Author Topic: Arianespace launch schedule  (Read 1732314 times)

Online Salo

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2480 on: 06/13/2022 04:14 pm »
ESA announced the launch date of the first Vega-C launch!

VV21 is scheduled to launch on July 7 at 11:13 UTC (07:13 EST). The first launch will deploy the Italian LARES-2 satellite and six European research CubeSats into orbit.

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2481 on: 06/14/2022 07:41 am »
SN, Ariane 6 launch debut pushed into 2023, June 13
European Space Agency Director General Josef Aschbacher said June 13...Ariane 6 is set to fly “some time” in 2023 during a BBC interview without giving a reason for the delay.
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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2482 on: 06/15/2022 04:48 pm »
№ – Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)

01 - February 10 - OneWeb L13 (x34) - Soyuz-ST-B/Fregat-M (VS27) - Kourou ELS - 18:09:37
02 - June 22 - MEASAT-3d, GSAT-24 - Ariane 5ECA+ (VA257) - Kourou ELA-3 - 21:50:07.300
03 - July 13 - LARES 2, SSMS #4: ALPHA, ABCS (AstroBio CubeSat), CELESTA (ROBUSTA 1D), GreenCube, MTCube 2 (ROBUSTA-1E), Trisat-R - Vega C (VV21) [inaugural flight] - Kourou ELV - 13:13:17

Planned launches:
Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)

September 6 - Eutelsat Konnect VHTS - Ariane 5 ECA+ (VA258) - Kourou ELA-3
  August   NET September   November - Pleiades Neo 5, Pleiades Neo 6 (Dual SSO Launch) - Vega C (VV22 /VVC2) - Kourou ELV    (or January 2023) 
November - MTG-I1, Syracuse 4B (Comsat-NG 2), Ovzon-3 - Ariane 5 ECA+  (VA259) - Kourou ELA-3
Q4 - Galaxy 35, Galaxy 36 - Ariane 5 ECA+ (VA260) - Kourou ELA-3

NET H2 - ION-SVC: Astrocast (x10) - Vega / Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET H2 - GOMX-5A, GOMX-5B - Vega C - Kourou
TBD - NESS - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - FORMOSAT 7R (TRITON) - Vega / Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - PRETTY - Vega / Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - µHETsat - Vega / Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Nano-JASMINE - Vega / Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - THEOS-2 LR - Vega / Vega C - Kourou ELV

NET October 2022  January - KOMPSAT-7, SSMS #5 - Vega C (VV23 /VVC3) - Kourou ELV
H1 - Eutelsat 10B - Ariane 5 ECA+ / Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-3 / ELA-4 (or Falcon 9)
H1 - Sentinel-1C (ROSE-C) - Vega C - Kourou ELV (or Midyear)
April 5-25 - JUICE - Ariane 5 ECA+ (VA261) - Kourou ELA-3 (or NET August)
Late 2022  Early   NET April - dummy payload, CuriumOne, OOV-Cube, 3Cat 4, ISTSAT 1, GRBBeta, SpaceCase SC-X01, Bikini Demo - Ariane 62 (VA262 / FM1) [inaugural flight] - Kourou ELA-4
NET    Early   H1   Q2 - Galileo-FOC FM29, Galileo-FOC FM30 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
NET    Q1   Q2 - TBD - Ariane 64 [inaugural flight] - Kourou ELA-4
NET    Q1   Q2 - Eutelsat Hotbird 13G - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Falcon 9)
NET    Q1   Q2 - Eutelsat Hotbird 13F - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Falcon 9)
NET Q2 - ViaSat 3 Asia - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
August - BIOMASS (Biomass monitoring mission for Carbon Assessment) [Earth Explorer 7] - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q3 - Uhura-1 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
Q3 - Space Rider flight 1 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
H2 - Optus-11 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
Late - CSO 3 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Heinrich Hertz (H2Sat) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Lunar Rideshare Mission - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2024)
  2022   TBD - PLATiNO-1 - Vega / Vega C - Kourou ELV
  2022   TBD - THEOS-2 HR - Vega / Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - KOMPSAT-7 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - LUXEOSys (NAOS) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - PROBA 3 Coronagraph, PROBA 3 Occulter - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV
TBD - CO3D 1, CO3D 2, CO3D 3, CO3D 4 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - TBD - Vega C+ (inaugural flight) - Kourou ELV
TBD - TBD - Vega C/VEnUS - Kourou ELV
TBD - TBD - Vega C light (inaugural flight) - Kourou ELV
TBD - EarthCARE [Earth Explorer 6], ASAP-S #1 - TBD - Kourou
TBD - SpaceBelt (x10) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM25 (Patrick), Galileo-FOC FM26 (Julina) - TBD - Kourou (TBD)
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM27, Galileo-FOC FM28 - TBD - Kourou (TBD)

Early - MicroCarb - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q1 - SSMS #6: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q3 - SSMS #7: SSO  - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - SSMS #8: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q4 - SSMS #9: LEO 45° - Vega C - Kourou ELV
December - ESP-MACCS (Earth System Processes Monitored in the Atmosphere by a Constellation of CubeSats) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - CubeSpec - Vega C - Kourou
TBD - Méditerranée (ROBUSTA-3A) - Vega / Vega C  - Kourou ELV
TBD - Hemeria GEO sat (x2) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - GO-1 (GSO small satellites mission) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Alina lander (Autonomous Landing and Navigation Module), Audi lunar quattro rover - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4

Early - Sentinel-2C - Vega C - Kourou ELV
H1 - Eutelsat 36D comsat - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
Q2 - MTG-S1 (Sentinel-4A) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
Q4 - G2G (xTBD) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
October 14 - Hera, Juventas, APEX (Asteroid Prospection Explorer) - Ariane 64/ASTRIS - Kourou ELA-4
October - Sentinel-3C - Vega C - Kourou ELV
November - SMILE (Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) - Vega C/Ariane 62 - Kourou (or early 2025)
NET December - MetOp-SG A1 (EPS-SG-a, Sentinel-5A) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
Late - Iride (xTBD) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Euclid - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - PLATiNO-2 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - CSG-3 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Space Rider flight 2 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Space Rider flight 3 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Space Rider flight 4 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - TanDEM-L - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV (TBD)
TBD - EDRS-D (hosted payload) -  Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Dream Chaser United Nations space mission - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM31, Galileo-FOC FM32 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - first flight - Miura 5 - Kourou

Q2 - SSMS #10: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q3 - SSMS #11: LEO Equatorial - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q3 - SSMS #12: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
December - HydroGNSS - TBD - Kourou
TBD - TANGO-Carbon, TANGO-Nitro (Twin ANthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Observers) - Vega C / Ariane 62 - Kourou ELV / ELA-4
TBD - RACE 1, RACE 2 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - M-ARGO (Miniaturised – Asteroid Remote Geophysical Observer) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - VMMO (Volatile and Mineralogy Mapping Orbiter) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - LUMIO (LUnar Meteoroid Impacts Observer) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - YODA demonstrator (x2) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - AWS prototype - Vega C / Ariane 62 - Kourou ELV / ELA-4
TBD - ELSA-m - Vega C - Kourou ELV

January - Sentinel-1D (ROSE-C) - TBD - Kourou
January - ISRU Demonstrator (In-Situ Resource Utilisation) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
January - Sentinel-2D - TBD - Kourou (or 2025-2028)
Q1 - MetOp-SG B1 (EPS-SG-b) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
Midyear - FLEX (Fluorescence Explorer satellite) [Earth Explorer 8], ALTIUS (Atmospheric Limb Tracker for Investigation of the Upcoming Stratosphere) - Vega C - Kourou ELV (or December)
September - MTG-I2 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
December - Jason-CS-B (Sentinel-6B) - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV (or Q1 2026) (or Falcon 9)
TBD - Syracuse-4C - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - SHALOM - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - Space Rider flight 5 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - TBD - Vega E  (inaugural flight) - Kourou ELV (or 2026)
TBD - ClearSpace-1 - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Galileo-FOC FM33, Galileo-FOC FM34 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Iride (xTBD) - Vega C - Kourou ELV

Q1 - SSMS #13: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q2 - MLS #1: GTO - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
Q2 - MLS #2 (550km, Inclination 88°) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
Q3 - MLS #3 (550km, Inclination 88°) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
Q2 - SSMS #14: SSO - Vega C - Kourou ELV
Q3 - SSMS #15: LEO Equatorial - Vega C - Kourou ELV

Q4 - PLATO (PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - SKIM (Sea-surface Kinematics Multiscale monitoring) [Earth Explorer 9 candidate] - Vega C/Ariane 62 - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-7A (CO2M 1) - TBD - Kourou

Q2 - MLS #4: GTO - Ariane 6/ASTRIS - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - MLS #5: SSO - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - MLS #6 (Highway to the Moon) - Ariane 6/ASTRIS - Kourou ELA-4

TBD - ERO (Earth Return Orbiter) [Mars Sample Return] - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - EL3 - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - CLTV - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
H2 2026  TBD - FORUM (Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring) [Earth Explorer 9 candidate] - Vega C /Ariane 62 - Kourou ELV
TBD - Sentinel-9A (CRISTAL) - Vega C - Kourou ELV
TBD - HRWS-X - Vega C (TBD) - Kourou ELV (TBD)
TBD - Harmony (Stereoid) [Earth Explorer 10 candidate] - TBD - Kourou (or 2028)

December - MERLIN (MEthane Remote sensing LIdar missioN) - Vega C - Kourou ELV

Early - Sentinel-7B (CO2M 2) - TBD - Kourou
November - Sentinel-3D - TBD - Kourou
Midyear - Sentinel-12A (ROSE-L) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-11A (CIMR 1) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-11B (CIMR 2) - TBD - Kourou

January - Human Lunar Exploration (ascent module) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4
NET Q4 - Aeolus FO - TBD - Kourou
TBD - ARIEL (Atmospheric Remote‐sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large‐survey), Comet Interceptor (fast mission) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - Sentinel-8A (LSTM) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-10A (CHIME) - TBD - Kourou

December - MTG-I3 - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2032 )
Late - Sentinel-7C (CO2M 3) - TBD - Kourou

TBD - YODA - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

March - MetOp-SG A2 (Sentinel-5B) - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
TBD - EnVision [M5 mission] - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2032-2033)

March - MTG-S2 (Sentinel-4B) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2032)
TBD - MetOp-SG B2 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4 (or March 2033)

TBD - ATHENA (Advanced Telescope for High-ENergy Astrophysics) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

TBD - LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) (eLISA, NGO) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

March - MetOp-SG A3 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4
December - Sentinel-5C - TBD - Kourou

June - MetOp-SG B3 - Ariane 62 - Kourou ELA-4

TBD - MTG-I4 - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4

Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site
NET 2022 - VD20 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET 2022 - VD20 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
2022-2027 - Eutelsat comsat - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
Late 2023 - SPAINSAT NG I - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2024) (or Falcon 9)
NET 2024 - SPAINSAT NG II - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (or Falcon 9)
NET 2024 - Kuiper (x35) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2024 - Kuiper (x35) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2024 - Iride constellation - Vega C (multiple launches) - Kourou ELV
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+  - Kourou ELA-4
2024-July 2029 - Kuiper (x40) - Ariane 64+ - Kourou ELA-4
NET 2025 - CSG-4 - Vega C - Kourou ELV
NET 2025 - AWS constellation (x16) - TBD - Kourou
NET 2025 - G2G (xTBD) - Ariane 6 - Kourou ELA-4 (multiple launches)
2026 - ExoMars RSP (CM+DM) - Ariane 64 - Kourou ELA-4 (or 2028) (or US LV)
2026 (TBD) - Jason-CS Follow-on A - Vega-E (TBD) - Kourou ELV
NET 2028 - Sentinel-1A 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
NET 2028 - Sentinel-2A 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
NET 2028 - Sentinel-3A 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
2028-2029 - Iris (military optical observing capabilities) - TBD - Kourou
2028-2029 - Celeste (military electromagnetic listening) - TBD - Kourou
2031-2032 - Cairt [Earth Explorer 11 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2031-2032 - Nitrosat [Earth Explorer 11 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2031-2032 - Seastar [Earth Explorer 11 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2031-2032 - Wivern [Earth Explorer 11 candidate] - TBD - Kourou
2030's - test flight - Ariane Next (Ariane 7) - Kourou
NLT 2040 - Gaia-2 (Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics) - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-1B 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-1C 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-2B 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Sentinel-3B 2nd Gen - TBD - Kourou
TBD - GOCE-FO - TBD - Kourou
TBD - Seosat-Ingenio-2 - TBD - Kourou

2020s - VNREDSat-1b - Vega - Kourou ELV


Orbital launches from Hammaguir - 4 (Diamant A - 4)
Orbital launches from CSG - 314 (Diamant B - 5, Europa II - 1, Diamant BP.4 - 3, Ariane 1 - 11, Ariane 2 - 6, Ariane 3 - 11, Ariane 4 - 116, Ariane 5 - 113, Soyuz ST - 27, Vega/Vega С - 21)

Satellites from Hammaguir - 4
Satellites from CSG - 688

ASAP-S - Arianespace System for Auxiliary Payloads for Soyuz rocket
AWS - Arctic Weather Satellite
CERES - Capacité de Renseignement Electromagnétique Spatiale
CHIME - Copernicus Hyperspectral Imaging Mission for the Environment
CIMR - Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer
CLTV - Cis-Lunar Transfer Vehicle
CO2M - Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitoring
Comsat-NG - Communication par Satellite de Nouvelle Génération
CRISTAL - Copernicus Polar Ice and Snow Topography Altimeter
CSG - COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation
CSO - Composante Spatiale Optique
EL3 - European Large Logistic Lander
G2G - Galileo Second Generation
GTO - Geostationary Transfer Orbit
GEO - Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit
HRWS-X - High Resolution Wide Swath SAR system for earth observation in X-Band
ION-SVC - In Orbit Now - Satellite Carrier Vehicle
LSTM - Land Surface Temperature Monitoring
MLS - Multi Launch System
NAOS - National Advanced Optical System
NESS – Nanosat 3U for Surveillance of the civilian Spectrum
PoC - Proof of Concept
RACE - Rendezvous Autonomous Cubesats Experiment
ROSE-C - Radar Observing System for Europe - C-Band
ROSE-L - Radar Observing System for Europe - L-Band
SSO - Sun Synchronous Orbit
SSMS - Small Spacecraft Mission Service
VEnUS - VEGA Electric Nudge Upper Stage
YODA - Yeux en Orbite pour un Démonstrateur Agile

Changes on June 15th
Changes on June 18th
Changes on June 22nd
Changes on June 23rd
Changes on June 25th
Changes on July 4th
Changes on July 11th
Changes on July 13th
« Last Edit: 06/29/2024 07:56 pm by Salo »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2483 on: 06/17/2022 01:56 pm »

"Six CubeSats make a secondary payload package. AstroBio CubeSat (Italy) will test a solution for detecting biomolecules in space. Greencube (Italy) carries an experiment to grow plants in microgravity. ALPHA (Italy) aims to help understand phenomena related to Earth’s magnetosphere, such as the Northern and Southern Lights.

Three other CubeSats – Trisat-R (Slovenia), MTCube-2 (France) and Celesta (France) will study the effects of a harsh radiation environment on electronic systems."
« Last Edit: 06/17/2022 02:49 pm by bolun »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2484 on: 06/17/2022 04:42 pm »
Cross-post; first Ariane 6 launch will be VA262:
Eric Berger writes:
The official declined to provide a new, specific launch target for Ariane 6's debut flight. (A separate source has told Ars the working date is no earlier than April 2023). The new launch target is expected to be revealed on July 13 during a joint news conference with European space officials.

Peter de Selding SpaceIntelReport:
ESA official: No single event caused the latest Ariane 6 delay, and it’s unclear who will have to pay for it
written by Peter B. de Selding June 16, 2022

PARIS — The months-long delay in the inaugural flight of Europe’s heavy-lift Ariane 6 rocket, confirmed the week of June 13, came after technical reviews of the vehicle’s upper-stage testing and the launch-sequence software managing the rocket and its launch pad, a European Space Agency (ESA) official said.

There was no single event that precipitated the announcement that Ariane 6’s first flight would slip into 2023, with a more-precise estimate to await further review between now and mid-July, the official said.

« Last Edit: 06/17/2022 09:45 pm by zubenelgenubi »
Support your local planetarium! (COVID-panic and forward: Now more than ever.) My current avatar is saying "i wants to go uppies!" Yes, there are God-given rights. Do you wish to gainsay the Declaration of Independence?

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2486 on: 06/22/2022 10:57 pm »
VA 257 launch webcast:
Israel: VA258 launches on September 6.
Support your local planetarium! (COVID-panic and forward: Now more than ever.) My current avatar is saying "i wants to go uppies!" Yes, there are God-given rights. Do you wish to gainsay the Declaration of Independence?

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2487 on: 06/25/2022 10:39 am »

SAB Launch Services
While moving closer to the Vega C Maiden Flight, let us introduce you our next VEGA C flight #VV23!

VV23 will be the first #VEGAC #Rideshare Mission of January 2023 in a SSO at 10.30 LTDN

We have the 3 last seats available to embark last minute passengers at a Special Rate!

main payload unknown

Offline Bean Kenobi

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2488 on: 06/25/2022 12:26 pm »

SAB Launch Services
While moving closer to the Vega C Maiden Flight, let us introduce you our next VEGA C flight #VV23!

VV23 will be the first #VEGAC #Rideshare Mission of January 2023 in a SSO at 10.30 LTDN

We have the 3 last seats available to embark last minute passengers at a Special Rate!

main payload unknown

If there was a main payload on this flight it wouldn't be the first Vega C rideshare mission, as VV21 already features LARES 2 and a SSMS deployer.

I think the text says it will be the first Vega C rideshare flight without main payload, like it was the case on VV16.
« Last Edit: 06/25/2022 12:28 pm by Bean Kenobi »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2489 on: 06/25/2022 12:51 pm »
VV21 is an ESA mission
I think the available Vega-C launches are too valuable to waste them on umpteen Cubesats.
So I belive there are one or two main payloads.

Definitely, this means a delay of the VV23 mission from Q4/2022 to 2023.
There are different statements about the orbit of Kompsat-7, but I haven't read LTDN 10:30 yet.
The launch is probably later.  ???
« Last Edit: 06/25/2022 02:11 pm by GWR64 »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2490 on: 06/26/2022 07:45 pm »
NextSpaceFlight lists a launch with a satellite for Eutelsat in November that will expend B1049

Based on the Eutelsat launch schedule this could be any of 10B, Hotbird 13F, Hotbird 13G.  All of them are electric propulsion and due to enter service in either H1 2023 or Q2/Q3 2023.
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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2491 on: 06/28/2022 10:44 am »
Planned launches:
Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)

H2 - FORUM (Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring) [Earth Explorer 9 candidate] - Vega C/Ariane 62 - Kourou

“FORUM, which we plan to launch from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana in 2027, is a single-satellite mission that will carry a Fourier Transform Spectrometer that can measure across Earth’s entire far-infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2492 on: 06/28/2022 10:59 am »
Planned launches:
Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site - Time (UTC)

H2 - FORUM (Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring) [Earth Explorer 9 candidate] - Vega C/Ariane 62 - Kourou

“FORUM, which we plan to launch from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana in 2027, is a single-satellite mission that will carry a Fourier Transform Spectrometer that can measure across Earth’s entire far-infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum

Launch on Vega-C.

Airbus est le maître d'oeuvre de la mission et OHB fournit l'instrument. Le satellite FORUM, d'un poids de 883 kg, sera placé sur une orbite polaire à une altitude de 830 km et son lancement est prévu sur un lanceur Vega-C depuis Kourou, en Guyane, en 2027.

Source : (French economics magazine)

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2493 on: 06/29/2022 09:32 pm »
Funny point : now that we know all Ariane 5 flights will be completed before Ariane 6 1st flight, it appears 1st Ariane 6 flight, with 62 version, will be VA262  ;D

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2494 on: 07/04/2022 11:18 pm »
« Last Edit: 07/04/2022 11:19 pm by zubenelgenubi »
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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2495 on: 07/05/2022 03:57 pm »
Avio @Avio_Group
🗓 It's official: @Vega_sts #VegaC maiden flight, #VV21, is scheduled on Wednesday, July 13 ⏰ Set the alarm at 13:13 CEST for the launch from @EuropeSpacePort 🚀 @esa @ASI_spazio @Arianespace

11:13 UTC.
« Last Edit: 07/05/2022 04:00 pm by Salo »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2496 on: 07/10/2022 08:22 pm »
There are 14 Vega C launches on the vehicle’s manifest through 2025, including five in 2023 and four each in 2024 and 2025. Bianchi said the launches are for a mix of institutional customers, such as ESA, the European Union and the Italian Space Agency ASI, as well as commercial customers that he did not identify.

Source: SpaceNews / Stefano Bianchi, head of ESA’s Flight Programmes Department


Hm ? recalculated:
+2022 VV21 and VV22 (?) =15 ???
So not counting ESA's Vega-C launch VV21 or is VV22 Pléiades Neo Jan. 2023?

Next: Classic Vega no more?
« Last Edit: 07/10/2022 09:25 pm by GWR64 »

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2497 on: 07/13/2022 08:48 am »
Now, the ESA Council has officially cut ties with Roscosmos on this joint project as a result of the war in Ukraine and ongoing sanctions, ESA's Director General Josef Aschbacher wrote Tuesday on Twitter.

There will be more details shared about the future of the mission on July 20, he said.
The ESA has been considering working more closely with NASA moving forward since it became clear the agency needed "to sever" its ties with Russia, Aschbacher said.
"Geopolitically, it is clear that we need to sever our ties with Russia, and this decision has been made by the member states," Aschbacher previously told CNN. "So yes, it's really unfortunate for all the science and technology and the engineers who have been working on this for four decades. But there is no other choice to make."
However, ESA announced March 17 it was suspending cooperation with Russia on ExoMars in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. That requires ESA to find not just a new launch for the mission but also replacing the landing platform. That meant pushing the launch back to at least 2026, ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher said at the time, adding that “even that is very challenging.”

Speaking at a May 3 meeting of NASA’s Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG), Jorge Vago, ExoMars project scientist at ESA, said he doubted a new lander could be ready by 2026. “It is theoretically possible, but in practice we think it would be very difficult to reconfigure ourselves and produce our own lander for 2026,” he said. “Realistically, we would be looking at a launch in 2028.”

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Re: Arianespace launch schedule
« Reply #2499 on: 07/13/2022 04:13 pm »

The first commercial launch of Vega C is scheduled in November 2022. The flight, designated VV22, will deliver Pléiades Neo 5 and 6, a pair of satellites wholly funded, manufactured and operated by Airbus.


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