Author Topic: Space Sickness  (Read 17333 times)

Offline whitelancer64

Space Sickness
« on: 10/22/2018 10:45 pm »
I'm looking for specific information about Space Adaptation Sickness, aka vomiting in space.

How long does it usually take from launch until symptoms of space sickness begin?

How long does space sickness typically last?

How many people get space sick? I've seen claims from "nearly all" to "about half," and does that mean about half of people vomit, or about half experience some form of space sickness, which may include mild nausea or dizziness?
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Offline Rocket Science

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Re: Space Sickness
« Reply #1 on: 10/23/2018 12:48 am »
« Last Edit: 10/23/2018 01:14 am by Rocket Science »
"The laws of physics are unforgiving"
~Rob: Physics instructor, Aviator

Offline whitelancer64

Re: Space Sickness
« Reply #2 on: 10/23/2018 04:37 pm »
Those are great resources!! Thank you very much.
"One bit of advice: it is important to view knowledge as sort of a semantic tree -- make sure you understand the fundamental principles, ie the trunk and big branches, before you get into the leaves/details or there is nothing for them to hang on to." - Elon Musk
"There are lies, damned lies, and launch schedules." - Larry J


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