan Constellation will provide EU with unprecedented revisit times, real-time cloud-based monitoring services, and AI-powered detection capabilities. The space data provided by these satellites will accelerate access to maritime surveillance, humanitarian aid, ecological support, and environmental monitoring.

ESA presentation [June 3]

** The launch of Balkan-1 is postponed to October on Transporter-12 Space-X mission; confirmation of launch schedule will be provided during the mid-term review in March

(Note launch has been delayed recently to NET January 15, 2025.)
« Last Edit: 12/05/2024 12:36 am by zubenelgenubi »
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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2936 on: 12/06/2024 07:29 pm »
I'm taking this with a grain of salt, but the president of the Portuguese Space Agency said today that Space Rider's inaugural flight (NET 2027) will land in Santa Maria island (Azores).

Source: (I find no sources in English, sorry)
[Nov 7]
I read the brief article via Google translate, but I saw no mention of a launch year.
« Last Edit: 12/06/2024 07:32 pm by zubenelgenubi »
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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2937 on: 12/07/2024 11:57 am »
May 2025
Expected launch of MicroCarb on the Vega C rocket in French Guinea
... [August 2024]

This could be VV26 (probably Biomass) or VV27 (probably CO3D).
The SSO of Biomass: LTAN=06:00 and MicroCARB: LTAN=10:30 are far apart.
For CO3D I read LTAN=10:45.

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2938 on: 12/07/2024 02:53 pm »
USN seeks authority to support the LEOP operations for the Sentinels-1D spacecraft to be launched in June 2025

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2939 on: 12/07/2024 03:45 pm »
USN seeks authority to support the LEOP operations for the Sentinels-1D spacecraft to be launched in June 2025

When was that application made? During the Sentinel-1C launch they said Sentinel-1D was NET Late-2025
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