Author Topic: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)  (Read 149164 times)

Offline jeff2space

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #40 on: 01/20/2010 06:04 pm »
JEFF2SPACE, not going to causeway. they were already gone;. But i did not think that 230 would mean 230 pm , because I assume everything with NASA would be military time and that would be 1430. I am going to go back through some of the other missions as someone suggested and look for the answer and will post back if I find anything. I CANT WAIT!!!
And to the person in sweden,I got mine today by fed ex, so your may be on way, but I never got a tracking number nor was told. That may be for out of country.

I'm not going to causeway either and you're right, I would think they would use military time but 2:30 am doesn't make sense to me if placard says 11:30 pm.  I emailed KSCVC and will post if I receive a reply.

Edit: KSCVC replied to my email with the following:
"You would go by the arrival time on the vehicle placard.  The visitor complex will be open from 9:30 PM on Feb. 6th until 5:30 pm on Feb. 7th."
« Last Edit: 01/22/2010 08:52 pm by jeff2space »

Offline Walter S

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #41 on: 01/20/2010 08:24 pm »
Looks like the stars have finally aligned for me and I will finally get to see and shoot a shuttle launch from the causeway thanks to a friend who works at NASA. I will be down the whole week shooting the races at Daytona, so I have some padding if the launch were to be scrubbed. I can barely remember the last time I saw a shuttle launch, cant wait!

Offline Orbiter

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #42 on: 01/20/2010 08:50 pm »
This has probably been discussed before, but where is the closest un-obstructed FREE view of the Space Shuttle launch? I'm going down there for the launch as well.

KSC Engineer, astronomer, rocket photographer.

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #43 on: 01/20/2010 09:05 pm »
This has probably been discussed before, but where is the closest un-obstructed FREE view of the Space Shuttle launch? I'm going down there for the launch as well.


I would say Space View Park or anywhere along US 1 in Titusville. Obviously it can get pretty crowded so find your spot as early as you can.

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #44 on: 01/20/2010 09:16 pm »
I second Spaceveiw park in Titusville. That is where I was in July for the shuttle launch that did not happen for us. If I had not gotten the visitor center, was going to go back to that. Actually after I got the tickets I questioned if I had done the right t hing because at the visitor center I'm closer but will not get to see the plume and the whole WOW factor, as I like to call it. Someone on another forum told me to stay with the VC site, though, as I will see it after it clears the tress and it will be close.Once in a lifetime thing, so can't wait.

Offline Orbiter

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #45 on: 01/20/2010 09:18 pm »
This has probably been discussed before, but where is the closest un-obstructed FREE view of the Space Shuttle launch? I'm going down there for the launch as well.


I would say Space View Park or anywhere along US 1 in Titusville. Obviously it can get pretty crowded so find your spot as early as you can.

I got to KSC on the August 28th launch of STS-128 at 7 pm and it was crowded then.
Space View Park seems good, I tried to go there but as I said it was quite crowded.

« Last Edit: 01/20/2010 09:18 pm by Orbiter »
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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #46 on: 01/20/2010 09:44 pm »
I'll be in Daytona the night of the launch.  Having never seen a launch of any type before, what will I be able to see of a shuttle launch from Daytona?  I won't have a car so driving to KSC isn't an option for me...  Oh, well, that's the life of a US Air Force member sometimes

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #47 on: 01/20/2010 09:56 pm »
Look on you tube for peoples videos.I remember seeing a couple that were from the beach that someone took of a launch and it was during the daytime, so would assume night should be brighter if not cloudy. I am going to KSC, but did a lot of looking before and saw lots of videos. I am thinking that the answer will be yes you will see something.

Offline Andrewwski

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #48 on: 01/21/2010 12:50 am »
Definitely should see it from there.  I know people who watch it from about the same distance south and they can see both daytime and nighttime launches quite well, however to the north you're more along the path of the shuttle.  Should be a good view.

Offline John M

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #49 on: 01/21/2010 10:41 am »
For all first time Shuttle launch visitors take a look at these threads, read them, there is a lot of info in there that can help for this visit:






Thanks for the links! Saved me a ton of searching through all thegreat info I have found so far here. Went ahead and wrote to my Congressman yesterday. Hope to get a reply soon! I have fascinated qwit hthe shuttle since I found out Raymond Lowey had a hand in its design. He also designed another one of my hobbies, antique Farmall tractors.

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #50 on: 01/22/2010 11:27 am »
Today I got the LTT tickets and vehicle placard, it says arrival time 10.30.
But OTOH , on the STS 130 admission ticket it says:
"Please do not arrive at the KSVC prior to the time listed on your vehicle placard".
Anyway, now that the tickets are in my hand I'm going to book flights and hotel - I am counting that a weeks margin in case of delays should give me a reasonable chance to see the launch. I am aware that there are no guarantees, better safe than sorry.

Regards Mats

Offline ebikales

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #51 on: 01/22/2010 11:46 am »
My parents and sister's family cannot come with me to the launch. So I put them up for sale here.  You can reach me at [email protected] if you have any questions!

Offline texasmomof2

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #52 on: 01/22/2010 01:00 pm »
Fura, Hi, I had posted on here also about the time question and another member emailed KSC and will post back if he hears from them. I am like you but my times are a little different. My car placard says do not arrive at KSC AFTER 1130 pm. Then my tickets(i am just at visitor center)say do not arrive BEFORE time listed below, which is 230.I am confused about this , as it makes it look like i have to wait in parking lot or car for 3 hours before to go through gate, and I am sure security will be  long.If you have gotten any information, let me know please or anyone else reading this .Thanks,

Offline Swee

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #53 on: 01/22/2010 04:47 pm »
Hi, let me attempt to clear up some of these things, I go down there for every launch and have causeway or congressional tickets each time and have never had a problem. 
1. Causeway vs. Banana River congressional tickets-- another poster has this correct--it depends where NASA wants to put you, either the causeway or the VIP section, but it is decided at the last minute.  How you request your congressional tickets doesn't appear to make any difference.  If the causeway is the destination, the difference in having the congressional tickets is you will be far westward on the causeway where there are bleachers, souvenir stand, and the countdown clock.  The regular causeway ticket holders are driven a bit further eastward.  The view is not too noticeably different either way but stay as westward as possible as there are islands out there that do block the view--not completely--but the bottom of the pad at least.

2.  Placard arrival times--if you go in off Rt 1 from Titusville and over that long bridge across the river--the Kennedy Space Center will be on your right.  You just turn right and enter the park.  Depending when you arrive, there may be employees directing you where to park but they do not stop you to scan the placard.  If you enter this way, the time on your placard does not matter, I really think it is traffic control so as to avoid everyone arriving at the last minute in a clump.  You want to arrive early, but that time on the placard is very early and not necessary.  Where the placard does come into play, however, is if you are arriving via Merritt Island or anywhere that direction--that is more the back way to KSC and there IS a security gate there to go through.  You will need the placard, and they may be picky about the time.  So, if you want to arrive later, don't go via that way. 

3.  Placard vs. ticket times--Again, the placard time is very early.  The only ticket time you need to be concerned with is if you have the Dine with an Astronaut tickets which will have the time of the dinner/breakfast on them.  If you want a good table to sit at to hear the astronaut, show up early, a line does form.  Otherwise, if you just have launch tickets, you can show up whenever you want, the ticket will be taken by a person directing you in a line to board the bus, he/she does not look at the time.  In fact, this last launch, she marked on the ticket with a marker and we kept the ticket.  The only time you need to be concerned about is when the buses board for the causeway--and then you will want to plan for how early you want to be in line for those buses.  The line for the buses forms early and people are quite pushy vying for that space in line--plan accordingly.  Another tip--if you want to be in the front portion of that line, if you go up to ask the attendant when the bus boards--be there well in advance of whatever time he/she gives you.  The buses ALWAYS board earlier than they tell you. 

Because this is a night launch, probably stick to arriving earlier than later as the park will not be regularly open but again, those ticket times are not something to cause alarm.  I hope some of this helps.   :)

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #54 on: 01/22/2010 05:16 pm »
Thank you so much, Swee. That was very helpful. I am just going to visitor center so no bus to board. I was going to come the back way as I will be in cocoa,but thought it went straight to the road that I have to turn on and then enter the gates with everyone else. Are you saying there is a gate back there that I could take, as long as I am there by the time stated? That would be wonderful.NW

Offline Swee

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #55 on: 01/22/2010 05:49 pm »
You are very welcome  :)   Yes, from Cocoa you'd most be taking Rt 3 which is through the wildlife refuge, there will be a security gate in the middle of nowhere.  If you take Rt 1 to 405 in, which may be out of the way for you, there is no security gate at all, the first gate is just past KSC which you can't enter anyway.

Offline ebikales

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #56 on: 01/22/2010 06:17 pm »
A couple people wrote to me and asked if they were Congressional Tickets (no -- they are standard Visitor Center Launch Viewing Tickets) and how many were adult tickets. The five tickets I'm offering for sale are 3 adult and 2 child. I listed them at one penny to start and nobody has yet bid on them -- it's been a full day! More info here:

Write to me directly for more information: [email protected]

« Last Edit: 01/22/2010 08:11 pm by jacqmans »

Offline jeff2space

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #57 on: 01/22/2010 08:55 pm »
JEFF2SPACE, not going to causeway. they were already gone;. But i did not think that 230 would mean 230 pm , because I assume everything with NASA would be military time and that would be 1430. I am going to go back through some of the other missions as someone suggested and look for the answer and will post back if I find anything. I CANT WAIT!!!
And to the person in sweden,I got mine today by fed ex, so your may be on way, but I never got a tracking number nor was told. That may be for out of country.

I'm not going to causeway either and you're right, I would think they would use military time but 2:30 am doesn't make sense to me if placard says 11:30 pm.  I emailed KSCVC and will post if I receive a reply.

Edit: KSCVC replied to my email with the following:
"You would go by the arrival time on the vehicle placard.  The visitor complex will be open from 9:30 PM on Feb. 6th until 5:30 pm on Feb. 7th."

I updated my previous message with KSCVC reply.  Visitor Center opens at 9:30 pm on the 6th for STS-130 viewing and you should arrive by time on your placard.

Offline jeff2space

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #58 on: 01/22/2010 09:04 pm »
Thank you so much, Swee. That was very helpful. I am just going to visitor center so no bus to board. I was going to come the back way as I will be in cocoa,but thought it went straight to the road that I have to turn on and then enter the gates with everyone else. Are you saying there is a gate back there that I could take, as long as I am there by the time stated? That would be wonderful.NW

You can avoid the security gate (Gate 2) on State Road 3 if you turn left on Space Commerce Way (see back of placard) which is just before security gate.  This takes you around to SR 405/NASA Causeway where you turn right and entrance is short distance on right.

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Re: STS-130 Endeavour: Viewing (Going to launch, etc.)
« Reply #59 on: 01/22/2010 10:09 pm »
Thank you so much Jeff for all the info. That helps alot. I was thinking that if I was not there by 1130 pm, gates were locked and that was that.Someone else on here here from Sweden had a 1030 time, so I guess they really do scatter times so that it is not a mad rush, if that is possible on a launch day!!!!Hope we all get to see it. Once in a lifetime chance for me...Naydene


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