Author Topic: L2 Overview and Q&A (2010 to 2015)  (Read 333532 times)

Offline Morten C.

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #120 on: 06/19/2012 04:23 pm »
Thanks you all for taking the time

You really know how to sell this site...

I'll make myself a paypal account one of these days, and get on with it.
Is it from the first in the month, or from the time the money is transferred?

Thanks again

Regards Morten

Online Galactic Penguin SST

Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #121 on: 06/19/2012 04:27 pm »
Thanks you all for taking the time

You really know how to sell this site...

I'll make myself a paypal account one of these days, and get on with it.
Is it from the first in the month, or from the time the money is transferred?

Thanks again

Regards Morten

Usually Chris can open your L2 subscription within hours (minutes in both of my cases) of receiving the payment.  :)
Astronomy & spaceflight geek penguin. In a relationship w/ Space Shuttle Discovery.

Online Lee Jay

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #122 on: 06/19/2012 04:38 pm »
L2 is astonishing.

And Historical is my favorite section.

Online Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #123 on: 06/19/2012 05:39 pm »
Thanks you all for taking the time

You really know how to sell this site...

I'll make myself a paypal account one of these days, and get on with it.
Is it from the first in the month, or from the time the money is transferred?

Thanks again

Regards Morten

You don't need a paypal account. You just click here:

Go to the bottom where the link for "you can make your payment with Paypal here" is.

You go through to the secure paypal site and they enter a card number, and complete, if you were buying anything over the internet. It's all the same mechant, just this one is under paypal's name (world's biggest as it's the same as Ebay - same company).
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Online Galactic Penguin SST

Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #124 on: 06/19/2012 06:07 pm »
Thanks you all for taking the time

You really know how to sell this site...

I'll make myself a paypal account one of these days, and get on with it.
Is it from the first in the month, or from the time the money is transferred?

Thanks again

Regards Morten

You don't need a paypal account. You just click here:

Go to the bottom where the link for "you can make your payment with Paypal here" is.

You go through to the secure paypal site and they enter a card number, and complete, if you were buying anything over the internet. It's all the same mechant, just this one is under paypal's name (world's biggest as it's the same as Ebay - same company).

And more importantly: co-founded by Elon Musk  ;D (yeah I know, he sold off his shares some years ago, and is OT). Anyway I can promise you that resources on L2 shall not disappoint you!
Astronomy & spaceflight geek penguin. In a relationship w/ Space Shuttle Discovery.

Offline d3jf

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #125 on: 06/20/2012 02:19 pm »
Thanks you all for taking the time

You really know how to sell this site...

I'll make myself a paypal account one of these days, and get on with it.
Is it from the first in the month, or from the time the money is transferred?

Thanks again

Regards Morten

You don't need a paypal account. You just click here:

Go to the bottom where the link for "you can make your payment with Paypal here" is.

You go through to the secure paypal site and they enter a card number, and complete, if you were buying anything over the internet. It's all the same mechant, just this one is under paypal's name (world's biggest as it's the same as Ebay - same company).

Actually, when I was making the payment yesterday, it required me to create an account and link my credit card to it, which it didn't do before.
But you don't have to transfer any money to the account, it just simplifies the process in the future.

Offline Morten C.

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #126 on: 06/23/2012 11:55 pm »
Well must say money well spend. After a few days on L2, the only thing i am missing is sleep!!

As i told Chris, this site is amazing even without L2, and really don't know what tops amazing, but it does.

I have mainly been looking at videos, mostly the early stuff. I have collected a list of earlier stuff from Youtube, where most of it i have not found on here. Can be i have not looked enough, but if it have interest i can put some of it here.

I have launches of Jupiter, Viking, Vanguard, earlier satellites like Explorer, Corona Project, documentary ect.

Think i have over 100 links to Youtube films, all earlier stuff from the 50ies and 60ies

I really, really need some sleep.... well after another video  ;D


Online Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #127 on: 06/24/2012 02:16 pm »
That's great to hear, Morten :)

Youtube videos aren't relevant to L2, as there's no youtube videos on L2 (obviously) and no L2 videos on youtube (and that's the way it'll stay ;D). I'm sure if there's a relevant thread in the open forum's Historical section, such a youtube video can be added, but yeah, not relevant to this thread or L2.
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Offline Morten C.

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #128 on: 06/24/2012 02:56 pm »
It was the open forum i was thinking about, sorry for not specify that.
No need to have a close forum, if it is stuff you can find else were  :)


Offline DanielISS

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #129 on: 08/30/2012 05:40 pm »
Hi, So if I joined L2 and downloaded things (can you download to your harddrive?) you get to keep them forever, not just for the length of term?

Online Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #130 on: 08/30/2012 06:09 pm »
Hi, So if I joined L2 and downloaded things (can you download to your harddrive?) you get to keep them forever, not just for the length of term?

Hey Daniel -

 Yes, you can download anything to your hard drive and it's yours to keep. Only rule is not to then reupload it to another site, obviously! :)
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Offline DanielISS

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #131 on: 09/01/2012 03:46 pm »
Thanks! L2 is amazing! So many cool things to enjoy!

Offline AndyX

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #132 on: 10/05/2012 01:20 am »
Hey Chris. My six months will be up soonish and I totally want to resub, especially with the Dragon mission, but L2's amazing throughout anyway.

What do I need to do? Want to resub for a year this time for sure.

Online Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #133 on: 10/05/2012 11:38 am »
Hey Chris. My six months will be up soonish and I totally want to resub, especially with the Dragon mission, but L2's amazing throughout anyway.

What do I need to do? Want to resub for a year this time for sure.

Good stuff Andy! I'm very happy you're happy and I'm happy you will be continuing to support the site! ;D

What happens is you will get a message from me (really from me, not a bot) noting you are coming to the end of your term. You'll then gain discounted (for renewals of six months or more) resub options (two months, six months, one year or lifetime).

You do NOT have to do anything to unsubscribe, your term will simply end at the end of its term (some sites try and catch you out with that, we don't). But if you do wish to resub, you can either do it before the end of your term (overlap is added on to the term), or come back later.

You can renew/top up at any time, but most people tend to do it a week or so ahead of end of term to ensure continuous access to L2.

I'll send you your resub option message now so you have it to hand! :)

Thanks again! And if anyone else reading this has any questions on renewals, post here or send me a message.
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Offline thebartonfox

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #134 on: 10/12/2012 10:53 am »
I joined L2 yesterday and the only real way to describe it is: WOW! The amount of information on there is overwhelming, if there is anything NASA related you want to know, L2 will have it. There's amazing high quality pictures from some of the earliest missions, reports and literally hundreds of pictures from the final shuttle missions, as well as virtually everything in between. There are updates from Chris's sources that give a great insight into breaking news in the industry, hours before the public even get a sniff of what's going on (often on this site anyway).

The video section is outstanding, and the STS-115 re-entry video from INSIDE the cockpit is worth the cost of L2 membership alone (and then some!). That video lets you sit back and be right there with the astronauts, you feel like one of them yourself. And that's just one of the hundreds of fantastic videos on L2, I just hope that I manage to look through them all!

The historical section I honestly don't think words can describe, the wealth of documents and information makes the what NASA achieved in the 60's seem even more incredible. The only bad thing about looking through it is that you can't decide which picture you want as your new desktop background  :D I must have changed mine at least 20 times since yesterday!

Seriously though, if anybody is considering joining, just do it. Don't waste another moment thinking "shall I?". It's not even $20 for 2 months, and for that you, quite literally, are taken to a whole new level. A couple of words of warning though: you'll have a lot less free time, because you will "need" to finish reading that document you just downloaded. You also need to get yourself a decent sized external hard drive, because if you don't you will suddenly find you have no space left on your internal one because of those 150GB of shuttle videos you downloaded from L2 ;)

Massive thanks to Chris and the team for making L2 so amazing.

Join. NOW!

Offline psloss

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #135 on: 10/12/2012 11:31 am »
You also need to get yourself a decent sized external hard drive, because if you don't you will suddenly find you have no space left on your internal one because of those 150GB of shuttle videos you downloaded from L2 ;)
Get a big one, because we're still adding stuff.  ;D

Online Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #136 on: 10/12/2012 11:51 am »
I joined L2 yesterday and the only real way to describe it is: WOW! The amount of information on there is overwhelming, if there is anything NASA related you want to know, L2 will have it. There's amazing high quality pictures from some of the earliest missions, reports and literally hundreds of pictures from the final shuttle missions, as well as virtually everything in between. There are updates from Chris's sources that give a great insight into breaking news in the industry, hours before the public even get a sniff of what's going on (often on this site anyway).

The video section is outstanding, and the STS-115 re-entry video from INSIDE the cockpit is worth the cost of L2 membership alone (and then some!). That video lets you sit back and be right there with the astronauts, you feel like one of them yourself. And that's just one of the hundreds of fantastic videos on L2, I just hope that I manage to look through them all!

The historical section I honestly don't think words can describe, the wealth of documents and information makes the what NASA achieved in the 60's seem even more incredible. The only bad thing about looking through it is that you can't decide which picture you want as your new desktop background  :D I must have changed mine at least 20 times since yesterday!

Seriously though, if anybody is considering joining, just do it. Don't waste another moment thinking "shall I?". It's not even $20 for 2 months, and for that you, quite literally, are taken to a whole new level. A couple of words of warning though: you'll have a lot less free time, because you will "need" to finish reading that document you just downloaded. You also need to get yourself a decent sized external hard drive, because if you don't you will suddenly find you have no space left on your internal one because of those 150GB of shuttle videos you downloaded from L2 ;)

Massive thanks to Chris and the team for making L2 so amazing.

Join. NOW!

We should frame that and place it on the site's entrance hall for visitors to see! Wonderful post, thanks! :)
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Offline TerryNC

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #137 on: 10/31/2012 06:39 pm »
Joined L2 because I just wanted to say thanks to the site for being so helpful and didn't really expect much of a bonus by accessing L2.

Wrong. L2's amazing!! Why don't you guys advertise it better, I didn't know it was THAT big and cool!

Offline ohlongjohnson

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Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #138 on: 11/12/2012 08:30 am »
I just have to say how much i LOVE L2!

It's a shame I don't find the time to dig more into the shuttle stuff and all the historic data, but even without that, it is just pure gold!

The word "new" in "news" just gets a new meaning :)

I just LOVED it to read about the spacex engine anomaly on the last flight way before getting any info whatsoever anywhere else.

Also, just reading "L2 Ringfenced..." in the "Active @ NSF Forum" part on the homepage gets my adrenaline pumping everytime ;)

You should install paypal/flattr buttons on every l2 page, so i can more easily submit to the urge to give you some extra money as a sign of appreciation of the aweseomeness of this site!

Thanks a lot for being awesome!

P.S.: I am serious about the paypal/flattr button!

Online Chris Bergin

Re: L2 Updated Overview and Q&A
« Reply #139 on: 11/12/2012 12:41 pm »
Very nice - and touching - posts guys! Really appreciate it!

As far as a donate style option, you've just done that by joining L2. Technically, when you pay for L2, you are paying to support the site's running costs. As a gift in return, you get to access the L2 sections, where we host massive chunks of the database, such as those huge videos and such....'s grown since, with the insider stuff, but that's just another bonus.

If you're willing to donate additional help, then you can use the same facility - given it's a blank total to allow people to enter how long they want to join L2 for by a money amount.

You can either top up your L2 term via that, buy someone else a L2 membership, or just send some money! :) I'm the only person who gets the notification of the payment, so I'd get to see how you want it allocating, or I'd ask you in response to the notification.

All greatfully received, given it's coming up to the holidays where people are less likely to buy a L2 membership, given they assume the site will shut down over the holidays - which it never does.
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