If the base relies on shipment of basic supplies from Earth there is no way it will survive. It must be pretty much self-contained. Solar cell manufacturing has made huge advances the last couple of years. I don't think it's unreasonable at all to set up robotic solar cell production, especially for a simple (but less efficient) technique such as thin film solar cells.As I said, why not sponsor an X-prize for doing so?
I get a sinking feeling every time I read these discussions about the massive amounts of cargo required for infrastructure development, for power supplies, for propellant manufacture... And then doing the whole thing with chemical rockets. No wonder the costs are so high!
I'm pretty familiar with solar technologies. I think producing the cells locally a) will happen much sooner than people think, and b) will happen much later than you think <snip>A big enabler for many of these things will be locally-produced glass. But even that is further down the line. The first couple of waves will have to bring the power equipment with them.
10kg/kW is high TRL. Heck, the ultraflex arrays (basically the ones that landed on Mars with Pheonix) can get to 100-150W/kg (or 6-10kg/kW, if you prefer), and they're being used on the advanced Cygnuses, among other things. They're supposedly capable of being deployed at 1g, Mars is less than that.
10kg/kW is high TRL. Heck, the ultraflex arrays (basically the ones that landed on Mars with Pheonix) can get to 100-150W/kg (or 6-10kg/kW, if you prefer), and they're being used on the advanced Cygnuses, among other things. They're supposedly capable of being deployed at 1g, Mars is less than that.(ISS's arrays are very inefficient by modern standards, FWIW. There's been enormous progress in the last 30 years or so since ISS's array technology was developed.)If you build the structure on Mars (or just roll them out on the surface), 1000W/kg (or 1kg/kW) or better is possible.(all figures assume 1AU insolation. Mars has about half as much.)
Quote from: Robotbeat on 07/21/2013 10:00 pm10kg/kW is high TRL. Heck, the ultraflex arrays (basically the ones that landed on Mars with Pheonix) can get to 100-150W/kg (or 6-10kg/kW, if you prefer), and they're being used on the advanced Cygnuses, among other things. They're supposedly capable of being deployed at 1g, Mars is less than that.Yeah, you're completely right. Checking the specifications of UltraFlex http://www.atk.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/UltraFlex-2012.pdf gives something like 4.5 kg/kW for almost off-the-shelf panels. Assuming half of Earth's solar irradiation and 30 % availability (reasonable?) gives something like 10 tonnes of solar arrays to be able to get enough power to produce the propellant for a one shot return trip in ~18 months. That sounds completely reasonable to me. So no need to ship a nuclear reactor, monster cargo deliveries or produce solar arrays in-situ in first iteration.
Why not use a solar furnace type of plant?You could make the basic components (mirrors, stands for the mirror, etc) in situ and then ship in just the hi-tech components from Earth.
How do Batteries for over night electricity compare with fuel cells? With fuel cells at least you wouldn't run out of electricity until you had consumed all of the stored fuel you had previously made. Aren't fuels less massive than batteries?
Everyone seems to be focusing mainly on methane when ISRU is brought up, but I would think that LOX would be a bigger concern due to it comprising a larger portion of the propellant mass and needing to be stored at cooler temperatures. Would be easier to produce the LOX using the various oxides available in the Martian soil (Al2O3, MgO, CaO, SO3, SiO2, ect...) rather than the atmospheric CO2? Does anyone have any idea what the least power intensive method of production would be?
... but I would think that LOX would be a bigger concern ...