Why would a replacement SIB stage need to use two F-1s? Why not just use one F-1A?
In reading about Saturn IB, there were a lot of replacements proposed, from solid first stages of single 260 inch monolithic motors to clusters of 120 inch motors from Titan III. I don't think any of them were particularly realistic or even desirable. Intuitively, the amalgamation of clustered tanks and small kerolox H-1 engines and heavy stage weight looks terribly inefficient, and in a way it is, but on the other hand, it was PAID FOR and design and development of a new system is VERY expensive! From what I've read, the performance improvements of a "dual propellant tank" Saturn IB replacement probably wouldn't have justified the development costs in capability or cost savings over continuing with the standard Saturn IB.
INT-21 is basically what launched Skylab, and had 75mt to LEO, and then obviously Saturn V had 110mt. to LEO.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_INT-21
the last Apollo CSM delivered was Apollo 17's CSM-114 on 24 March 1971, and the production line would have shut down a bit before that delivery date; as subsystem providers finished out their contracts.
Quote from: Kaputnik on 09/04/2011 04:50 pmWhy would a replacement SIB stage need to use two F-1s? Why not just use one F-1A?A single F-1A would have 1.7 to 1.8 mlbf of thrust -- Saturn IB's S-IB had 1.6~ mlbf of thrust.While going to a S-IC style tank architecture instead of clustering would save a lot of booster weight, you'd still have to unload mass from the Apollo CSM to put it into LEO. Well, that and you would not have a performance margin in case of an underperforming engine or one that cuts out early.Also, having 86,000 lbs to LEO enables you to be able to launch a fully fuelled CSM with 12+ day independent endurance; along with an orbital module for extra workspace/cameras/scientific experiments without having to break out Saturn V.
Basically this entire exercise is predicated on the idea that "shuttle will cost too much to develop; there's no sense in doing it on the cheap, so let's improve incrementally what we have and use that. So I doubt that new twin F-1 booster stages can be justified, or new upper stages. Streamlining the program, simplifying production of F-1, and incrementally improving and simplifying the construction of existing stages would seem the way to go. S-ID mods could have been incorporated as an "incremental improvement" to the thrust structure of S-IC, so it's FAR more likely than any new S-IB replacement first stage. Later! OL JR
I'm confused about that page. Why would a 6g limit give less payload than a 4.68g limit?
I was under the impression that the design goal for F-1A was 2 million lb thrust at sl, although Mark Wade puts it at 1.8.
Surprisingly, it appears that a single F-1A would weigh considerably more than eight H1 engines- does this seem correct or do the published numbers not take adequate account of thrust structure etc?
The main advantage, I would see, is that your workhorse manned launched would utilise the same class of engine as you would need to one day return to the moon. Plus you have the reliability of one engine per stage.
Quote from: Jason1701 on 09/06/2011 06:11 pmI'm confused about that page. Why would a 6g limit give less payload than a 4.68g limit?The figures shown for the 4.68-g case appear to be in pounds rather than kilograms. The Saturn V "A" derivative described in the attached report appears to be identical to the INT-20; 4.68-g and 6.0-g payload figures are given on page 5.I've contacted Mark Wade about this error a couple of times. Although he has replied to me on other topics, I've never received a reply on this topic.
I'm trying to do dig it up, but I recall a trial balloon floated in the mid-80s whereby Apollo CMs would be re-started to fly atop Titans. I can't recall whether this was to replace Shuttle, or simply to serve as ACRVs.
You'd probably want to keep the acceleration under 4.68 G anyway as not the over stress the payload or the launch vehicle.