Well, I don't have any suggestions, but I'll also be at the conference. I'm giving a paper called "Fly me to the Moon on an SLS Block II" on Friday morning. Anyone else from NSF going? Perhaps we should meet up.
Well, its a bit mad here in Adelaide with a record 4500 delegates! They ran out of paper programs, but should have some more coming in. The big news is that an Australian space agency has been announced by the Federal government!!! Rocketlab had a cool display with a full size Electron second stage. Next flight is in the next two months. Former NASA astronaut Pamela Melroy will be moving here to Adelaide to work for a local company.
Major improvements & some unexpected applications to be unveiled on Friday at @IAC2017 in Australia
“I’m thinking probably the upcoming IAC in Adelaide might be a good opportunity to do an updated version of the Mars architecture...”
Studied 4 clusters of debris grouped by altitude C775 (Altitude=775km), C850, C975 & C1500. Two clusters in particular: C850 has n=36 (SL16 stages) totalling 218,000kg, potential for 16,000 fragments (double debris population in one event). Observed approach distances of ~200m. C975 has n=301, totalling 352,000kg, potential for 4000 fragments in one event, observed approach distance of 30m.Cumulative probability of such an event in C850 having happened before now is 1%. Probability of such an event in C975 having happened before now is 11%. Ten worst offenders list 2 objects from C975 and 8 from C850. Suggest one of these is the most urgent target for first deorbiting. Future work expanding technique to rocket stages in GTO, the fragmentation of which at perigee would bring debris to GEO.
If Shaun from RL is there, do please say a quick 'hello' from me?
Thanks for the coverage, mikelepage. Considering the staggering number of technical sessions, it is much appreciated even though I am at IAC myself. On your number 7, the trade off between open and close cycle, i believe they were comparing recycling with ISRU, not with Earth resupply.Out of curiosity, what did you think about the student presentation on the NTR transfer between the DSG and Mars, presented by Ryan Elliot? I am one of the authors of it.