Do we have the Flight Thruster Dimensions?I have found bD: .265mheight: .164mfreq: 3.85GHzDF: ?sD: ?
IULIAN:Quote from: Iulian Berca on 05/21/2015 07:07 pmHi,.......snipIulianAnother thing to consider; From your video you have the unit on the end of a looped spring hanging from a shelf.... For the Downwards test you are trying to force the unit downwards AGAINST the natural TENSION of the spring... you need to measure just how much energy it takes to pull the spring down as much as the unit did when you powered it up.!The original "thrust was with the aid of the spring pulling the unit upwards. Placing the complete unit onto a balance board "like a child's see-saw, American teeter-totter" with an equal weight on the other end will enable you to perform these types of measurements
Quote from: Rodal on 05/21/2015 08:27 pmQuote from: TheTraveller on 05/21/2015 08:06 pmThis is also interesting for TM010 mode. Note where the H (magnetic) field is located. At the big end, right where Shawyer feeds in the Rf in the Demonstrator & Flight Thruster EM Drives.Backs up the Patent mention of TM01 mode.Fairly clear to me, TM010 is probably Shawyers EM Drive mode.What is clear is that TM010 is definitely not the mode shape at the reported frequency and dimensions of Shawyer's Flight ThrusterEven at the lower frequency (almost 1/2 of the Flight Thruster) used by NASA Eagleworks (below 2 GHz with a dielectric) they are into a much higher mode shape: TM212and look at the natural frequency shown on the image you posted above for NASA Eagleworks: TM010 is below 1 GHz without a dielectricThe TM01 mode is the mode shown to have the highest reflection, per Zeng and Fan's paper. also has fairly high attenuation. To raise Q, Shawyer needed more reflection, so he made the cone angle greater, which may or may not be counter productive at the lower attenuation value depending on how high a Q he can get. You can see why in the attachments.
Quote from: TheTraveller on 05/21/2015 08:06 pmThis is also interesting for TM010 mode. Note where the H (magnetic) field is located. At the big end, right where Shawyer feeds in the Rf in the Demonstrator & Flight Thruster EM Drives.Backs up the Patent mention of TM01 mode.Fairly clear to me, TM010 is probably Shawyers EM Drive mode.What is clear is that TM010 is definitely not the mode shape at the reported frequency and dimensions of Shawyer's Flight ThrusterEven at the lower frequency (almost 1/2 of the Flight Thruster) used by NASA Eagleworks (below 2 GHz with a dielectric) they are into a much higher mode shape: TM212and look at the natural frequency shown on the image you posted above for NASA Eagleworks: TM010 is below 1 GHz without a dielectric
This is also interesting for TM010 mode. Note where the H (magnetic) field is located. At the big end, right where Shawyer feeds in the Rf in the Demonstrator & Flight Thruster EM Drives.Backs up the Patent mention of TM01 mode.Fairly clear to me, TM010 is probably Shawyers EM Drive mode.
When i saw the people start thinking i died i was concerned. I wanted to post when i have some results but now i`m forced me to post some unfinished work
We also really need FAQ a lot :-P. Too much folks are asking about the questions that were already answered and properly tested before.
As I'll never have time to read through the previous 200+ pages ...
Quote from: Rodal on 05/22/2015 01:05 amQuote from: rfmwguy on 05/22/2015 12:51 am...HDPE has an unusual Dielectric Constant (K or E) variance of 1 to 5 while PTFE has confined K of 2-2.1. This is probably why HDPE is not normally used in MW circuits...unpredictability or randomness, if you will. In essence, a puck/layer of HDPE would present a wide K variance across its surface to EM, unlike PTFE. Few materials have this: is not random. It is fairly straightforward to characterize as having well determined properties, based on its molecular weight for example, and method of manufacture. If the properties of HDPE would be random or difficult to characterize, believe me that HDPE would not be used for biomedical applications, which have higher standards for material properties than many commercial applications do.What happened here is that you are looking at this row:High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Molded 1.0 - 5.0instead of looking at this one, which is the appropriate row to look at:Polyethylene LDPE/HDPE 2.26 @ 1 MHz 2.26 @ 3 GHzThose are the appropriate properties for the NASA Eagleworks dielectric.Now: that's a narrow range, and it even gives you data at the GHz range for direct application to microwaves.NASA Eagleworks did not use a molded product (see my previous posts, given the identity of the product used by NASA). Having said that, the fact that this website gives properties for HDPE in two completely different rows, with different ranges, and does not explain the differences does not give me a good impression about the quality of the data in this website (which is also the same website I initially found when I was quickly looking for the HDPE properties)Authoritative handbooks like this one give much more reliable data than these websites: course, the best thing is to have analytical instruments to properly characterize the material properties of a polymer, which is what we did.Note that in this same website they also have this funny note, acknowledging that they had the tan delta for PTFE off by a factor of 10 until Craig found the error !!!!!QuoteThanks to Craig B. for correcting the loss tangent for Teflon (0.00028 rather than 0.0028).Well dang, here I thought we had nailed down the mystery acceleration. Alas, we still have this systemic anomaly ( I love that phrase). All along I thought we could point our fingers at the chirality of twisted polymer crystals.
Quote from: rfmwguy on 05/22/2015 12:51 am...HDPE has an unusual Dielectric Constant (K or E) variance of 1 to 5 while PTFE has confined K of 2-2.1. This is probably why HDPE is not normally used in MW circuits...unpredictability or randomness, if you will. In essence, a puck/layer of HDPE would present a wide K variance across its surface to EM, unlike PTFE. Few materials have this: is not random. It is fairly straightforward to characterize as having well determined properties, based on its molecular weight for example, and method of manufacture. If the properties of HDPE would be random or difficult to characterize, believe me that HDPE would not be used for biomedical applications, which have higher standards for material properties than many commercial applications do.What happened here is that you are looking at this row:High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Molded 1.0 - 5.0instead of looking at this one, which is the appropriate row to look at:Polyethylene LDPE/HDPE 2.26 @ 1 MHz 2.26 @ 3 GHzThose are the appropriate properties for the NASA Eagleworks dielectric.Now: that's a narrow range, and it even gives you data at the GHz range for direct application to microwaves.NASA Eagleworks did not use a molded product (see my previous posts, given the identity of the product used by NASA). Having said that, the fact that this website gives properties for HDPE in two completely different rows, with different ranges, and does not explain the differences does not give me a good impression about the quality of the data in this website (which is also the same website I initially found when I was quickly looking for the HDPE properties)Authoritative handbooks like this one give much more reliable data than these websites: course, the best thing is to have analytical instruments to properly characterize the material properties of a polymer, which is what we did.Note that in this same website they also have this funny note, acknowledging that they had the tan delta for PTFE off by a factor of 10 until Craig found the error !!!!!QuoteThanks to Craig B. for correcting the loss tangent for Teflon (0.00028 rather than 0.0028).
...HDPE has an unusual Dielectric Constant (K or E) variance of 1 to 5 while PTFE has confined K of 2-2.1. This is probably why HDPE is not normally used in MW circuits...unpredictability or randomness, if you will. In essence, a puck/layer of HDPE would present a wide K variance across its surface to EM, unlike PTFE. Few materials have this:
Thanks to Craig B. for correcting the loss tangent for Teflon (0.00028 rather than 0.0028).
Quote from: rfmwguy on 05/22/2015 02:06 pm...Base question is: Why does HDPE preform better than PTFE in high EM field experiments? (HDPE does have roughly half the thermal resistance of PTFE)....Paul March's answer is that it has to do with the imaginary components of the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability, and the choice was based on his experience working with Prof. Woodward.I haven't found values for the imaginary components of the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability of HDPE in the literature.To assess this issue we need actual experimental values of the imaginary components of the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability of HDPE.
...Base question is: Why does HDPE preform better than PTFE in high EM field experiments? (HDPE does have roughly half the thermal resistance of PTFE)....
...perhaps counterintuitively, these imaginary components are dissipative. Which is A Bad Thing. Probably
Quote from: phaseshift on 05/20/2015 11:02 pmI also think the cavity length needs to be adjusted on the Demonstrator Thruster to .187m....0.187 m is the minimum axial length. The Demonstrator has a gear-driven mechanism at the small end in order to change the internal length to tune the cavity.Could you please figure out -from the picture- the maximum length for the Demonstrator so that we can put both these values (minimum length and maximum length) in the wiki ( for EM Drive ?
I also think the cavity length needs to be adjusted on the Demonstrator Thruster to .187m....
Either use the thickness of the interior plate and gears equal to zero, or use your best guesstimate.
Haven't seen anyone post this to the thread so far. interview with the team leader.
Quote from: kdhilliard on 05/21/2015 10:34 pmTraveller, can you recommend another of Shawyer's papers to read where I can find this argument?Page 4 [of the Toulouse 2010 paper] explains it.
Traveller, can you recommend another of Shawyer's papers to read where I can find this argument?
The resulting design must also ensure a low taper slope, to minimise the axial component of side wall forces.
It is clear that if the minimum dimension was the cut off diameter, force F_g2 would be zero. However because there would still be a significant small end plate area, the projected area of the side wall would not equal the area of the large end plate. Thus any attempt to show a resultant zero net force due to equalisation of areas is incorrect.
Note that to maintain the principle of the conservation of momentum, the acceleration of the waveguide due to thrust, is opposite to the actual thrust direction. Thus, in Fig 3, the sign convention for the waveguide velocity axis is: <----- ----->Acceleration Vector Thrust Vector
When the waveguide is accelerated along the acceleration vector, the thrust approaches a maximum of 1. However, as the velocity of the waveguide increases in the direction of thrust, the thrust will decrease to zero.
Another "bread crumb": concerning "Patent mention of TM01 mode", there are an infinite number of TM modes having m=0, n=1, and p=1,2,3...Infinity. None of them (for a truncated cone) have p = 0
You need to develop a numerical model that calculates the guide wavelength, for the chosen mode, at discrete small increments along the cavity length and then integrate them into an effective wavelength for the whole cavity.
Looking at the difference in melting points between HDPE and PTFE, the "improved" performance might be due to out gassing from HDPE as it is over heated.What is the temperature inside the device during a test run?