Ahora vendrá la prueba con el VEx-5. Culminada esa etapa, será el turno del modelo tecnológico y luego el operativo del Tronador II, de cara a septiembre de 2015.
Scheduled:Date - Satellite(s) - Rocket - Launch Site (Country) - Time (UTC)2015TBD - TBD - Pengorbitan-1 (RPS-01) - Lapan (Indonesia)
TBD - TBD - ORBIT - Puerto Belgrano (Argentina)
QuoteTBD - TBD - ORBIT - Puerto Belgrano (Argentina)Orbit no longer exists. In an open door day at Moron AFB last year there were news of a Sirio(a star´s name) small launcher by 2016 end. IMHO probably from Chamical or Mar Chiquita launch pads already owned by AF.Sirio was described as a 4+1+1 3-stage rocket: a cluster of 4 56 cm as 1st stage and the other 2 stages of 56 cm diameter rockets each
Rocket Lab is a US corporation with a New Zealand subsidiary