The first who thought to interactions between open circuits like the dipoles, for what I could find from a historical point of view, was Maxwell.He explicitly says at page 163 Vol.2 of his Treatise:…no experiments on the mutual action of unclosed circuits have been made…and I have to say that at that time it was almost impossible to do such experiments. I’ve discussed more extensively this topic in Nova Astronautica n.84 Vol.20 2000 pages 3-9 as well as in n.77 Vol.18 pages 1-17, where it is described the standard procedure for the violation of Newtonian action-reaction principle through standard electrodynamics that led to the above mentioned patent.
It lacks a battery power supply (and solar panels for recharging), amplifiers and preamplifiers, telemetry etc. In detail, amplifiers and preamplifiers must be far lighter than the mastodons actually in our possess. Certainly the best thing would be to couple rechargeable batteries with an RTG, but we can’t afford it because our country has repudiated with a referendum [against nuclear power – E.N.] the work of Enrico Fermi, the first who managed to create the first nuclear reactor. Repudiated on the basis of extremist environmentalist propaganda, with the vows of who can’t usually distinguish physics from physical education.
Unfortunately we can carry only moss and/or bacteria instead of elephants. This is what our personal budget allows and it’s the consequence of my ASPS-Calmagorod stubbornness , because for decades I’ve never bent the knee in front of various Baal (that is NASA,ESA and friends) who only wanted the know-how of PNN in exchange for “fried air” (an Italian way to say "nothing"
phase shifters are made of ferrite and it would be improvident to think that they can maintain the fields phase as it happens without them. The fields through ferrites can operate in maximum phase, thrust in a direction with a phase of 0,360,720 degrees, or with 180,540 degrees that is thrust in opposite direction (quadrature 90,450 degrees)
As the ferrite cores work at millions of oscillations per second, the ferrite reaches temperatures that are critical for the whole system
in short words under a constant power input the thrust slowly builds up over time and once the power is turned off the prototype keeps thrusting, like if it had to work off the previously “accumulated” thrust.
Have you done any tests/videos with rotary rigs? Balance based tests do not rule out many possible thrust measurement errors...
To Mars and back- hypothesis for a PNN spacecraft : There is someone who knows where to find the density of the Martian atmosphere according to height and whether there is a link on the speed of approach (in terms of altitude and time) to Mars of a Martian probe that has arrived whole on its surface ?
Private Italian entrepreneurs who would want, and could, undertake a space flight to reach and land on Mars couldn’t have nuclear reactors to produce electric energy or RTG batteries (unlike the majority of NASA martian rovers).
The takeoff of the pnn from the ground is determined by the fact that: The impedance tends to cancel ... while the power supply increases ... that is, the electromagnetic wave produced tends to disappear at about 10 wavelengths from the source since the magnetic field of the displacement current has always proved with the pnn experimentally its inexistence
Lorentz (Nobel Prize) also considered the phantom of Maxwell to be non-existent, ie the displacement current.
It is clear from section 3 and equations (11) and (13) that it is a matter of procedure and taste whether or not the displacement current enters explicitly in a calculation. Maxwell is wrong if he asserts that the displacement current is a real external current density on a par with the conduction current density, but he is right if he says that it is electromagnetically equivalent (in the sense that it can appear on the right-hand side of the Amp`ere–Maxwell equation together with the conduction current density). Implementation of the displacement current as an ‘external source’ depends, however, on a perturbative approach, starting with electrostatics.
Maxwell was a mathematician who never did an experiment in his life about displacement current.Therefore I say to those who needlessly try to understand how EmDrive works. Attention to the basics of classical electrodynamics there is something wrong and that inevitably alters the physical perception. Some time ago I was very angry about this situation. Now no longer.My current positions are expressed by these two words in Latin.Deus qui vult to lose dementat.Vulgus vult decipi ergo decipiatur.
@meberbsTo change my mind, it is enough to have an experiment in which there is a measure of the magnetic field of the displacement current that does not originate from exchange errors like: magnetic field generated by charges exchanged for magnetic field by displacement current. In conclusion I have no difficulty in changing my opinion ... .. but this should not happen not through equations or theories but through an experiment.
In 1901, Henri Poincaré pointed out the Newton 's third law is violated if the displacement current does not exist. This conjecture implies that, according to Maxwell' s equations, a net propulsion force can be generated from electromagnetic interaction ...... "(H. Poincaré, Électricité et Optique (Paris: G Carré et C Naud), 1901, pp 465-6).
Following the indication of Poincarè some years ago I theoretically conceived a propulsion system based on what was said Poincare ... When I went to his experimentation with great difficulty I found that it was perfectly NOT working ... or functioning as if the displacement current did NOT exist.
No one has likewise gone to make an experimental measurement in the vacuum of the magnetic component of the wave H in order to experimentally verify that E / H is approximately 377 Ohms. I would be very happy to find a link where there is this measure in vacuum.
But the worst thing for Maxwell's fans is that the set of heresies I just told you did not in any way deprived me of being able to build antennas working for purely electromagnetic objectives (antennas) as for Newtonian and non-Newtonian targets that pushed me to reach. In fact, those who build an antenna even remotely dream of building it through measures of the current of displacement or at least I have never found anyone who took it into account.
@meberbs>It sounds like there are at least 2 mistakes you are making though, one being that you still seem to >think that "displacement current" refers to a physical current of some physical thing,> when it is just the rate of change of electric field at a point. i.e. you say to me that such change of electric field DON’T GENERATE A MAGNETIC FIELD?
>My last post explained that there is no question about whether "displacement current" is a thing.I REPEAT SUCH MAGNETIC FIELD EXIST OR NOT EXIST?
When you propose such experiment:>See for a modern take on the experiment.Or Others> Other evidence for the magnetic fields comes from the existence of modes such as TM modes in >waveguides and resonators. They don’t are magnetic fields from displacement current but the same of Bartlett experiment in the near zone field i.e. magnetic fields of moving charges mixed with the hypothetical magnetic field of displacement currentHere one paper of Bartlett
When you propose such experiments of magnetic field of displacement current it is a modern comics becouse it is fruitless as result
In fact at the end of several experiments the Bartlett conclusion was : it is fruitless the search such magnetic where are magnetic fields of different origin
On my opinion this is the better experiment to detect the magnetic field from displacement current....
the physical incompetence of mathematical J.C .Maxwell!
PNN in progress
Still you has not answered me on this elementary fact: if modern Narda probes that measure both the electric field and the magnetic field of an electric and presumed magnetic wave they do not detect the magnetic field H relative to the E / H = 377 ohms
And I repeat Maxwell never made that measurement E/H = 377 ohm since there is no experiment done by Maxwell to verify his mathematical theory in the e.m. (?) field
And again if Lorentz evaluates the displacement current as not existing
why should I trust Maxwell and not Lorentz since Lorentz is a nobel prize and Maxwell is not a nobel prize?
@meberbsThe narda probe that I have indicated and which measures the magnetic field H has the appropriate sensitivity threshold for that measurement ... and you make it fit with the narda probe because you do not believe to me and I don’t want to convince you at all costs….
Quos Deus perdere vult, dementat prius.
…."measurement of radiation pressure" is not a measure of the magnetic field of the displacement current.You exchange the effects with the causes. An wave is electric only when it invests the matter finds electric charges that in turn set in motion generate a magnetic field ... but there is no magnetic field upstream in the wave that does not invest the matter and does not generate any radiation pressure.
I have the potential suspicion that you will never understand how the emdrive works without understanding that the wave without interaction with matter it is only an electric field. But I do not want to experience the emdrive for me emdrive is and remains a pnn with the square wheels.
@meberbsThe article you mentioned pro DC (Displacement Current) say:"Light wave", "the weaker effect of the magnetic component" has been nearly impossible to detect directly. " It does not specify how "tiny". But I suspect that not having found the magnetic field from DC (Displacement Current) went to change the experimental setup and have multiplied their efforts to look for it by exchanging whistles for flasks (fischi per fiaschi in italian) .
How is it that nothing becomes a proof?Simply by inadvertently replacing the magnetic field from DC with the one generated by real charges!
And then there is another alarming fact that comes from the fans of DC: you do not even dream of going to see if electric field and magnetic field from DC are in quadrature. What does it mean? THAT YOU AGREE TO ANY MAGNETIC FIELD IN ANY PHASE! (I am attaching two figures)
And then the experimental setup that you brings or research of the DC in a waveguide "The original confirmation came from the Hertz in 1888. See for a modern take on the experiment. Other evidence for the magnetic fields comes from the existence of such modes as TM modes in waveguides and resonators. " is another great place or to exchange fireflies for lanterns.
I can only repeat the same thing that says Miller : stop teaching an erroneous concept!From
I have lost only a few thousand euro in trying to follow the advice of Poncarè or violation of the III of Newton through the magnetic field from DC conclusion dear meberbs I must say that in practice I keep my feet in two brackets are both against and pro displacement current So I can only congratulate those who follow the advice of Poincaré will make a propellanless propulsion from DC and I will be right ps: Today PNN is NOT based on Displacement Current
@meberbs> Is PNN based on the non-existence of the magnetic field? By displacement current then? > Otherwise I do not know why you brought it up. (Note: Please read the words >I used to do not say the displacement current causes the fields, since it is simply >described in the fields.)What you are telling me is a philosophical assumption that unfortunately does not allow me to understand it or formulate other questions and then give to you answers.
I talked about DC (Displacement Current) because I think Maxwell's electromagnetism brings with it mathematical concepts that do not serve the operational objectives of physics. In practice I think that the minimum of truth that the emdrive has is precisely obscured by the theoretical mass of mathematical chatter that are useless and away from the most elementary facts.
PNN unfortunately does not know what to do with DC. For PNN if Maxwell had never existed it would have been better and identically “in this phase of PNN” I assure you that I have never used relativistic concepts for it.
Note the Maxwellian heresy that for Marconi (NOT graduated in physics) the waves were electric and not electromagnetic
said more simply I want to ridicule the official science.
@meberbsI'm not doing an olympiad I work for free. Our pnn team will only be paid when the pnn will have demonstrated experimentally that it works, NOTE AFTER NOT BEFORE. Our potential financier wants the prototype only with batteries ... in practice he wants a mini spaceship controlled remotely. I had to change all the experimental setup and 4 engineers have been helping me for about 2 years. Everything resembles this even if it is changing in the construction phase.
I only say one thing before saying goodbye. When you know the know-how of the pnn you will obsessively ask for one thing: because you have not noticed it before.
@meberbsI gave you the information but you answered me as a mathematician and not as a physicist
I gave you the information but you answered me as a mathematician and not as a physicistMr. Meberbs Miller spoke of the lost millions of dollars in the CFA and EH antennas ... I only a few thousand euros years ago in the propellantless propulsion from DC
More you do not even think that Nobel Lorentz had any reason to Maxwell about DCSince the believers in Maxwell are so many because you do not make a collection of money to build a nice displacement current antenna ?
So put some money in the faith in Maxwell that you have
@meberbsif you make a research you will find many authors that doubt of Maxwell equations
The question among us is assuming aspects of dispute that I do not care about and that goes beyond the my interests . For all there is an evangelical motto that I apply first of all for me: from their fruits you will recognize them.
In read: “In 1901 Poincaré found another weakness in displacement current theory. He showedthat when the displacement current is acted on by a magnetic field it ‘does not experienceany mechanical action according to the theory of Lorentz’….”
I add myself to Poincarè and Miller with 2 photos of my attempt to find that force between the 3 plates of a condenser
In conclusion you should find an article where someone found the Lorentz force between the plates of a condenser OR IN OTHER PLACE due to the magnetic field from DC. You can not be allowed to give incompetence and crackpots to everyone without showing at least one example of DC magnetic field thrust for more than 140 years!
I would be happy that a maxwellist could prove that the magnetic field from DC exists and can boost. It would give proof that what I wrote in could lead to a propellantless propulsion from Maxwell DC.
The comic thing that you evoke all the possible mathematical chatter (for example Liénard-Wiechert potentials and Jefimenko's equations) to avoid any experimental test that can close the question related to the mechanical action that the fatal magnetic field from DC.
And look what we read that we read in honor of Lorentz for the award of the Nobel …In certain respects however Maxwell's theory of light was inadequate, in that it left individual phenomena unexplained. The greatest credit for the further development of the electromagnetic theory of light is due to Professor Lorentz, whose theoretical work on this subject has borne the richest fruit. While Maxwell's theory is free from any assumptions of an atomistic nature, Lorentz starts from the hypothesis that in matter extremely small particles, called electrons, are the carriers of certain specific charges. These electrons move freely in so-called conductors and thus produce an electrical current, whereas in non-conductors their movement is apparent through electrical resistance. ...
@meberbs>As I have said many times, displacement current is not a physical current, just a rate of change of the >fields, so the concept of it experiencing a "mechanical action" doesn't make sense.>You continually repeating this same mistake indicates that you haven't read anything I have written, or >are deliberately ignoring it.still philosophy meberbs?You told me that the variation of the electric field generates the magnetic field H ... whether it is current or not I do not care we are talking about the magnetic field that must be a physical observable and not metaphysical .It seems to me that you run away when you ask for precise answers ....Again, does the magnetic field exist from DC?and those link that for you are DC measures are the usual fireflies for lanterns where you passed off for DC magnetic fields of another nature and yet without quadrature
>No, Maxwell's equations prohibit "propellantless thrust" You must say better all classic electrodynamics prohibit "propellantless thrust" My answer: False but will know it later
>other than the special case of a photon rocketphotonic propulsion is for incompetent.
We could argue eternally about the DC and not come to any shared conclusion.I would like to point out some things:1) Maxwell's equations work well as long as someone does not get the psychic disturbance to go and measure the magnetic field from DC
2) Even without Mr. Maxwell we would have developed electromagnetism
3) Through all the classical electrodynamics DIFFERENTLY USED, the principle of action and reaction can be violated. I have commitments to other people for commercial and patent pnn objectives and I can not say NOW how to do it
>I gave you multiple links to direct measurements of the magnetic field. >There is a changing> electric field, and there is a magnetic field that exists exactly as predicted.Then it is an additional mystery that we can not use the magnetic field from DC for the Lorentz force
... You are the one making metaphysical statements with your "fields of another nature." The field is the field. Also, "without quadrature" is not a counterargument...
@meberbs>By "differently used" you mean "wrong."PNN is based on classical electrodynamics, there are no strange fields or ad hoc conjectures as for some theories on emdrive. From this it follows only one thing: that you unfortunately do not know how to use classical electrodynamics at best.
>Here's some facts:>-Any decent textbook contradicts you, and supports that momentum conservation> is inherent to classical electrodynamics.With the pnn the electrodynamic field preserves the total momentum, as says dr. Moretti who clearly shows in that the principle of action and reaction does not make sense in electrodynamics
>-Your statement is based on the assumption that you can't possibly be making a mistakeAs I said with the pnn the basic laws of electrodynamics are not violated. Moreover, I can only say that the violation of Newton's III principle also obliges us to rewrite the law of inertia, which unfortunately is no longer that of Newton. There are also other problems that I find premature to deal with now
>-I have already pointed out simple, basic mistakes you have made in doing electrodynamics.>-You haven't actually pointed to any mistakes I have made (And I do make mistakes, >but haven't done so in this thread.)You carefully avoid answering if the magnetic field from DC can or does not generate thrust through the Lorentz force.
I say that this magnetic field can not generate thrust because it DOES NOT EXIST that then is the thought of Poincarè and Miller and of Lorentz himself.
As long as you are not going to measure any thrust through that field, you can pass magnetic fields from DC to magnetic fields that do not originate from the displacement current.
>Conclusion: You are making up insults (not just to me, but everyone who has written an >electrodynamics textbook) because you refuse to acknowledge that you can be wrong. The >evidence points to the exact opposite of your statement, indicating that you are the one who >doesn't understand electrodynamics.Conclusion: I invite you to prudence and patience mr. Meberbs because you could have strong contradictions if the pnn works
@ meberbsGood mr. meberbs I think we have all the modern tools to come to an end to the definitive and experimental conclusions of this rather than age-old dispute over the existence of the magnetic field of the displacement current.You tells me>I offered multiple proofs that the magnetic field exists exactly as described by Maxwell's >equations.Ok I sayOn my opinion this is the single and indisputable experiment to detect the magnetic field from displacement current remains the following … which unfortunately costs.And with this experiment we will also measure the impedance of the vacuum
I have found this but the calibration seems to have nothing to do with the impedance of the vacuum.
Most Narda NY survey instruments are designed so that the meter and probes are calibrated independently of each other. The 8100, 8200, 8600, 8700 and NBM series equipment can have probes and meters interchanged within the same series with- out in any way affecting calibration. The 8500 and NIM series are supplied as a single probe and meter that are calibrated as a set. Personal monitors and area monitors are calibrated as sets.Meters (except the 8500 series) are calibrated by using a precise DC voltage that relates to the full scale measurement range of the probes in that series.
Probes are calibrated by placing them in precise RF fields using either TEM cells or free field environments. The RF field strength is normally established to be equal to 5.0% of the full scale rating of the probe. For example, to calibrate a model 8721 electric field probe, which is rated at 20 mW/cm2, an electric field equal to 1.0 mW/cm2 is established at each calibration frequency.
I believe that in the end when I have the appropriate resources I will end up buying such probes and organizing an adequate experimental setup to close a question that is now centuries old.Of course I always hope someone has links to what you claims.
no one has told me what you say
@meberbs>They are stating right there that the results of your experiment are already obvious assuming you know >what you are talking about, and there is no reason to measure both fields since the ratio is known to be >fixed.Everything is known but I repeat that there is no experimental data of simultaneous measurement of E and H in the far zone.I do not want to convince anyone but I want to stick to the experimental data only. If you keep telling me that "it is known" I will continue to repeat that I want to see a confirmation experiment
>The listed applications for the device include many RF transmission applications. If none of the H-field >measurement devices ever measured any RF fields, people would have noticed........>Between the fact that these probes work at all, and the many other experimental results (such as >radiation pressure, the simple existence of RF radiation, and the fields inside a charging capacitor) that >are perfectly described by Maxwell's equations, your denial of basic physics is simply is back in measures in near zone where the fireflies can become lanterns
> There is no alternative theory that can explain any of these results let alone all of them.For me the theories must arrive after the experimental facts AND NOT BEFORE ...
Mr. Meberbs, I'm willing to say that I'm wrong but I want to say it only after an irrefutable experimental event
... I'm not asking for something extraneous to the basic physical principle that you have to bend everything into physics, unless you belong to the faculty of mathematical philosophy. The basic principle in physics is and remains: only what is measurable is real
Jan Bulli Wilkinson contradicted you in the calibration of the Narda probes of which you said without producing bibliography:"The Narda probes are calibrated, which is almost certainly done by running a similar test to what you proposed. You can contact them and ask about their calibration procedures if you want. "
The fact that Jan Bulli Wilkinson says that the vacuum impedance is not part of the calibration of the Narda probes does not give the slightest suspicion about a possible sequence of experimental errors about the measurement of H from Displacement Current.
Even if you presents me with thousands of tests in favor of the magnetic field of the displacement current,
I will always ask myself why for more than a century there is no simple measurement of the vacuum impedance E/H = 377 ohm
and because you are in favor of all tests less than the one in a simultaneous measurement of E and H is made in the far zone which would remove any doubt.
I think it's useless to repeat the same things.
These are the experimental thrust data with the remote controlled and remote-controlled pnn prototype:- Power supply between 250 and 300 watts- Push in about 10 seconds increasing and with final value (at the stop of the amplifier) between 600 milligrams and 1000 milligrams .... In practice it SEEMS about 4 or 5 times more than I saw before with the power supply NOT to batteries ereconfirms as previously mentioned in this topic where there is a movie of the same typeof the high non-linearity of the inertia law of the pnn system.
For years now I have been talking about this possible law of inertia and no one has ever commented on it even with minimal mathematical hypotheses.
Read what is written in:
The external reference integral with the fixed stars observes this acceleration inside the pnn system at least as a variation of acceleration from / dt(Obviously, temporal variations of order superior to the first are also possible).So the internal force must be equal to less than a constant ka external one since we are talking about the same force seen by two different references.
The balance scale knife tilts on a titanium disc. Kern electronic scales are not designed to be immersed in a radiative pnn bath
@meberbs> Translation error? There is no movie in this thread.I do not understand, there is this link
If you want to hurry up (i.e. public test of the pnn in which external ASPS can do all the experiments on pnn pushing they want with F432) we could say to us where we can buy thrust sensors or an electronic balance of sensitivity equal to at least .01 grams which tolerate at least a maximum load of 3.5 kg and which has the following configuration:
Whether battery powered and controlled from a remote computer, it transmits all data as a function of time to the computer, with only fiber optic connections.
Mr. President Trump said he would like to go to Mars.
@meberbs> If you were generating a real force, the characteristic of the measurements would not be continuously> increasing.I thought the same before ... But if there is violation of the newton III ... the law of inertia is not a uniform linear motion for the pnn but a uniformly accelerated motion with the engines off.Too difficult to accept theoretically .... ... the only way is the experimental finding. There is no amount of words or mathematics to accept such an event ... it must only start from experimental observation.
> Go read through some history on the emDrive thread.I have no time for this
> You want to build a torsion balance. If you need assistance with that you can PMMonomorphic or> Seeshells for advice, they have both been building some very good setups.Well Monomorphic and Seeshells if they want can bring their experimental setup to public pnn tests and they will be welcome.
The engineers who help me have advised me to use only a good electronic scale, a pnn prototype powered by batteries and operated with a remote control.
My detection request with sensors and fiber optics is based on the fact that in 10 seconds of action I have to check various parameters to avoid faults to the amplifier's mosfet and other problems. The thermal dissipation of the pnn is now only passive in order to avoid faults I do not have to operate anything not exceeding the limit of 10 seconds.
If we want to save energy conservation, the only possibility is that the mass of the pnn spaceship will decrease with increasing speed and thrust. A very antirelativistic event and therefore usually we must start from the experimental observation to accept it.In other words, such antirelativistic event is unsustainable even mathematically.
@meberbsIf it transmits at least 5 push data in a second on a computer, I am oriented to choose these types of scales I have to hear the engineers who are helping me firstQuo fata ferunt
1) I have warmed up on electronic scales and on other weighing scales of different types: dummy load, structures of various types, etc. etc. Result: Nothing at all heat does not determine the effects observed with F432 and cart
2) then there is the speed, the rapidity of variation of the thrust of F432 can not be reached and equaled by any thermal deformation
3) If you then assume that there is some magnetic effect ... it just has to show me if a compass needle moves at 432 MHz or the Earth's magnetic field or other magnetic field can simulate the effects that are observed.
4) I have always offered to anyone (it happened already in 2005) to show that I am wrong for which someone can only propose an experiment where the aforementioned events or others deceive the electronic scale obviously screened.
5) I also offer the possibility to check the validity of my scale shielding
6) I offer to anyone I repeat to engineer a deception of any NEW type with a screened electronic scale.
7) I also offer to anyone to bring their own measurement equipment or replace with my own measuring devices
I set no limits to contrary and experimental demonstrations that can repeat the effects measured
9) I will never convince you, so I have to let it fly ... .. but you will also tell me that there is some hidden helix or mass of outgoing reaction.
10) If with a better and more suitable apparatus I go to Mars and back, you will tell me that it was the Martians
You have never explained what your drive is other than pictures of a foil covered box.
As already mentioned a few years ago in Nova Astronautica n.143 , 2 Japanese have copied my 1998 patent on the pnn if they are republished on their behalfNow since a few years if they do well to pay mitigate in part the thing I have republished for some years their (bad) copied here
since the photonic boost is over 1000 times lower than that of the Lorentz force.
Lorentz's forces have been studied and mathematized in the static and almost static case ... I mean that I have never read something about them that brings 1 Mhz closer ... ..
The setup of the dipoles is what I have already talked about in specifically I refer to fig. 1 [1]and to the configuration fig. 4 [1] published ibidem which determines a thrust in the same direction and towards. The push is given only to Lorentz's strength: F = i l B
And then it is not even remotely imagined the complexity that is generated when trying to upgrade the Lorentz force through dielectrics, ferrites and abatement of impedance.”
In other words, the Lorentz forces also exist for the antennas.
One has only to patiently perform experimental tests on ballistic pendulum or structures with a milligram scale. You should not only do them but also repeat them using the phase shifter well. When one tells me that I do not have to do the tests because the theory predicts everything or almost I have great suspicions about such advice.Because in the end it is only the experiment and not the theory that judges.
@meberbsi promised myselfI will not be so controversy in this forum.
So you just has to convince my scales that measure the thrust
>1As I said in this thread: “In practice we return to a different level to what happened in the good old times when the first laws of electrodynamics were formulated. In other words, the Lorentz forces also exist for the antennas.
@1Unfortunately you keeps talking about Maxwell, who is completely useless for the pnn (the pnn mainly uses only Hertz and Lorentz) .
As I said in the past you do not know many details of the pnn (I have not deposited for safety any F432 patent) considers it impossible to use Lorentz forces for propellantless propulsion. Unfortunately, you will have to wait as long as I have the money and the help of my engineers to defend my patent.
Once the construction details are known, it is practically certain that those who have a good electrodynamic lab in NSF will be able to reproduce the work done by ASPS well and separate thermal effects from thrust effects.