It is quite possible that a Canadian will never again command the ISS.
At least he made Canada proud on a job well done.
And so Hadfield transferred command to Vinogradov at 1948 UTC May 12.I remain a little bit confused about the relative significance of the change of command ceremony and the 'official' expedition numbering switchover at Soyuz undocking. Would someone in the know care to riff on this subject? Seems like the CoC ceremony is the 'real' boundary in the sense that if an emergency were to happen this evening it's Pavel who would be in charge? But he's not 'Commander of Expedition 35' now even though Ex 35 is still underway.
Oh wow, a fellow Canadian on console thanking Chris Hadfield for his & his team's efforts. cool.
Not a bad leaving gift from Cdr Hadfield
Quote from: robertross on 05/12/2013 07:50 pmOh wow, a fellow Canadian on console thanking Chris Hadfield for his & his team's efforts. cool.I believe this was the first time for any of the two new Canadian astronauts (Jeremy Hansen or David St-Jacques) to be Capcom on console ??...that was Jeremy Hansen....