We are excited to have made a ton of progress on our first of three attempts on our path to orbit! We are incredibly proud of our team; we will review the data, make changes and launch Rocket 3.2, which is nearly complete.
In a virtual press briefing, Astra officials say the guidance system issue that introduced a roll oscillation on the Rocket 3.1 flight last night will likely be fixable with a software update.Astra says the next launch with Rocket 3.2 is likely before the end of the year.
Launch dates/times and NOTMAR and water area restrictions for Astra – P128Mission P128 will launch from Alaska Aerospace’s Pacific Spaceport Complex Alaska (PSCA) Launch Pad LP-3B atNarrow Cape, Kodiak, Alaska with a window of 07 December - 18 December 2020 (local).Each day will have a launch time window of 1000 – 1330 hours Alaska Standard Time (1900 – 2230 hours UTC), whichencompasses debris times, on a launch azimuth of approximately 195 degrees.
Things are heating up! Here’s a look at Rocket 3.2’s final static fire test ahead of our December 7th launch. Rocket 3.2 is powered by five Delphin electric-pump-fed engines. Made in-house, each engine produces over 6,500 lbs. of thrust.
030520Z DEC 20NAVAREA XII 547/20(16,19).GULF OF ALASKA. NORTH PACIFIC. ALASKA. 1. HAZARDOUS OPERATIONS, ROCKET LAUNCHING 071900Z TO 072230Z DEC, ALTERNATE 1900Z TO 2230Z DAILY 08 THRU 18 DEC IN AREAS BOUND BY: A. 57-25-33N 152-30-08W, 57-26-31N 152-29-42W, 57-25-44N 152-20-52W, 57-29-08N 152-17-37W, 57-26-31N 152-06-11W, 54-39-35N 153-28-13W, 54-40-40N 153-43-32W. B. 44-49-26N 158-54-28W, 44-18-19N 156-09-28W, 40-39-53N 157-24-22W, 41-15-40N 160-08-24W.2. CANCEL THIS MSG 182330Z DEC 20.
🚀 Update: Rocket 3.2 will be launching no earlier than Dec 10th with a launch window from 11am to 2pm PT
The launch has slipped to Dec. 11, per temporary flight restrictions.https://tfr.faa.gov/save_pages/detail_0_1349.html
🚀 Update: Rocket 3.2 will be launching no earlier than Dec 11th with a launch window from 11am to 2pm PT
Saturn and Jupiter have joined us for tomorrow's launch of Rocket 3.2 😍
We will live tweet, but no livestream this time. We aim to turnaround a video shortly after flight.
We're 47 minutes from the launch window opening; as of this posting there is no new Astra Tweet.
Launch window is now open, so launch should be happening about now.
Quote from: TweetWe will begin tweeting at T-15 minutes!
We will begin tweeting at T-15 minutes!
🚀 Launch update: due to weather, our next opportunity will be on Monday, Dec 14th. In the meantime, enjoy this aerial view from @johnkrausphotos