VENUS is currently scheduled for launch in 2011 (1st quarter).See here: From this site you could get the impression, that VENUS was originally planned to launch piggy-back on a Ariane 5:'t know if that is still the plan (or ever was), but I have a hard time imagining what sense it would make to launch a polar satellite piggy-back on a GTO trajectory. If the launch is in 2011, they could surly use VEGA.
Just found this new sign of life from Tsyklon-4. Including User guide! So this project really seems to make some progress...
According to this orbital launches from Inonesia's Enggano Island will take place on 2014.
"This one, which will consist of four stages, will be part of an RPS-01 rocket to put a satellite in orbit," Soewarto said.He said LAPAN had earlier successfully tested the flights of RX-320 and RX-420 rockets whose components would be used to build a RPS-01 rocket to carry a satellite to an orbit around earth.The rockets, he said, would be the prototypes of satellite carrying rockets to be launched in 2014.